Reception Home Learning – 11.02.21

Good morning Reception parents and children,

Below are my home learning ideas for today. 

Chinese New Year

The year of the ox

Explain to your child that each new Chinese year has a different animal sign.  This means that each person born in the year is represented by one of twelve animals. The zodiac signs include the rat, ox, tiger, rabbit, dragon, snake, horse, goat, monkey, rooster, dog and pig.

This year is the year of the ox.  The Ox is the second animal in the Chinese Animal Zodiac. It is second, because, during a legendary race the Ox was kind, and gave the Rat a lift on its back. Only then to be cheated of his win, by the Rat jumping off his back and ahead of the Ox in order to secure first place. A cunning Rat, and a trusting Ox.

 Watch this short video ‘Happy New Year 2021! Happy Chinese New Year of the Ox!’  It illustrates Chinese writing and Chinese music.

Your child may ask you ‘What is an ox?’  Here’s a little explanation:

Let’s get creative

Encourage your child to create an ox using recycled materials.  Using different types of recycled objects enables children to learn about the basic properties of everyday materials – such as plastic, paper, cardboard, metal and wood – through a hands-on approach.  Children are learning how materials work, how they fix together and how they can be used to fulfil ideas.  This is engineering and engineering thinking.

Be really creative and search around the house for unusual objects that you do not need any more.  Provide and variety of different resources to help your child fix items together, such as scissors, tape, glue, string, ribbon, and malleable materials such as clay or playdough. I usually turn boxes inside out; this allows the children to paint or decorate the box. 

Don’t expect your child’s model to be as picture perfect as the above examples.  The main purpose of the activity is to encourage your child to use their ideas and let their imagination run wild.

Alternatively, your child may wish to make a Happy Chinese New Year card and have a go at Chinese writing. 

Chinese cooking/food

I have posted on the Memo section of Tapestry a recipe card for Hup Toh Soh Chinese cookies you may enjoy making together.  However, you could also buy some Chinese food and enjoy the variety of tastes.

Letters and Sounds

I am good at …..

Encourage your child to write a sentence.  

I am good at …….

To begin, talk to your child about things they are good at.  For example, ‘I am good at art’, ‘I am good at jumping’ or ‘I am good at cooking’.

Model writing for your child.  Remind your child of ‘oo’ sound.  If your child wishes to write a word ending in ‘ing’, explain to your child to write ‘i’ and the ‘ng’ sound.

As usual, encourage your child to use their sound mat for support and write the sounds he or she can hear and knows. Also, remeber finger spaces.

This activity is to encourage your child’s independent writing, so celebrate their efforts and use of sounds even if not spelt correctly.  The idea is that the words spelt match the sounds they can hear and they can read back their writing.


Create your own map

Watch this Go Jetters tv programme which explains some features of a map.

Ask your child to design a space; their ideal bedroom, a theme park etc.  Encourage your child to represent some of the items in the space as shapes of symbols, they could even try and add a key.

Your child may like to make their own treasure map.  A great idea shared by one of our children is to colour the map using a wet tea bag.  This gives the map a very authentic look.

I look forward to hearing all about your child’s home activities.

Nicola Palmer