St George’s Day

Today Year 3 learnt and recorded their learning about St George, as Friday was very busy with the Science workshop and Earth Day. We decided that St George must be very significant because so many countries have him as a patron saint, due to his huge courage in refusing to renounce his Christian faith when in the Roman army. That was the “real” St George. We also learnt about the story of St George and the dragon and considered the theory that dragons are not real and, instead the George represents good and the dragon evil with, of course good winning.

The children taught each other all about the different aspects of the stories of St George. They were put into groups and each group learnt about the same part of the story – eg the “real ” St George, or which countries have St George as a patron saint. They then returned to their normal tables and shared what they had learnt with the rest of the table. They class are very good at sharing learning by talking with each other.

Alleluia, he is risen! Happy Easter everyone.

This week, we have celebrated Earth Day, St George’s Day and attended swimming lessons for the first time as a class.

On Earth Day, the children had a fun science workshop and learned about the topic of Light and Dark. We had a great day and also set up one of our flower beds to make it bee and butterfly friendly. We have planted plants that will have lots of nectar for the insects to collect and created a watering station for the bees and butterflies. As part of our Christian mission to look after the earth, we will make every day Earth Day and care for our garden over the next term. As you pass the garden, please keep a look out for the plants growing and see if you can spot any insects arriving at their new feeding and drinking station.

Leadership & Sustainability wishes a Happy Earth Day 2020!

The children were brilliant when we went for our first class swimming lesson this week. It was a wonderful trip as the coach journey was just as exciting as the swimming. Well done to all of you!

Please take a look at the Year 2 Quicklink to find out about this half term’s learning in RE.

R E Learning in Year 3 – Energy

The RE topic for the first four weeks of the summer term in year 3 is Pentecost. We will learn about the Ascension, how Jesus promised his disciples the Holy Spirit and how the Holy Spirit was spread amongst His followers. We shall explore how the Holy Spirit inspires Christians, spreading energy; and how the Gifts of the Holy Spirit help Christians lead good lives and serve others.  A new way of living was established after Pentecost. Reflecting deeply and carefully about this topic will help children understand how their daily lives are influenced by the Holy Sprit and scripture.

These are the key words and themes of the topic: fire, warmth, wind, energy, power, gifts, Holy Spirit, Rosary, Glorious Mysteries, Pentecost

In Luke, 4: 18-19, we are reminded of how we should use the Gifts of the Holy Spirit to serve others and our community:

The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because he has anointed me to bring Good News to the poor.  He has sent me to proclaim release to the captives and recovery of sight to the blind, to let the oppressed go free, to proclaim the year of the Lord’s favour.”

The Catechism of the Catholic Church emphasises our share in this Pentecostal gift:

 “Those, who with God’s help, have welcomed Christ’s call and freely responded to it, are urged on by love of Christ to proclaim the Good News everywhere in the world.  This treasure, received from the apostles, has been faithfully guarded by their successors.  All Christ’s faithful are called to hand it on from generation to generation, by professing the faith, by living it in fraternal sharing, and by celebrating it in liturgy and prayer.”

(CCC Prologue )

Prayer and Reflection

Father, pour out your Spirit

upon your people,

and grant us

a new vision of your glory,

a new faithfulness to your Word

and a new consecration to your service,

that your love may grow among us,

and your kingdom come:

through Christ our Lord.


(Prayer of preparation for Vatican II)

Home Learning

Think about the Gifts of the Holy Spirit:

Wisdom – that is the gift to be sensible and not to jump to conclusions but be thoughtful.

Understanding – enables people to be compassionate and to take time to find out and be able to appreciate what is happening.

Counsel – means using wisdom and understanding to come to a good decision about something.

Fortitude  – there are times when everyone needs to be brave in standing up for what they believe to be right and holy.

Knowledge – without knowledge you cannot make right judgements or have an understanding. It takes practice to have true knowledge.

Piety  – this is about reverence and respect for God, for one another and for oneself.

Fear of the Lord – this gift enables people to recognise the awe and wonder of God and be amazed by the love and goodness of God.

R E Homework

Create a montage or picture to depict one, some or each of the gifts of the Holy Spirit. Show, through words or pictures or both, how the gift is used by believers today to serve others. You may want to quote from the scripture we will be reading at school to show how people are inspired by the Holy Spirit to use and share these Gifts.

