ECO WARRIORS: Could you get a Blue Peter badge?

Blue Peter’s beautiful green badge.

The Eco team want to inform you of an opportunity where you can earn your very own Blue Peter Badge!

Blue Peter are giving out Green badges for Eco Warriors all across the country.

Green badges are awarded for sending in letters, pictures that are about the environment, conservation or nature.

You can apply on the link below. Remember to include a message at least 50 words long, explaining that you’re applying for the Green badge and why you deserve to be awarded one.

Also, on this link, there are some examples of brilliant Green badge posts, to inspire you to get yours!

So, why not try and apply for one today! When you get one- remember to tell your class Eco Reps so we can share the amazing news.

The Eco Team.

Welcome to Year Four

I hope that you have all had a lovely holiday. It is good to welcome the children back for the start of a new school year.

We have not set maths and English homework this week. School reading books have been sent home today and I ask that you encourage your child to read regularly at home, supporting them to develop the habit of reading for enjoyment. It may be that your child is already reading a book from home or from the library. If this is the case, I would be grateful if they would note this in the school reading record.

I have updated the RE home learning section with details of our current topic. In the first of our themes, People, we will be learning about the family of God in Scripture. 

During the next month, I would like you write a special prayer for your family. Your prayer will form part of our class prayer book – Take time to decorate your prayer and make it look wonderful. Your neat handwriting might help persuade me that you are ready for your pen licence! You will need to hand in your RE homework by Wednesday, 2nd October. 

Space Chase: Summer Reading Challenge 2019

The Summer Reading Challenge 2019 theme is Space Chase, an out-of-this-world adventure inspired by the 50th anniversary of the first moon landing.

Children taking part in the Challenge will join our super space family, The Rockets, for a thrilling mission to track down books nabbed by mischievous aliens!

Space Chase will feature bespoke artwork from top children’s illustrator, Adam Stower, and will celebrate adventure, exploration, reading and fun!

Illustrations © Adam Stower 2019 for The Reading Agency

Taking part in the Summer Reading Challenge

The Summer Reading Challenge is aimed at children aged four to eleven and it is run in almost all libraries in the UK.

Visit your local library during the summer holidays to sign up – the sooner you go, the longer your child will have to read six books!

Staff will register your child for the Challenge and give them some fun materials to get them started.

Many libraries will also offer pre-school activities suitable for under-fours, including specially designed Summer Reading Challenge materials. Visit your local branch to find out more.

The Summer Reading Challenge is the UK’s biggest free reading for pleasure event for children. It is run by the national charity The Reading Agency in partnership with the UK public library network.

The aim of the Challenge is to encourage children to read any six books of their choice from their library during the summer holidays.

Children receive special rewards each time they finish a book and there’s a certificate for everyone who completes the Challenge.

Donations required!

When you return to school on Tuesday you may notice a new addition by the gate in the playground … it is our new recycling bin!

As you can see, it clearly states which materials are accepted and we would love for you to get involved by donating some clothes, towels, sheets, blankets, curtains or even shoes. The bank holiday weekend is the perfect time for a spring clean and all donations are greatly appreciated!

Thank you in advance,
Miss Costello and the Eco Council

Y3 and Y4 Swimming

Some of the children will be working on their life-saving skills in swimming this week and have been asked by their swimming teachers to bring in pyjamas for their lesson.

Thank you!

Fluency Teaser

Thank you to everyone who had a go at our first fluency teaser. Lots of you came up with fantastic ways to give yourself a better chance of winning!

If you didn’t manage to have a go, follow the link below and enjoy!

Thank you to Katy in Year 5 for coming up with a strategy to better your chances of winning: leaving the bigger numbers to your opponent. Do you agree? Why not give it go!

Our second ‘Fluency Teaser’ is a wonderful activity called ‘Shape Times Shape’. See how good your working mathematically skills are by following the link and solving the problem.

Send any solutions to Mr Sallis.


Click the link to take you to the problem!

This week we got a range of solutions from across key stage 2.

Thank you Alice in year 3 for this solution.
And Natalie in Year 4 for this.
And some particularly good reasoning by Adam R in Year 5.

Sharing stories for World Book Day

As part of our celebration of World Book Day, children across the school shared stories with their friends in other classes.

Reception and Year 4 paired up to read to each other and enjoy sharing stories together.

We’ve been sharing stories!

We’ve been celebrating World Book Day this week with special assemblies where teachers have taken it in turns to share favourite stories or poems with the children in their key stage.

We hope that the stories we share will inspire the children to read on and read the books for themselves or find other stories by those authors.

We will list the books we have share on this page.


  • Mr Hayes (whole school):
    • Little Red Riding Hood and the Wolf, from Revolting Rhymes by Roald Dahl
  • Mrs Hayes (key stage one):
    • Mrs Wobble the Waitress by Allan Ahlberg
    • All Join In by Quentin Blake
  • Mr Hayes (key stage two):
    • The Rise of Wolves by Kerr Thomson


  • Mrs Teixeira (key stage one)
    • Chocolate Cake by Michael Rosen
    • Please Mrs Butler by Allan Ahlberg
  • Miss Costello (key stage two)
    • Little House in the Woods by Laura Ingalls Wilder


  • Mrs Ruffell (key stage one)
    • The Gruffalo by Julia Donaldson
  • Mr Sallis (key stage two)
    • ‘Infinity and Me’ written by Kate Hosford and illustrated by Gabi Swiatkowska
How would you describe infinity to Uma?

Fluency Teaser

Welcome to our first ‘Fluency Teaser ‘ of the year.  Fluency is one of the key aims of the primary mathematics curriculum. Try the activity at the link below at home to give you lots of opportunities to recall addition and subtraction facts as well as some conjecturing and convincing too!

What will your strategy for winning be?

Hand in any examples of the work you complete to Mr Sallis or your class teacher so that we can choose some to share on our fluency blog! 

Happy Christmas, Year 4!

Thank you so much to you all for your generous gifts and kind words from all of us who have the joy of working with Year 4.

We hope that you and all of your families have a happy and peaceful Christmas and looking forward to seeing you all again in the new year when term begins of 7th January.

(In the meantime, enjoy being at home with your families, help your parents, read a book or three, keep your tables sharp and stay on top of your spellings. Lastly, be good!)