We have been learning that books both fiction and nonfiction are so interesting. Books can transport us to other worlds, they can teach us new things and they can inspire us. Mr Sallis gave us some new books celebrating diversity called Little Leaders : Exceptional Men and Women Black History . These books tell us about some inspirational people who made a difference in the world.
This week the children helped me move and created a more welcoming reading area in the classroom which we have already begun to use.
Many of the children came into school dressed as book characters. Can you tell who they are?
The children also brought in their favourite stories and books and shared them with each other which reminded us about just how much sharing a story can be.
Over the next week, why not see if you can complete the reading stars game. In how many different ways and in different places can you be found reading?
The children in year 5 will develop these skills through a game which was novel to most of the class – Danish Longball (also known as Swedish longball). This is a fun-packed game to practise the skills of batting/kicking, catching and running while also being a good team player and sportsperson. It’s like crickets and rounders but the pace is faster and (nearly) everyone is involved. The diagram below shows what the play area typically looks like. This week year got the hang of running to first base and back to home to score a point while the fielders passed the ball to each other as quickly as they could. We are looking forward to introducing more rules in the coming weeks as well as running around in what will surely be warmer weather, cheering each other on to team success.
In the meantime, other classes are enjoying a return to gymnastics, indoors. It’s been a long time since children could enjoy jumping, balancing and rolling in the gym and it’s fantastic to be doing these activities again. It’s essential that children are attired safely and comfortably for gymnastic activities, so please make sure your children have gym shorts and T-shirts in school all the time for whenever they are needed. Thank you for your support.
Safer Internet Day takes place every February. It’s a great opportunity to celebrate all the amazing things we all do online; and also to find a different way, each year, for everyone to safe online. This year the theme is being respectful and maintaining good relationships when playing games online.
As a show of hands in the morning’s “kick-off” assembly showed, nearly everyone in the school loves playing online games: there was palpable excitement as the children thought of it! And every device is used to play games on. All the more reason to make sure we can all enjoy a favourite hobby while keeping ourselves and everyone else safe!
We want gaming to be a fun, respectful way of spending some time, according to each family’s rules. What we do online should make our online friends post emojis like these
We discussed the questions “Should you behave as well towards your friends online as well as you do offline? Why?“, “If you’re online and no-one knows your identity, can you behave how you like?” and, perhaps the most difficult one, “If someone else makes the wrong choice and doesn’t show respect, what can -or should – you do in response?”
Following are some photos of children completing activities in their classrooms and a few photos of the sharing assembly at the end of the day. As well as developing understanding of online safety, the activities provided opportunities for collaborative learning and creative writing.
We hope you enjoy finding out about what the children have learnt about the essential topic of internet safety.
At the end of the day the children shared what they had learnt with the rest of the school.
Reception learnt the Smartie the penguin song which tells us, “Before you click, click, click, make sure you think, think, think – and tell someone.”
Year 1 learnt about what it’s OK to share online and what not to. You can share non-personal things, such as the colour of your socks, or your favourite fast food, but not your full name or where you go to school.
Year 2 wrote “spells for internet kindness”. They learnt that whenever we play online games, we need to be prepared to show respect even if other people make wrong choices.
Year 3 wrote “gaming guides”. Some advice about what you can do online is the same as what you can offline – for example, don’t give out personal information like your address to someone you’ve never spoken to before or met.
Year 4 played “roll a story”, where they acted out given scenarios – such as your friends have fallen out during an online game – and then found ways to resolve the problem.
Year 5 discussed good and bad decisions in online behaviour, including how hard it can be to make the right choices.
Year 6 also considered the different scenarios in “roll a story” and made posters informing people how to resolve situations, based on these predicaments.
All the activities provided the children with opportunities to discuss the issues, focusing on solutions and remembering that online games are a source of fun and communication for nearly everyone.
Year 2 wrote some spells for a kinder internet.
We all stirred up the spells in our cauldrons and recorded them. Here are some of our spells. Can you think of any other ingredients we should add?