Matthew 28: 1-10, John 16: 5-7, 1 Corinthians 12: 4-8, 11, Acts 1: 6-11, Acts 2 1_18, 43

You could draw your ideas, or create a collage, or use another medium to represent your ideas. You could include symbols of the Pentecost on your piece of work – flame, wind, a dove, the colour red.

We look forward to seeing your individual pieces of learning, which are due in by Wednesday 11th May.

Getting ready for Easter in Year 2

The children should be very proud of the amazing Easter gardens that they brought in as part of their Easter Challenge. What a creative bunch you are! Click on the slide show to see all of our gardens.

During March, we have been busy using colours as a way to mark different events and also raise money for charity, as part of our journey with Jesus through Lent. Here we are in all our colourful glory.

Well done for all the hard work, fun and fundraising that the children have been involved with this term.. They have certainly earned a relaxing Easter holiday. Have a very happy and holy Easter together.

A gentle plug. Thank you very much for all the amazing books that have been bought for our class library. If you would like to order a book for the children’s library, our list can be found below. Thank you very, very much for your wonderful generosity! Year Two class library wishlist

Happy Easter from Year 3

Easter has been celebrated in many different ways this week. Year 3 have joined in the whole-school events, including the Stations of the Cross and celebration on Wednesday. Well done to Sophia and Pauric who were the Easter Art winners in year 3. The children loved seeing the chicks, which as well as being very cute are symbols of the New Life of Easter, represented by Jesus. We hope you like the Easter cards the children have brought home. In RE, throughout the week, the children have been reading the scripture and exploring the feelings of the different characters’ from their various points of view. Here are the children role-playing scenes from the Garden of Gethsemane. Can you see who is playing Jesus saying, “I left you for one hour and you could not stay awake…” and who are the soldiers coming to arrest Jesus; and who is playing Judas identifying Jesus to the soldiers? The children thoroughly enjoy role-play and are very good at showing emotions in a “tableau”. Today the children considered the ultimate sacrifice Jesus made, for love; and what they can do, for love. Tomorrow they will play the parts of journalists interviewing witnesses of the events all those years ago.

We have continued to explore ways to add and subtract money. The children have been very adept at applying calculating methods – such as using number bonds to 10/100, partitioning and compensating – to money. If you have any opportunity to use money over the holidays, that would be really useful, as would using analogue clocks to tell the time.

The children can take the beautiful new books home now. I’ll send home a spring-themed bookmark for everyone tomorrow, so they have something to mark the page they are on without needing to fold the page/put something thick inside the book etc.It’s also useful to remember that carrying the water bottles separately, out of bookbags, is a good insurance policy to not spilling water over the bag’s contents, including the lovely new books.

From what the children say, there are lots of exciting things planned this holiday, from foreign holidays, to seeing family to having a fun time at home and the local parks. Whatever you do, I wish you a very happy holiday and holy Easter.

Science Week – all about Growing

Over the last ten weeks, we have been measuring the growth of our amaryllis bulbs, so we used Science week as an opportunity to review and compare each group’s plant. It has been very exciting to see these bulbs growing so quickly.

We are also very lucky to have had a mystery parcel arrive and inside we discovered five tiny caterpillars. We have been researching the life cycles of different animals this week and over the next few weeks, we will be watching animals grow in school, so watch this space so that we can tell you more!

The caterpillars are already starting to grow quickly and we are watching them carefully to see when they start to spin their cocoons.

Red Noses and Rockstars

Today was a very exciting Friday. The children looked amazing in their red outfits, and the sun was out to add to the atmosphere.

In RE, we thought about how raising money for Red Nose Day shows that we represent Jesus. We considered the verses from 2 Corinthians 9 – “Each one must give as he has decided in his heart, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.” We talked about charity and that doing what is beneficial for everyone, not just ourselves, should be part of our lives, in the same way that Jesus did good for others as part of his daily life. Jesus used the gifts he had to help others; and we can be like Jesus by sharing what we have. This doesn’t need to be huge gestures or large sums of money, but actions and contributions which we can do willingly and happily, like Jesus did for us.

