Today was a very exciting Friday. The children looked amazing in their red outfits, and the sun was out to add to the atmosphere.

In RE, we thought about how raising money for Red Nose Day shows that we represent Jesus. We considered the verses from 2 Corinthians 9 – “Each one must give as he has decided in his heart, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.” We talked about charity and that doing what is beneficial for everyone, not just ourselves, should be part of our lives, in the same way that Jesus did good for others as part of his daily life. Jesus used the gifts he had to help others; and we can be like Jesus by sharing what we have. This doesn’t need to be huge gestures or large sums of money, but actions and contributions which we can do willingly and happily, like Jesus did for us.
Year 3 has its own rockstars! Neve and Austin were two of the band members in the Rocksteady workshop today. The rest of us provided the backing percussion and singing and we all had a great time. I was very proud of year 3 as they joined in with gusto and volume and then returned to thoughtful, calm learning in the classroom. Well done, year 3: a exciting and productive day to end the week with. Wishing you all a relaxing weekend and let’s hope the sun stays out.