Y6 Toy shop

Today, the children got to show off the toys that they have been making as part of the their DT topic. Along with the Reception children, we gathered in the hall for a morning of games. The aim of the children’s project was to make a gender neutral toy, appropriate for a reception child and made from as many recyclable materials as possible.

Some comments from the Reception children:

“I liked seeing the racing cars.”

“I liked all of the colourful toys.”

“I liked that they are all different.”

“I liked the learning bus as it teaches us whilst having fun.”

“They made them with lots of different materials.”

“I liked seeing what they do in Y6.”



Y6 Production

I just wanted to say congratulations to the Y6 children on their outstanding performance last night. I thought they did themselves and the school proud. Thank you for working so hard to make the production such a succes s.

Congratulations Y6!

Mr Bedford and I would like to extend a huge WELL DONE to the year 6 children on their SATs results. They worked extremely hard and this effort paid off. They should be very proud of themselves, as we are.

Y6 Production

See below the vocal tracks for Pirates of the Curry Bean. You should be listening to them regularly so that you can learn the words, tune and rhythm of the songs.

Pot of Gold

Anchors Away

Piratical Style


Beneath the same starry sky

Lubago Lullaby

Piratical Style (Reprise)


You have now been given your parts for the production. Please start learning your words now. We are going to be doing our first rehearsal on Monday 18th June and I would like all song lyrics and most speaking parts to be learnt off by heart.


Happy practising!


We are not officially setting any homework this week.

If you cannot resist, you have your CGP 10-minute test books  and there are still maths activities for you to complete on MyMaths. However, under no circumstances are you to complete any homework or revision on Sunday afternoon. Use this time to play, kick a ball, go outside, spend time with your family, ride your bike and do what children do. Early to bed Sunday 🙂

Relax and enjoy your weekend – you’ll all be brilliant next week!


Y6 Home Learning

We are not officially setting any homework this week.

If you cannot resist, you have your CGP 10-minute test books  and there are still maths activities for you to complete on MyMaths. However, under no circumstances are you to complete any homework or revision on Sunday afternoon. Use this time to play, kick a ball, go outside, spend time with your family, ride your bike and do what children do. Early to bed Sunday 🙂

Relax and enjoy your weekend – you’ll all be brilliant next week!


Y6 Mrs May Maths revision

My maths class have been given 7 revision tasks to complete over the next 7 days. They should clearly show their working out in their homework book and self mark. The activities are on My Maths and the booster packs.

History Day

Some fantastic costumes today!


Royal Albert Hall

On Mothering Sunday, some of our year 6 children took part in the Hertfordshire Schools’ Gala. They were an absolute credit to the school and sang beautifully. Here are just a few photos of our day at the Royal Albert Hall.



Happy Mother’s Day

On behalf of Y6 I would like to wish all mums a Happy Mother’s Day for yesterday. The children performed a lovely song during the assembly last week. All of the lyrics were written by the children and the dance moves were their idea too! I thought they did a great job and did themselves proud for their last Mother’s Day at St Adrian’s. We did sing the song again and video it for you all, but unfortunately the size of the file is too big to upload on to our blog.