Y4 Elections

I was really pleased that so many children put themselves forward to represent our class on the school council and I was very impressed with the quality, thoughtfulness and humour with which each child shared their ideas for this role this year. 

The votes have been counted and verified and I am delighted to announce that our class representatives on the school council for Year 4 are Sophie A and Noah.

Congratulations and thank you to everyone who took part. 

Y4 Parents’ meeting

It was good to meet so many of you on Thursday. I hope that you found the meeting useful. 

For reference, a copy of my presentation can be viewed below. I have also repeated some of the key points that were shared at the meeting. 

Reading books

Children are able to change their reading book during the ‘soft start’ each morning. Before selecting a new book from the school reading scheme, I ask children to complete a short book review and add this to their reading folder. Children are encouraged to supplement their reading from the reading scheme with books from home and books borrowed from libraries.

Pen licences

In year four, children progress from writing in pencil to writing in pen. I will let each child know when I think that they are ready. I will also provide the pen when the great moment comes. There are two things that I look for to tell me a child is ready for a pen:

  • Their writing is consistent in size and fluently joined.
  • Their handwriting style is serviceable and does not hinder the speed of writing.

Multiplication tables

At the start of year four, children nationally are expected to know many of their multiplication tables by heart. These are the 2, 5 and 10, the 3, and the 4 and 8 times tables. We will check the children’s recall of random facts drawn from these multiplication tables each week. 

During the autumn term of year four, we will also introduce and secure the rapid recall of 6, 7, 9, 11 and 12 times tables. We will add these to our weekly multiplication check as these are introduced.

Children are also expected to be able to count on and back in multiples of 10, 25, 50, 100 and 1000. 

Y4 School Council elections

Image result for vote rosette png

It is time to choose our school council members for year 4. 

If you would like to represent your class-mates on the school council, I would like you to think about why you would be good at the job and be ready to share your ideas with the class on Wednesday next, 26th September.

We will then have a ballot to vote for your choice. Everyone will have to votes and we will elect a girl and a boy to represent our class. 

Everyone is welcome to stand!

Y4 Skip to be fit

Remember, you will need your PE kit today because we have a skipping workshop this afternoon. 

Y4 Instrumental lessons

Our guitar and recorder lessons with Mrs Goldsmith start this week. You can check to see what day your lesson is going to be. 

Don’t forget to take your guitar or recorder home again so that you can practise each week. 

Welcome to Year 4!

It is great to see all of the children back at school after the long summer holidays and full of enthusiasm for the term ahead. 

Everyone has worked really hard this week as we have been settling in to the new school year and preparing ourselves for the start of our split English and maths groups on Monday. Our groups provide a fantastic opportunity for the children to benefit from learning as part of a small class, taught by either Mrs Butterworth or myself.  

I have been really pleased to see how well the children have come into school each day prepared for the lessons ahead. Next week, the children will need to remember their PE kits for Monday and swimming kits for Tuesday. If anyone has their reading record or school reading book at home, I would be very grateful if you could bring it in. 

On Thursday, 20th September, from 9:00 until 9:30am, we have our ‘meet the teacher’ meeting . This is a chance for parents to hear about learning in Year 4 and I look forward to meeting you all then. 

Y4 Learning@Home

Week ending: 8th September 2017

It’s great to see all of year 4 back at school and full of enthusiasm.

Our learning this year is built on the solid foundation of what has gone before. For maths, it is particularly important that children can count in multiples and recall and use multiplication and division facts.

Children at the start of year 4 should be able to count in steps of 2, 3, 4, 5, 8, 10, 50 and 100. They should also be able to  recall and use multiplication and division facts for the following multiplication tables : 2, 3, 4, 5, 8 and 10.

Please support your child to check that they have secured these.

Through year 3 and 4, children work to secure the spellings of the statutory word list. There is a copy of this list in the back of their spelling journal. I have asked the children to choose 5 or 6 spellings  to learn during the week ahead. We have also revised different spelling strategies. This week we have concentrated on Trace – Copy – Write strategy.

It is important that the spelling journal comes back to school each day as this is a tool that supports all of our learning.

The final piece of homework focused on punctuating direct speech. Please complete this homework in your English homework book. Take care to get the punctuation right.

Our PE day is Monday. Please make sure that you have a labelled PE kit in school for our lesson.

Our swimming lessons start on Tuesday.

