Year 2 scientists

This week has been Science Week and we have been exploring Change through our science topic ‘Humans and other animals’. Our favourite activity was finding out about the life cycles of different animals and then creating our own. Here are some examples:

Year Two love to read

This week, Year Two celebrated World Book Day by coming into school dressed as their favourite book characters. What an imaginative group of children they are and they look amazing in their outfits. Can you work out the book title that goes with each outfit?

The children loved reading a favourite book with a Year Six buddy and this was a wonderful way to share their passion for reading!

If you would like some ideas for books to read, some very inspiring books to choose from can be found here: Great books for Year 2 or on the link below.

To celebrate their birthdays, children are encouraged to donate a book to our class library. The reward for doing this is to come to school in a favourite outfit.  You can view our class wish-list on Amazon: Year 2 WIshlist The children thank you in advance for any donations of books to add to our class library!

Year 2 are thoughtful artists

Inspired by the amazing artist, Charles McGee, we have been exploring colours, patterns and shapes to create our own artwork using pens, charcoal and sculpture. Here is a selection of the tremendous artwork that we made during our art project.

Our next challenge was to create 3D sculptures using our amazing drawings. We are very proud of the end results!

Year 2 support others

As part of our learning about how to be an active part of our community and support others, we were keen to raise money for the charity Pets as Therapy that helps children in many schools. Here we are showing off our amazing animal outfits and imaginative artwork!

Year 2 focus on their wellbeing

We all performed brilliantly in our class assembly this week and we are very proud of ourselves. As part of Children’s Mental Health Week, we shared our top tips for how to boost wellbeing and cheer ourselves up when we are feeling down.

Here are our top tips for good wellbeing:

First of all, connect with the people around you. We created a paperchain to show all the things we do that connect us together.

Don’t forget to Be Active: we start each day with a song and dance and we love to run laps around the playground to keep extra fit.

Remember to Give: small acts of kindness are a great way to give to one another. We look out for our friends in the playground and give our clothes to charity to help to raise money.

Take notice: we love to spend time in the great outdoors and we have planted lots of seeds in different conditions to see how well they grow. We have learned that in addition to water, sunlight and air, seeds also need heat to grow well.

Finally, don’t forget to Keep Learning. There are so many wonderful things to find out and each day, we love to learn something new!

Year 2 in Solidarity

This half term, our Catholic Social Teaching theme focuses on Solidarity and Peace. The children reflected on their inspiring ‘Give Racism the Red Card’ posters to show how they understand that God’s world is for everyone and all people should have equal access to everything.

We also thought about how we can act as peacemakers in our everyday friendships in the classroom or outside. We wrote our peacemaker promises onto doves of peace and decorated them to make a great display.

Year 2 get sewing!

As part of their learning in Design and Technology, the Year Two children have been working really hard, developing their sewing skills. They have learned how to thread a needle and also join two pieces of material together as they created their own piece of bunting. Each triangle has its own letter and the children have decorated their bunting very imaginatively with sequins. Can you spot the missing word in our message?

Year 2 love animals

This week the children have had great fun supporting the charity Pets as Therapy by dressing up in animal themed outfits and creating some amazing artwork. They produced some wonderfully unique pieces using a range of media. The imaginative Year 2s are all very proud of themselves!

Year 2 explore Everyday Materials

Year 2 have been enjoying exploring materials out and about. In particular, they have been finding out about the properties of a variety of materials and thinking about the suitability of different materials. They have been learning to use lots of new words such as transparent/opaque, absorbent/waterproof as well as flexible/rigid. They are great scientists!

The children have also enjoyed thinking about what it would be like if an unsuitable material was used for a particular object. Inspired by the poem, Woolly Saucepan by Michael Rosen, they created their own unsuitable matches! Here is just one of the poems created this week.

Chocolate Door by Mahdi, Rosanne and Rosie

Could I have a chocolate door

a metal biscuit, a fabric window

and a brick hammer, please?

Er, sorry, I mean a plastic mug

a cardboard table, a wooden blanket

and a glass hat, please?

Er, sorry, I mean … oh no!

You know what I mean, don’t you?

Year 2 get fit!

We are all very pleased that the wonderful PTA fundraising events have raised enough money for the amazing trim trail that we have had great fun climbing on this week. Here are some photos of us in action!