Week Beginning 9th November 2020
This week I have given the children hard copies of the work I want them to complete although I have posted copies of this work on Google Classroom.
English Comprehension /RE
The reading comprehension is based around the recent RE homework. As the answer sheets ( which will be stuck in their RE books) will form part of an assessment, I suggest that the answers are written as fully as possible.
The children have got a hard copy of worksheet 11 to complete and bring back to school.
Spare copies plus extension work and less demanding tasks are posted on the google class page.
Week Beginning 5 October 2020
(This week’s homework documents are on the Year 5 Google Classroom)
For maths this week I have set a challenge based on a maths no problem task – The children can record their answers directly on the computer document using google class.
The English homework is an exercise on persuasive language.
I have recieved many wonderful collages of your families which are currently on display in my classroom. I have put the next RE Topic’s HW on the RE link (Topic is Life Choices) .
Week beginning 27 September 2020
The work is posted on the Google Classroom.
This week I have given English homework on Relative Clauses to improve sentences and some maths work on addition (worksheet 3 Maths No problem).
There is also a reminder to complete any unfinished work on the Solar System and too replenish their pencil cases if necessary.
Week beginning 20 September 2020
This week I have given English homework on prepositions to improve sentences and some maths work on rounding (worksheet 12 Maths No problem).
There is also an RE Assignment on the Ourselves Topic ( see RE Home learning)
All the relevant information for the homework has been posted on the Year 5 Google Classroom.
Week beginning Monday 7 September 2020
Most homework will be via Google Classroom or using other web based applications such as Mymaths, J2E, Sumdog and Curriculum Visions.
The home work this week will be an exercise on place value on Mymaths and some research using Curriculum Visions ( they have been asked to read up to page 7 in the “Earth in Space” text book but there are also many videos and related books which they can use if they want to do more in depth research).
They have been given paper copies of the login details for both Curriculum Visions and Mymaths.
Week Beginning Monday 18 May2020
Here is an overview of the weekly tasks:
Mr Sallis will continue to set work in Maths and British Values.
English – We will conclude our work on Carrie’s War this week with comprehension exercise and opportunities to share our artwork.
RE – On the Transformation Topic, we will do work on The Fruits of the Holy Spirit.
Science- Para chutes/ spinners investigation
Geography – New York – Housing
History – Linked to Carrie’s War
Art – Linked to Carrie’s War
There will be some optional half term activities set over half term.
As a class we would like to share with you some of what we have been up to – However, for internet safety reasons and file download limitations – this work can be accessed on the Google Classroom only.
Music – Mrs Goldsmith has provided us with an optional music activity
Mrs Hayes has kindly sourced some additional RE resources
Friday 1st May
This week, the children have been working on Sumdog and our class was overall Hertfordshire Champions.
Three of our class, Sophie, Daniella and Sophie each received a special certificate from Sumdog in recognition of their efforts. I have attached the league tables.
Last week I posed a really tricky problem where the children had to come up with methods for separating a mixture of sand, salt , iron filings, marbles and sawdust.
The attachment shows some of their ingenious ideas.
Attached to the google classroom is a copy of a Powerpoint on Pentecost and a link for a free book from Rainbows about the Lockdown.
Email – Kevin Creaton – Outlook
It just remains for me to say, thank you for supporting you child through this difficult period and wishing you a happy and healthy weekend.
FRIDAY 24 April.
This week, an incident in Carrie’s War, has inspired us to write about own strange object descriptions.
Here is some of the work that was sent back to me.
I have been very impressed by the work that has been coming in during what can only be described as difficult times. As I did not allocate any HTA on the last week of term I am nominating the following for consistently producing high quality work :
Joe Aidan Josh Natalie
Well done!
Here Comes the Summer!
Each morning, work will be posted on Google Classroom giving the assignments for the day but I strongly suggest that children begin each day with the Joe Wicks daily exercise video.
AS all children are now members of the Year 5 Google Classroom, this post will not be routinely updated. Most current information will be found on the Year 5 Google Classroom Stream.
