News from Year 1 – shapes, shapes and more shapes!

This week has been another busy week for Year 1. In PE this week, we played our first ever game of dodgeball. It was great fun and we enjoyed putting our throwing skills into practice.

In RE we have been finishing off our topic of Special People. We have been learning who were special people for Jesus and why he was also a special person. We will be moving onto our next topic, Meals in preparation for Lent. Keep your eyes peeled for the updated RE blog post soon.

In Science, we have been describing how materials of objects we have found around the classroom feel. We have been using lots of exciting adjectives such as ‘squishy’, ‘bendy’ and ‘stretchy’. This has then linked nicely to our learning about 3D shapes in Maths this week. We have been looking for different 3D shapes in everyday objects around the classroom.

As we have a lovely parent reading volunteer now starting with us in Year 1, most of the children’s reading books will be changed on a Monday. Please discount the stickers that have been stuck in your child’s reading records about book changing days. This does not apply anymore. The rest of the class will change their books throughout the week with Mrs Ruffell.

Have a restful weekend,

Miss Battams 🙂