This Friday, bones and numbers featured highly. Year 3 practised their times tables by playing a “four in a row” dice game. They all looked great in their number-themed home clothes
We also played a quick game of “The product is…. what’s the equation?” You had to find at least two multiplication equations (excluding 1 x ….!) to make the answer. Products used included 24, 36 and 30. How many possibilities can you find at home?
We continued to learn about skeletons in science, this time the human skeleton. On seeing an image of a human skeleton on the whiteboard, a very astute member of the class asked, “Is that an adult or child skeleton? Because an adult has more bones than a child.” What a fantastic science question to ask! We learnt the Latin, or scientific versions of the names for different bones. Can you remember which one is called which name?
We also practised the mostly commonly mispelt words from the spelling assessment, so well done everyone for learning these as home.
As well as snowing, there were cakes at the end of the day. What a fantastic Friday!
The children in year 6 have made a brilliant start to programming with Logo, which is part of the J2E suite of online applications. Logo builds on Visual, which Year 4 are using and this in turn leads on from applications like JiT5, which Year 2 used to direct sprites in different scenarios. If you have a child in year six, you could ask your child to show you their programs and to explain what each algorithm does.
What pattern do you think this procedure would create?
repeat 40[repeat 6 [fd 50 rt 60]pu rt 39 pd].
If you are in year 6, or already understand or would like to try out Logo, then have a go at writing this procedure in Logo and see what happens!
Here is just one example of the fantastic programming year sixes can do just now.
JiT5, in KS1, provides opportunities to write algorithms as well as practising directional language in lots of different contexts, such as “The Three Little Pigs” or space.
This animation shows a cat and mouse chase, which involved programming two sprites.
If you would like your child to show you more of these programming tools, or would like to have a go yourself, then ask her/him to log into J2E and take you on a tour! The opportunities to use logic and express individuality in the suite of apps are wide and fascinating.
Our RE topic for the next four weeks is based around the theme of Signs and Symbols.
We will be considering the big question Are signs and symbols important? Why? Please talk about this question with your child, looking for the signs and symbols that the children encounter on the way to and from school.
The children will learn to describe and sequence the baptism service and we will explore the different parts of the sacrament and their significance. We will focus on important symbols associated with baptism, such as the sign of the cross, white garment, font, candle, chrism and Easter candle.
Key words for the topic are: white garment, Easter candle, font, chrism, Good News
Please talk to your child about their own baptism artefacts and how they were used within their baptism.
For their RE home learning, the children are asked to design a baptism candle. Encourage your child to think about what signs and symbols they would like to include on their candle. It would be great if your child could write a key to go with their candle, that explains what each of their chosen symbols mean. Please ensure that your child takes pride in their candle as it would be lovely to make a display of them. These baptism candles should be sent into school by Wednesday 3rd November.
Over the past few weeks Reception children have been introduced to the fact that numbers are made up of other numbers. The children’s understanding has been developed through a sequence of 3 steps.
Step 1 – we began by exploring regrouping a whole into different parts and identifying what values are hidden within numbers.
Children are encouraged to use subitising (recognising a small group of numbers at a glance without counting) when looking at groups of objects. For example, in the photo below rows of 3 and 4 were identified.
Step 2 – we talked about combining parts to create a whole. This is the start of calculating – addition.
The children were encouraged to notice and find different parts that can be combined to make the same whole; concluding that there are lots of different ways to make a total. The photo below illustrates how we used a 10 egg box carton to look at multiple ways of making number 10.
Step 3 – calculating the part of a whole that is missing. This is the introduction of subtraction.
In the photo below the children played a game finding the missing number from a total amount of carrots.
In the photo below the children were given a starting amount (the part), a target to reach (the whole) and they found ‘how many more…?’ (the missing part) when building towers with Duplo.