IMPORTANT –These are difficult and unusual times and every household will have their own constraints and circumstances. Whilst I set these tasks to help give structure each day to your child’s learning, it is unrealistic to think that every child will be able to complete every task to a deadline. As parents, you are best placed to decide what is appropriate for your child at this time and if any task is causing anxiety, or your child has reached a bit of a ‘dead – end’ with it, then I suggest you do something much more constructive such as reading, playing, chatting, art etc.
Week Beginning 20 April 2020
This week we will have the following focii:
English – Mainly continuing with our story – Carrie’s War
Maths – Fractions – This work will be set by Mr Sallis who has also provided you with links to the Maths-No-Problem Resources.
I will also be enrolling the class into a new Sumdog challenge.
British Values – Each week there will – this week’s topic is Democracy
Geography- Continuing with our New York Project.
History – (linked with English) Looking at the lives of children evacuated during WW2.
Science – Separating substances
PE – As well as Joe Wicks, it is important that children keep active by playing and exercising. Each day on the google classroom, I will be inviting the children to update the Year 5 online Activity Tracker.
RE- We have started a new Topic – Transformation. There is lots of information about it in the attachments below.
Also, The Wednesday Word is available from the school website.
The children have also written some poems about the Seaside – attached is a selection.
Mr Creaton
Work for 27 March
Hi Everyone
Today’s work can be found on Google Classroom .
Main tasks include – Evaluating and high lighting instruction ( Success Criteria Provided)
Costing the carpet tiles for a bedroom.
Main tasks include – Redrafting Tea instruction ( Success Criteria Provided)
This week’s homework and last week’s answers will be posted shortly.
Work for 26 March
Costing the skirting board for a bedroom.
Mr Creaton
Work for 25 March.
As usual, today’s work is detailed on the Google Classroom.
After a Joe Wicks warm up, we are continuing with our tea-making instructions, making a bedroom plan in maths and some more work on New York in Google Slides ( for Geography). As always, I suggest you find time to read a book of your choice.
Work for 23 March
I have put an instruction writing activity (on tea) and maths problem sheet on the Google classroom.
Home Learning 20 March 2020
For home learning I have assigned on the google classroom the following:
A comprehension task on Blackpool and a maths problem around the word- ABRACADABRA.
I would also suggest that the children choose a book from our Curriculum visions virtual library to read.
These are very unusual circumstances but I hope all of you have a restful weekend.
Take care ,
Mr Creaton
I have set work for today on the google classroom:
A spelling exercise on the i before e rule and a fair-based maths problem sheet .
All but three of the children in the class have accepted the invitation to join the google classroom and I urge those three to join as soon as possible.
When posting comments on the google classroom, please be mindful of what you say. – we see everything you write. It is best to stick to commenting directly on the task.
Here is a summary of the advice for Year 5
Year 5 should remember that
- they should think carefully about what they post and only post when relevant to the learning (it is not a social media platform!)
- If posting comments they should be respectful and positive
- What they post is seen by everyone in the class including teachers
- their teacher has the power to turn off (mute) their ability to make comments should it become necessary
- They are using a school system and all the usual school expectations about behaviour apply.
To keep you healthy and fit whilst at home .. Joe Wicks has announced he will be doing a live PE lesson Monday – Friday at 9am for children who are off school. It will be uploaded onto his Youtube page.
Happy Mothers’ day From Year 5
To access this video please log into your child’s St Adrian’s Google account.
Year 5 Home Learning Spring 2 Week 2 (Week beginning 13-03-2020)
Mr Sallis maths: Please complete the Worksheets provided on Line Graphs. Make sure you come and see me on either Monday or Tuesday next week if you need help and I will be happy to work with you.
Hello Everyone,
For homework this week I have provided the class with the words to our Mothers’ Day song. Here is a Youtube link to help:
I have given my Maths group a worksheet on Nick Names.
Have a great weekend,
Mr Creaton

Email – Kevin Creaton – Outlook