Year 3 has its own rockstars! Neve and Austin were two of the band members in the Rocksteady workshop today. The rest of us provided the backing percussion and singing and we all had a great time. I was very proud of year 3 as they joined in with gusto and volume and then returned to thoughtful, calm learning in the classroom. Well done, year 3: a exciting and productive day to end the week with. Wishing you all a relaxing weekend and let’s hope the sun stays out.

New books!

Books have been arriving since Friday before last and are making a huge difference to year 3’s reading corner. Thank you so much for your generosity, which will directly impact the children’s enjoyment and learning at school. The reading corner is in a process of transformation. We’ve made space for your books while also keeping record of this year’s World Book Day, to remind children of the books they all enjoy and which their friends could also enjoy.

Here is an update: there will be more changes to come….

Five ways to Wellbeing in Year 2

Keep learning

To start our Wellbeing workshop this week, we thought about all the wonderful things we have enjoyed learning in Year 2. We talked about the poetry we have been writing in English, learning about Walter Tull in history, exploring concentric circles with Wassily Kandinsky in Art and Design as well as division in maths.It makes us feel very proud when we learn new things. One very wise comment was ‘Sometimes, we need to learn things to keep us safe’. We thought about how learning new things will help us when we choose what job we would like as an adult. Maybe we will be a police officer, singer, vet, doctor, zookeeper (in an aquarium) or even a teacher!

Be active

We all know how important it is to keep ourselves active so that we feel healthy and happy. We brainstormed a huge list of ways in which we can keep ourselves from ballet or Beavers to fencing, cheerleading or football. These activities will all help to brighten our day.


Henry said that we should try to be kind and that giving things to other people also makes us feel good too. The children had lots of ideas for Mother’s Day gifts that they could give to their mum, which won’t cost any money, but would be lovely to share, such as home made cakes and cards, breakfast in bed, lots of hugs or flowers from the garden!.

The children are very proud of the way in which they have given books to the class library for everyone to share. Thank you so, so much to everyone for your very kind donations. Follow this link if you would like to buy a book for our class library: Year 2 library books


Chatting with each other, giving one another compliments and learning something new about a classmate are all ways in which we can connect with our friends. This is a wonderful way to help us feel good about ourselves and also help our friends to feel great too. It is important to believe in ourselves and one another!

Take notice

We all have negative thoughts and we learned how taking the time to notice other things instead will help us to make sure that these thoughts don’t become overwhelming. We tried some different techniques to help us focus on the present and enjoy the moment rather than letting unhappy thoughts overwhelm us. Next time, we are filled with negative thoughts, we will breathe in for 5 seconds and then out for 5 seconds and then try to play the 5 senses game where we think about …

5 things we can see, 4 things we can hear, 3 things we can touch, 2 things we can smell and 1 thing that we can taste.

Once we’ve thought about all those things, we hope that our worries will feel less overwhelming. Why not try this strategy at home when you need to?

Bore Da from Year 2!

The children had a double celebration on Tuesday as it was Shrove Tuesday as well as St David’s Day. We are blessed as a class as we have children from very diverse backgrounds, including children with families from Wales. It was wonderful to see children dressed in the green, red and white colours of the Welsh flag. April even took part in our assembly by teaching the whole school how to say Good Morning in Welsh.

To mark the start of Lent on Ash Wednesday, the children were inspired by the story of Saint David to write their own Lenten promises. The children’s promises range from praying each day, donating money to charity instead of eating chocolate and keeping their bedrooms tidy. The children enjoyed making their own daffodils and used these as part of a thoughtful class liturgy led by Scarlett, Cian and Athina. These Lenten promise daffodils are now beautifully displayed and they are certainly brightening up the classroom, just like the children.

To end the week, the children showed great imagination in smashing costumes that celebrate their love of reading. It was lovely to see how the children enjoyed sharing their favourite books with a reading partner from year 4. The challenge at the start of the day was to publish our own class book and the children wrote some wonderful poems in the style of Edward Lear’s poem ‘The Owl and the Pussy Cat’. As part of World Book Day, we have been rejuvenating the class book library, which now includes some great book labels and bookmarks created by the children.

The children would love to start bringing home some high quality books to share with their parents and if you would like to order a book for our library, please click on this link: Year 2 wishlist. So that your generous donation will always be celebrated, a book plate with your child’s name will be added to the book before it is added to the library!