Year 3

Science Investigation

This week we have conducted our science experiment which was to investigate the changes in the shadow throughout the day. We drew around our shadow at different points of the day. After that we wrote about our findings.


In Maths we have been working on equivalent fractions. Here are some photos of our work.


In our RE lesson we were learning about Judaism, we looked at the importance of the synagogue. We explored the Holy text and we tried on some Kippahs.

Coronation preparations!

Year 4 and school is ready for the big day tomorrow. The children looked stunning, and very cheerful, in their red, white and blue. They drew beautiful illustrations for their display and today designed coins for King Charles and created flags. It was a shame that the weather wasn’t good enough for a proper picnic, but no-body wants a “soggy bottom” and the children enjoyed chatting and having their packed lunches together in the classroom.

As you’ll see from the home learning, one of the ways to help learn how to use apostrophes correctly is by using a “fortune-teller” activity, Some year 4 members show you how below.

We have finished reading “Weslandia” and will start “The Story of Tutankhamun” next week. We will also start learning about decimals.

I hope you all have a wonderful bank holiday weekend with your friends and families.

Year 2 learn about our mayor of St Albans.

This week, we were excited to welcome the mayor of St Albans, Councillor Geoff Harrison and the mace-bearer to St Adrian’s. After learning about the background to this historic role in our city, our head boy and head girl were dressed in the ceremonial robes and looked very smart indeed!

School Council 2022- 2023

 St Adrian’s Mayoral Visit

Today, we welcomed the Mayor of St Albans, Councillor Geoff Harrison and the Mace Bearer Mark to St Adrians. This was a result of the school council writing a letter inviting him to come and speak to us. The school council wanted to know more about local politics so that we might learn some tips which might help the school council be even more effective within our school.

The Mayor firstly gave an assembly to the whole school in the hall. During the assembly, he spoke about how many mayors there have been since the first mayor in 1553.  Councillor Harrison is in fact the 478th mayor of St Albans. The Mayor and the Mace Bearer then showed all of the children how the mayor and Mace bearer are formally dressed by dressing the Head Boy, Aidan as the Mayor and the Head Girl, Emily Jane as the Mace Bearer. We were told that the gold-plated mace dates back to King Charles II and has his initials on it: CR which are the initials of the new King Charles III: Charles Rex.

After the assembly, the school council met with the Mayor, Mrs Gallaher and Mrs Porter in the Macauley room. The school council had many questions for him about a range of issues such ‘does he ever have difficult days and what does he enjoy most about being mayor’. He told us that serving St Albans is a privilege and that being a councillor and on a school council is about volunteering and giving back to the community. 

It certainly has been a privilege to have the Mayor visit St Adrians and to learn from him and the Mace Bearer about how we can make a difference. The school council representatives in Year 5 gave the mayor letters from Year 5 which were written to him during their geography lessons when they were learning about Sustainability and ways we can use renewable sources of energy. The letters ask the Mayor to help St Albans to become a more sustainable city. The mayor was delighted to receive the letters as environmental issues are close to his heart. He said he would read the letters and look into what he can do to help. 

The event was a great success. The school council is now buzzing with ideas of how we can serve our school and help to improve it in so many ways.  Be sure to share your ideas with your school council rep and we will discuss the ideas in future meetings. 

We are your voice!

A creative week

Year 4 have been reusing their sewing skills learnt last year and have really enjoyed making book covers, with fasteners. They look beautiful and I was very proud of the independence and co-operation with which the children completed the task.

The class has also been very creative with their writing, as they started writing a brochure to inform the reader about the lands they have created, inspired by the fantastic book “Weslandia”. The children are now confident, writing interesting noun phrases and starting to use adventurous words from their own reading.

The children have prepared artwork for two different coronations next week – for the Crowning of Mary and for the coronation of King Charles III on Friday.

We have completed the learning about the duration of time and will begin decimals next week.

I hope you all have a very happy May Bank Holiday!

Year 2 learn across the curriculum

This term, we have been busy learning so many different things and here are some of our classroom displays that celebrate our tremendous achievements. Well done Year Two!

Easter Week at School

We have looked at the Easter Story and coloured our palm Sunday crosses. We have learned about different Easter traditions around the world and decorated a German inspired Easter Branch.

View from my desk!

Then the wonderful Easter Gardens arrived and they were a fantastic display.

They were beautifully creative and inspirational. Congratulations to all the children! I wish they were here all the time (the gardens).

It has been such a busy but fruitful term in Year 1. I am looking forward to returning in the Summer term,to hopefully more outdoorsy weather and great learning. I hope you all have a wonderful holiday with crafty fun and outdoor adventures.


Year Two get arty

We have thoroughly enjoyed our Art and Design topic this term. We explored Wassily Kandinsky’s artwork Squares with Concentric Circles and then created our own fantastic artwork using pens, oil pastels, powder paint and clay.

Spring Showers

Its been a week of multiple absences and changeable weather!

In science the class learned about the changes in daylight hours that occur at this time of year, in relation to the Spring Equinox.

It was beautiful in the playground when the sun shone.

Rainbow Bridges

In PE we were practicing skills for rounders. The main teaching point being that when we throw the ball we want the other person to catch it so how can we help them?

Science Week!

For science week, we investigated how we can increase our heart rate. The topic links to our science topic animals including humans. We explored different ways we could stay fit and increase our heart rate. Each group was given a different exercise to do for one minute after the exercise we measured our pulse. Here are some photos of our investigation.