Good morning everyone,
I hope you had a good bank holiday weekend and enjoyed the VE Day celebrations. As usual, I will begin my week by sharing your home learning and my plans for the week ahead. This week’s story suggestion from the children is Elmer the Patchwork Elephant.
Religious Education
Please find below links to Mr Bedford’s weekly worship assembly and also a short ten minute assembly from TenTen Resources.
Letters and Sounds
Sentence Builder
In this game give your child one word (eg. hot) and ask your child to make up a sentence using that word.
Use your child’s word strips or word bag. This activity is particularly useful for tricky words.
For further challenge – ask your child to write their sentence – remember encourage your child to write independently, using their sound mat and sounds that the children have learnt so far.
Here is a great example of a shopping list using the children’s current phonic knowledge.
Word Challenge
Your child can learn their words in their word bag in a variety of ways! Whatever inspires your child is great. In this picture, the idea was to read as many words in a minute using the timer.
Hand and finger skills
As always, keep challenging your child to develop the small muscles in their hands and fingers to increase pen control and writing skills.
Number Bingo
A great idea to help learn numeral recognition.
Recognising Numerals
A game outside searching for numbers written in chalk and a shape hunt.
Learning about capacity
A good water play activity. Learn about capacity by counting how many small buckets or pots will fill a larger container.
Little Red Riding Hood
I would like to share some of the children’s learning following last week’s story of Little Red Riding Hood. I’m really pleased your children enjoyed it.
Puppet Show
Story Map
Always great to encourage your child to label their drawings and build on their writing skills. This is the first page of a Little Red Riding Hood book.
VE Day
Creating decorations
Word web
Jar of Happiness
To end my blog today I thought I would share this cheerful thought. A jar to gather ‘after lock down’ ideas to look forward to.
Many thanks for all your posts on Tapestry. I look forward to hearing all about your learning this week.
Nicola Palmer