Year Six Superstars!

What a week it has been for Year Six!

On Wednesday, our hard work together paid off when we shared our performance of Craig Hawes’ ‘Porridge’ with our friends in school and with our families . The children did themselves proud and it was a joy to watch their performances, their singing and their dancing. Here are some photos of the cast.

After visiting our new secondary schools on Thursday, we were back on Friday to get our end of year reports and SAT results. We are very proud of all of the children – their hard work and progress has been amazing!

It is hard to believe that we are heading in to the final week of the summer term and the final week of primary school too. There is still lots to look forward too and we hope that our parents will join us for the leavers’ mass on Wednesday and our graduation assembly next Friday.

Have a fantastic week-end!

This week in year 4

The sun chose the right day to appear this week and all the children in year 4 competed brilliantly. I am always impressed by the way the children at St Adrians throw themselves into all sporting activities with gusto and confidence.

The children in year 4 have really peaked with their writing this week and are writing some stunning stories, based on “The Mermaid of Zennor”, when they retell the story from the point of view mermaid (or merrymaid, as they say in Cornwall). The story and text by Charles Causley are beautiful and inspirational and have really captured the children’s imagination. I look forward to what they are reading and love seeing the way they are changing the order of clauses in a sentence or using language they’ve read in their own books.

Another book we are enjoying is “The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe”, when the children read different parts out loud to the class. They read with expression and good pace.

With two weeks left of year 4, the children will start bringing things home. Please could you send one (or two) very strong, roomy plastic bags, or the “everlasting” shopping bags on the last Monday of term – the 15th July – and we will send books home one day that week.

Please could you also dig out any library books, school reading book and, class reading books which could be anywhere in your house. We will be doing a check of which library books are out against which children and will need to ask for replacements for any which are missing. Next Friday, 12th July, will be our last visit to the library.

Thank you very much for digging these all out, so future children can benefit from them.

I hope you all have a wonderful weekend and look forward to hearing about the Gaelic football event next week.

Nursery – 05.07.2024

This week the children took part in Sports day and it was brilliant, the children were fantastic in the team games around the field and running on the track! Well done everyone!

Important Dates

Thursday 11th – Transition Morning. The nursery children will spend the morning in their new classroom with Mrs Solakova.

Friday 12th – Reading Morning

Wednesday 17th – Teddy Bears Picnic. Bring your favourite teddy to school. We will have a picnic out on the field.

Friday 19th – Last day of term – school finishes 11:45/13:30.

Have a lovely weekend

Miss Taylor

Year 3: History/ Open Evening

We spent an incredible day exploring life in the 16th century, focusing on the catastrophic event of the Great Fire of London. We learnt how the fire spread, examined maps to track its path, and used our archaeological skills to dig up and analyse artefacts, which provided us with valuable insights into what happened.

Throughout the day, we participated in a variety of engaging activities, such as candle making, sewing, creating our own ink, making perfume, and experimenting with herbs to craft medicine, among many others. A huge thank you to all the volunteers, your assistance was invaluable, and the day would not have been possible without you!

On Wednesday, we also hosted an open day to celebrate our achievements over the past year. Thank you to everyone who joined us and supported our work.

Baking, biking and celebrations in Y6

The term is racing by now and we are busy rehearsing for end of school production – the children have worked hard to learn lines, songs and dances and now we have taken our practices to the stage to try our hand at acting!

Despite all of this, we have still found time to complete the Bikeability course and bake biscuits in maths and set up our class to show off lots of our learning from the year so far. It was great to be able to welcome so many families to our class on Wednesday evening. If you weren’t able to make it, here are a couple of photographs of our class.

Nursery – 28.06.2024

This week in maths we explored ‘what comes next’. We helped bunny work out what number comes next by using a dice and a number track. On Tuesday we played a game of missing number – the children had to work out which number was missing and find the missing number on their number fan. On Thursday we were given a number and had to work out which number came next to make a number line.

In RE this week we talked and thought about God’s Wonderful world. We remembered our RHE learning from autumn term and talked about the things God made during the 7 days of Creation. We listened to Louis Armstrong’s very lovely song ‘What a wonderful world’.

Important Dates

Tuesday 2nd July – EYFS Sports Day – 10:00AM. Please enter school via the KS2 gate. Nursery children will need to wear white polo shirt, blue/black shorts or leggings and trainers. Children will need to wear their school cap.

Friday 5th July – Reading Morning


Children need a blue school hat.

Water bottles need to have fresh water every day.

Have a lovely weekend

Miss Taylor

Sport in the sun!

The numbers in year 4 have been depleted this week, with District Sports and The “World Games” taking place. A massive well done to all the year four children who competed at Westminster Lodge, did brilliantly well in their heats and representing the school in good sporting style. Thank you to Mr Creaton and Miss Allen for taking them there. Miss Allen was quite hoarse this morning after all her cheering! I look forward to hearing all about it on Monday.

Let’s all hope the sun stays out this weekend so we can enjoy sometime outside at last!

Creating a little bit of Kew back in class

This week year 4 used their creative skills to design a pavilion based on what we saw at Kew Gardens. They had fantastic ideas and showed outstanding teamwork when working in pairs to build their pavilions. Joining “lolly sticks” together to make a design a reality is quite a challenge and the children rose to the challenge.

We have started reading a new, wonderful book called “The Mermaid of Zennor” and the children wrote some beautiful, original descriptions of the scene in the church with the mysterious lady sitting at the back.

Racing through the Maths topics now, the children are calculating with money. We all use cash very little these days. If you are out and about near shops this weekend, it would be useful to buy some things using cash (if the shop will let you!) Also, just looking carefully at how prices are set out on the shelves would be useful.

Sadly, the weather isn’t forecast to improve much but I hope the chilly weather doesn’t stop you all having a lovely weekend with your family, whatever you do.

Full steam ahead in Year Six

In our French lessons, we have been expanding our vocabulary to talk and write about things ‘dans ma ville’. The children made triaramas to show what they have learnt with Mme Dembek.

We hope that many of you were able to join us for the Father’s Day assembly on Friday and that the children continue to show their appreciation for all who care for them, especially their dads, this Sunday.

Next week, we are looking forward to both the district sports and our Bikeability lessons. We will also be busy baking in maths and continuing to rehearse for our end of school production. In learning about other faiths in RE, we will also be learning about Sikhism. There’s never a dull moment…

Have a lovely weekend.

Year 2 explore habitats at Rye Meads

The Year 2 children all had a wonderful visit to RSPB Rye Meads.  The rain kept away and we were rewarded with lots of minibeasts in a range of habitats including woodland, meadow and pond.  The children had many questions and the air was filled with excited voices as the children found so many interesting creatures. A fabulous time was had by all and we are very grateful for all of the parents who accompanied us on the trip as we could not have gone without you! Scroll through the photos to see just how eager to learn we are!