How to can help at home
Talk about how a collection of toys can be regrouped eg. farm animals, all the animals are part of the whole farm but they could be regrouped into sheep, cows, horses, pigs and farmers (humans). Each group is part of the whole farm. Or 7 vehicles could be regrouped as 4 cars and 3 trucks.
Give your child a target number and, using dominoes, can they try to find all the dominoes that have that number of dots altogether where either side of the domino would become a part. Talk about what they notice if one side of the domino shows 0 dots.
At meal/snack time find the total two groups of items. For example, pears and bananas. Ask your child to find the total initially starting with the pears and then adding the bananas, then starting with the bananas and then adding the pears. Talk about how the order of the fruit doesn’t matter when adding.
Introduce a range of different problems that require your child to calculate a missing part.
How many more…? If we need a snack for four people and there are two bananas, how many more do we need?
How many left…? How many cakes left now that Mummy and Daddy have taken their cake?
What is the difference…? You have three sweets and Mummy has two sweets. What is the difference between the numbers of sweets you have?
Play Kim’s game. Show your child a small collection of different objects on a tray and identify the whole (the total number of items). Hide them all and remove some objects. Reveal the objects left. Can your child calculate how many have been taken – the missing part.
The vocabulary of parts and whole has been emphasised throughout our learning. The children’s understanding of equal, more and less and ‘altogether’ has also been developed to describe the whole.
Maths Challenge
Your child may wish to have a go at the following maths challenge:
Collect a small amount of items outside eg. sticks, leaves, stones (10 items to begin and extend to 20 for extra challenge)
Once there are a few items, explore how they might be grouped.
Create groups and then use subitising to say how many are in each group (if the amounts are small enough).
Talk about the parts and the whole and then count to find the total.
I would love to hear about your child’s mathematical discoveries on Tapestry. We always have fun sharing the children’s home learning in class. This also often inspires their friends to also ‘have a go’!
As part of our Relationships and Health teaching the children discovered how God created the world and why the Bible is so special.
Last week we read the story of creation and talked about how our bodies were created by God. We are all God’s children and part of his special plan.
The children learnt the following song ‘If I were a Butterfly’
You may wish to share the following class prayer at home:
Dear God, You made our amazing world and all the amazing things in it. Thank you for making me and loving me. Help us to take care of ourselves and the world. Amen.
This week the children began to understand that the Bible is special because we are all in it and part of God’s family. In the Bible we hear stories about Jesus and that still has meaning for us today.
We acted out a story from the Bible, Jesus and his disciples during the Last Supper. I washed the children’s feet to show the children how Jesus is our role model. Jesus is showing us a way of behaving, he showed love to his disciples and he wants us to show that love to others.
The children made some great suggestions about how they can show love to others “You can take turns”, “You help tidy up”, “Look after someone who is sad”. I made a suggestion that you can give someone a smile.
You may wish to share the following class prayer at home:
Dear Jesus, Thank you for being my perfect role model. Thank you for loving me. Help me to share that love with others. Amen
Wishing you all a wonderful weekend in God’s amazing world.
We have had a successful start to the Summer term with the children all refreshed and eager to learn.
Our focus story for the next few weeks is a traditional tale, The Three Billy Goats Gruff.
The children have been learning to retell the story as part of our ‘talk for writing’ teaching. They are learning the words superbly and I hope your child will be able to tell you the story at home.
We talked about key words and phrases within the story. The children asked some very interesting questions: ‘Why did the troll want to eat the billy goats gruff?’, ‘Why did the billy goats gruff want to eat the grass on the other side?’, ‘Why were they hungry?’, ‘Why wouldn’t the troll let them go across the river?’ ‘Why did the troll live under the bridge?’.
The children have also enjoyed listening to different versions of the story kindly brought into school by their friends. If you child has a copy of The Three Billy Goats Gruff at home we would love to read it in class.
I hope you’ve all had a great weekend in the sunshine. Please continue to enjoy daily exercise and outdoor activities. Enjoying outdoor activities not only benefits children’s emotional wellbeing but also encourages an active life style.