Mrs Goldsmith will be starting guitar and recorder lessons next week. The children will need to bring their instruments to school  on the following days:

Guitars A
Guitars B




Guitars C









Jack M



















I hope you all have a lovely weekend!

Celebrating 60 Years of St Adrian’s Catholic Primary School

During the height of the pandemic in 2020, St Adrian’s 60th Anniversary took place. We felt that this occasion should be marked and so to begin our school year, we would normally hold a Mercy Mass. The Sisters of Mercy founded the school and it opened in September 1960. The Maryland Associates, the lay people in St Albans, still advocate their work and very kindly donated a tree and a plaque in commemoration of this special anniversary.

Previous Headteachers, Sr. Margaret, Mrs Yvonne Hawkes and Mr Dominic Bedford joined us for the celebrations. As well as some original pupils whose names were in the first register.

Previous Headteachers join the celebrations
Past pupils who attended in 1960, the year of the school opening

Report of the day written by Lily- Year 6

On Wednesday 5th October , we celebrated the Mercy Mass for our school (it had been postponed because of Covid) and I am very happy that I got my Chaplaincy team tie and I am part of our new Chaplaincy Team. I also got to see my old Headteachers like, Mrs Hawkes and Mr Bedford.

There was also another Headteacher, which was the Headteacher when my mum went to this school. Her name was Sister Margaret. I knew this mass was a very joyous occasion because Brother Nelson Dionne, Father Michael O’boy as well as Bishop Paul Mc Aleenan were all there. We got gifted from Mrs Cath White the secretary of the Maryland associates who carry on the work of the sisters of Mercy, a tree which we have planted at the main entrance where the parents and staff members came to watch.
Then, all of the classes planted little flowers around this tree. There are also ribbons around this tree which the old Head teachers put on there . They put the word ‘TRUTH’ and the colour of the ribbon was red for the martyrs who spoke the truth of God’s word. They tied the word PEACE – blue is the colour of tranquility. We work for peace and tranquillity in our school and the world. Finally , they tied the word JUSTICE with a yellow ribbon witch is the colour for true happiness. The Chaplaincy team, parents and teachers and the priests attended the ceremony.
I was worried about it because I had a reading. The reason why I was worried was because of the amount of people that were there but it was all OK. It was a very good day. It made me think more about our school motto ‘To learn, to love ,to live as a community of God with Christ as our teacher.’ It was a good day. It made me feel like I was important because of the new tie and that I could be part of our Chaplaincy Team.

Bishop Paul Mc Aleenan, Br Nelson Dionne and Fr Michael O’Boy celebrated Mass and helped plant a tree donated by the Maryland Associates.
Previous Headteachers tie ribbons to symbolise the Mercy Mission of TRUTH, PEACE & JUSTICE.
Some members of our newly blessed Chaplaincy Team help lead the Mass.

Prayer and Liturgy

Children participate in worship every day.  This may be part of a whole school assembly, an assembly in their own key stage or through class liturgy and prayer.  These assemblies relate to the liturgical year, class RE topics  and can be linked to the Wednesday Word, a publication which each family takes home every week.  Pupils love preparing and leading their own class worship.

The Chaplaincy Team takes an active role in the whole school liturgies by reading out bible passages, leading the prayer or joining in with role play.

Each week, we learn lots of wonderful hymns in our whole school Hymn Practice.  The children enthusiastically sing these hymns as part of our school masses and assemblies. 

We work very closely with St Bartholomew’s Parish.  Children attend mass at least twice a term in school or in Church and parents are warmly invited to attend.  As well as a mass at the start of each term, a second mass each term reflects the church liturgical year, including All Saints, Ash Wednesday and Ss. Peter and Paul.

Additional whole school celebrations or liturgies include liturgies relating to Harvest, Advent, Mothering Sunday, Lent and Easter as well as a very colourful May Procession. 

Once a year, classes prepare and deliver their own mass or liturgy, presided over by our Parish Priest, with Year 3 preparing their mass after they have made their first Holy Communion in the summer term.

At different points during the year, pupils are able to visit Westminster Cathedral for special services with other schools across the diocese. The School Council and Chaplaincy Team especially love attending the Advent Carol Service at Westminster Cathedral.

Recent liturgies at St Adrian’s

During our May Day liturgy, the Chaplaincy Team led us as we gave thanks for Mary, the mother of Jesus. All the children created a poster that celebrated Mary’s role as Queen and these were used as a prayer focus for all the classes. Our service ended with a tremendous May Pole dance by Year 4.