Christmas Jumper Day in Year 4

The children looked very festive in their beautiful jumpers and tops today. Mrs Porter and the year sixes decorated the dining room so it was very colourful and cheerful for Christmas lunch.

This week, the children made their slingshot cars which they finished and tested today.

I hope you all have a lovely weekend and that the Christmas preparations are going well.

Nursery – 08.12.2023

This week the role play was changed into ‘Santa’s’ Workshop’. The children were very excited to get in there and to help Santa wrap presents ready for Christmas.

This week in RE we talked about the word Advent and what it means. We looked at the wreath that we have in class as well as the candles and when we light each one. We lit the first candle and said a prayer.

On Wednesday we had a very special visitor…..

An individual photos is on Tapestry.

On Thursday we came back in from being outside to find something very odd; a puddle of water, an orange and some black pebbles. What could have happened? The children concluded that a Snowman had been into Nursery but because it was too hot he started to melt. We went on a Snowman hunt around the school to see if we could find anything else.

Other photos from this week:

Reception Applications

Please click the link below to apply for a reception place at St.Adrians.

Once you have applied online you will need to fill out a Supplementary Information Form. I have got copies of these in Nursery, please ask if you would like one.

The deadline for reception applications is 15th January 2024.

Important Dates:

Wednesday 13th December – EYFS Christmas Performance 10:00AM

Friday 15th December – Christmas Jumper Day

Monday 18th December – Grandparents Christmas Carols and Tea – 09:30AM

Term finishes at 13:30 on Thursday 21st December

Spring Term starts on Monday 8th January 2024

Have a lovely weekend

Miss Taylor

Nursery 01.12.2023

Our highlight of the week was writing our letters to Santa! The children did a wonderful job of talking to the grown up about what they would like and then drawing a picture. On Wednesday morning we took a short walk to the post box. We hope we get a reply from Santa soon!

More photos can be found on Tapestry.

In RE this week we talked about Birthdays and how we celebrate them. We read Kipper’s Birthday and decided to have a birthday party for Kipper in class.

In maths this week we continued looking at the number 2. We helped matched digits to objects, collected objects and on Friday we went on a ‘2 objects’ hunt in the hall which the children really enjoyed.

Today the children went to their first Dressing of the Tree assembly, they sat really well and enjoyed watching as the tree was decorated.

Other photos from this week:

This week the children took home their Rudolph Christmas card sample, the children completed these a couple of weeks ago and really enjoyed having their hand painted, creating a nose, eyes and lots of green and red dots to make it really Christmassy.

If the children would like to write their friends Christmas cards there is a post box in class for them to post them in to which we will empty regularly.

The children have chosen their KrisKringles (Christmas Friend) today. I look forward to seeing the gifts come in and we will pop them under the tree in the last week of term and give out on the last day. Please could they all be in school by Friday 15th.

Important Dates:

Saturday 2nd December – Christmas Fayre 12:30-15:30

Wednesday 13th December – EYFS Christmas Performance 10:00AM

Friday 15th December – Christmas Jumper Day

Monday 18th December – Grandparents Christmas Carols and Tea – 09:30AM

Term finishes at 13:30 on Thursday 21st December

Have a lovely weekend

Miss Taylor

3rd November 2023

This week we have been learning about part – whole models and writenumber sentences.

We have also learned about Guy Fawkes and the Gunpowder Plot.

Year 2 worship

This week, the children attended the All Saints service at St Bart’s. They thoroughly enjoyed the service and sang beautifully. It was lovely to see the Year 6 children accompany the Year 2s and they had lots to chat about on the way to and from church! Back in class, the children learned about their class saint, Saint Teresa of Calcutta and they then wrote a prayer to help them live their lives in a more saintlike way.

October 20th

We have reached the end of a very busy half-term. Its been a great start to the year. The children have all settled into the class very well and we have already made great progress. These are a few snaps of this afternoon in choosing time. Lego and the writing area the being the hot-spots!

Year 2 enjoy our playground

Our infant playground is a wonderful place to play and we all enjoy spending time there. It’s great for our wellbeing and this week, we have been thinking about all the different things that we can do together in our fun outdoor space.

Nursery – 29.09.2023

We have had a busy week in nursery and we have tried lots of things for the first time….

On Monday afternoon we did our first RHE lesson where we talked about God and how he created our wonderful world. We learnt that on Day 1 of Creation God said ‘Let there be light’ and there was. The children each had a piece of card to represent the dark and then stuck on yellow pieces to represent the light.

We had a go at ‘Dough Disco’ this week, the children have each got their own pot of playdough and they copy the movements on the screen, a great way to get those fingers moving ready for writing. The children are having a go at opening the pot themselves and getting the dough out.

We also did some Yoga for the first time…

In maths this week we have been exploring different colours, we helped monster on the screen to identify the correct colours and then we had a go at sorting some colours in class….

On Friday we went on a colour hunt around the school, we found colour in lots of places both inside and outside and ticked them off on our sheet…

Other photos from this week…

Next week we have Little City visiting us for a morning of fun in the hall.

Thank you again for all the lovely family photos and baby photos, the baby photos are up in the baby clinic role play and I can hear the children talking to their friends about the pictures.

Have a good weekend

Miss Taylor

Stone Age time travellers

Our school trip to Celtic Harmony was a journey back in time to the Stone Age period, where we immersed ourselves in the daily life of Stone Age people. Our adventure began with den making where we worked collaboratively and built a shelter with sticks and branches. We then delved into the ancient art of Stone Age fire making.

As the day progressed, we explored the Stone Age diet, which consisted of nettle and herb soup. It was a day filled with hands-on learning and unforgettable experiences.