Please also feel reassured that doing the simple things as a family, such as preparing meals together, helping with the washing, sharing a book and having cinema time at home are just as important in terms of your child’s home learning.
This week we’re going to focus on ‘getting ready’ for school. I have, therefore, reduced other home learning activities to allow parents and children time to relax and adjust in preparation for our return to school.
Personal, social and emotional development
There will be mixed emotions about our return to school next week. Some children will be excited whilst others may feel a little apprehensive. I am sure this is the case for parents too.
Please feel free to contact me either via Tapestry or the School Office if you have any concerns about the return to school. In particular, please let me know if you feel your child may require extra support or if there is anything that I should be aware of prior to our first day. It is important to me that all parents and children feel supported and our first week is a happy time for all.
Happy box
Please create a ‘happy box’ with your child ready to bring into school on Monday, 8 March. We will display the boxes in the classroom for the children to share with each other. This activity is not only great for language skills but will provide a link with home that your child can revisit during the day at school.
You will need:
An empty food packet/any kind of box that can hold a few things. No larger than a shoe box.
What to do:
Start by talking about being happy. What does happy look like? What does happy feel like? Make some happy faces together, maybe looking in a mirror. Draw a smiley face. When they smile or feel happy, do they feel it anywhere else in their body – warm tummy, tingly toes?
Explain that you are going to make a Happy Box – in it you will put 3 things that make you feel happy. You could model this by having your own Happy Box to show them. Talk about the things you put in it and why they make you feel happy.
Ask your child what makes them feel happy? What would they like to put in their box – e.g. a pebble, a photo of Nana, a special toy. Together, go in search of 3 things. Use lots of happy words – smile, laugh, giggle, warm, cosy, joy, cheerful. Chat about why they have chosen each thing.
Your child can put the things in their Happy Box. They might want to decorate the box first – you could talk about what colours make them happy and use felt tips/paint matching their happy colours.
You can refer to the box every so often. Perhaps if your child is feeling sad and needs cheering up, you could suggest you look in their Happy Box and choose one of the things to look at and talk about. Or if they find something else that makes them feel happy, they could add that to the box later.
Top tips:
Don’t include any precious items just in case of loss or damage
Limit to 3/4 items
Box no larger than a shoe box
Name the box and items in the box
This activity will build on your child’s ability to subitise (recognise the amount of objects in a group at a glance without counting). Your child will also to learn that a whole number can be created by combining small parts.
You will need:
A dice Collection of objects eg. dinosaurs, buttons, bricks, pasta
What to do:
Show your child a familiar dot pattern, e.g. the five on a dice. Check they instantly recognise the value.
Ask your child to copy the pattern with objects. Initially use the same objects to make the pattern.
Ask your child ‘Do you see any familiar dot patterns within the dinosaurs?’ Your child may answer ‘Yes I can see a 2 on the top’ or ‘I can see 3 diagonally’ or ‘1 in the middle’.
Encourage your child to swap the objects for different ones to show the value they can see.
Extension and playing outside
Ask your child to collect natural objects around the outside area such as twigs, leaves and stones. Once they have a small collection, make little groups and explore how many there are by subitising where the group is small enough.
Note: subitising is recognising a group of objects at a glance without counting. The highest number that even adults will normally subitise to is 6. Try it yourself. Count a random collection of objects, say 10. You will notice that you immediately notice the groups eg. you may see 3, 5 and 2 to quickly count the objects and know there are 10.
Zoom meeting
You will notice from my timetable that I plan to hold an extra Zoom meeting on Tuesday at 1.15 pm. I will send the invitation to you all today. Up until now, we have met in small groups. However, I thought it would be nice to provide an opportunity for all the children to get together. There probably won’t be a chance for everyone to talk to each other. However, hopefully we will be able to share some news.
If up until now your child has been reluctant to join one of my meetings, try turning the camera off to allow your child to watch. Alternatively, your child could watch from a safe distance and nominate a soft toy to ‘stand in’ on the camera.