Reception – Happy Birthday to the Church

Reception children took part in a Pentecost party on Thursday.  Many thanks for all the vibrant outfits. Pentecost marks the end of the Easter season.   This feast, sometimes referred to as the birthday of the Church, will be celebrated this Sunday.

The children learnt that at Pentecost Christians come together to share their happiness and joy because Jesus had kept his promise and sent the Holy Spirit to be their friend.  We can all share in this happiness and tell everyone.

As mentioned before, the coming of the Holy Spirit can be difficult for young children to understand.  We explored such things as air, wind and fire to help explain the power of the Holy Spirit.  The children made ‘tell the good news’ streamers and fiery hats.  

They also decorated the classroom with red paper chains and enjoyed healthy red snack foods; strawberries, tomatoes and red peppers.  We were blessed with an extremely blustery day and the children were so excited chasing bubbles in the wind calling out ‘Share the good news, the Holy Spirit is here!’

The children listened to the following scripture story Acts 2: 1-4

We sang ‘Happy Birthday to the Church’ and the following song is one of their favourites:

Below is our Pentecost prayer:

Thank you, God! For the Good News of Easter.
Thank you, God! For the new life of Jesus.
Thank you, God! For the Good News of the Holy Spirit.
Thank you, God! For the Good News of your love.

Lastly, they have also made ‘Happy Pentecost’ cards to share with their families.  Look in your child’s book bag if you haven’t already been presented with your card.

Nicola Palmer

Reception – Saint Joseph’s Day

Dear parents,

Thank you for all the amazing Mary and Joseph outfits today.  The children enjoyed immersing themselves in our RE Curriculum Day dedicated to Saint Joseph.

We began with a virtual whole school assembly where the children learned about Saint Joseph.  They discovered five key facts:

  • Saint Joseph listened to God.
  • Saint Joseph looked after Jesus and Mary.
  • Saint Joseph trusted God.
  • Saint Joseph shared his faith with Jesus.
  • Today Saint Joseph is the patron of God’s worldwide family – the Church.

The children listened to a reading from the Gospel of Saint Matthew 1:18-25 (adapted)

Image result for gabriel visits joseph in a dream"

Joseph loved Mary and was engaged to marry her.  When Joseph found out that Mary was going to be the mother of a baby, he was not sure what to do.  He wondered ‘Should I still marry her or perhaps I can quietly break off our engagement?

They also listened to the story of  The Day Jesus was Lost in the Temple and how Mary and Joseph looked for him.

We composed our own prayers to St. Joseph and the children wrote a prayer asking Saint Joseph to look after their family.

You may wish to say the following prayer at home:

We learned that Saint Joseph worked hard as a carpenter and had our own woodwork hut.

Wishing you all a wonderful weekend.

Nicola Palmer

Reception – learning about calculation

Dear parents,

Over the past few weeks Reception children have been introduced to the fact that numbers are made up of other numbers.   The children’s understanding has been developed through a sequence of 3 steps.

Step 1 – we began by exploring regrouping a whole into different parts and identifying what values are hidden within numbers. 

Children are encouraged to use subitising (recognising a small group of numbers at a glance without counting) when looking at groups of objects.  For example, in the photo below rows of 3 and 4 were identified.

Step 2 –  we talked about combining parts to create a whole. This is the start of calculating – addition. 

The children were encouraged to notice and find different parts that can be combined to make the same whole; concluding that there are lots of different ways to make a total.  The photo below illustrates how we used a 10 egg box carton to look at multiple ways of making number 10.

Step 3 –  calculating the part of a whole that is missing.  This is the introduction of subtraction.

In the photo below the children played a game finding the missing number from a total amount of carrots.

In the photo below the children were given a starting  amount (the part), a target to reach (the whole) and they found ‘how many  more…?’ (the missing part) when building towers with Duplo.

How to can help at home

Talk about how a collection of toys can be regrouped eg. farm animals, all the animals are part of the whole farm but they could be regrouped into sheep, cows, horses, pigs and farmers (humans). Each group is part of the whole farm.  Or 7 vehicles could be regrouped as 4 cars and 3 trucks.

Give your child a target number and, using dominoes, can they try to find all the dominoes that have that number of dots altogether where either side of the domino would become a part. Talk about what they notice if one side of the domino shows 0 dots.

At meal/snack time find the total two groups of items.  For example, pears and bananas. Ask your child to find the total initially starting with the pears and then adding the bananas, then starting with the bananas and then adding the pears. Talk about how the order of the fruit doesn’t matter when adding.

Introduce a range of different problems that require your child to calculate a missing part.

  • How many more…? If we need a snack for four people and there are two bananas, how many more do we need?
  • How many left…? How many cakes left now that Mummy and Daddy have taken their cake?
  • What is the difference…? You have three sweets and Mummy has two sweets. What is the difference between the numbers of sweets you have?

Play Kim’s game. Show your child a small collection of different objects on a tray and identify the whole (the total number of items). Hide them all and remove some objects. Reveal the objects left. Can your child calculate how many have been taken – the missing part.

The vocabulary of parts and whole has been emphasised throughout our learning.  The children’s understanding of equal, more and less and ‘altogether’ has also been developed to describe the whole.

Maths Challenge

Your child may wish to have a go at the following maths challenge:

  • Collect a small amount of items outside eg. sticks, leaves, stones (10 items to begin and extend to 20 for extra challenge)
  • Once there are a few items, explore how they might be grouped. 
  • Create groups and then use subitising to say how many are in each group (if the amounts are small enough). 
  • Talk about the parts and the whole and then count to find the total.

I would love to hear about your child’s mathematical discoveries on Tapestry.  We always have fun sharing the children’s home learning in class. This also often inspires their friends to also ‘have a go’!

Wishing you all a great bank holiday weekend.

Nicola Palmer

Reception – amazing me!

Dear parents,

As part of our Relationships and Health teaching the children discovered how God created the world and why the Bible is so special.

Last week we read the story of creation and talked about how our bodies were created by God.  We are all God’s children and part of his special plan.

The children learnt the following song ‘If I were a Butterfly’

You may wish to share the following class prayer at home:

Dear God,
You made our amazing world and all the amazing things in it.
Thank you for making me and loving me.
Help us to take care of ourselves and the world.

This week the children began to understand that the Bible is special because we are all in it and part of God’s family.  In the Bible we hear stories about Jesus and that still has meaning for us today.  

We acted out a story from the Bible, Jesus and his disciples during the Last Supper.  I washed the children’s feet to show the children how Jesus is our role model.  Jesus is showing us a way of behaving, he showed love to his disciples and he wants us to show that love to others.

The children made some great suggestions about how they can show love to others “You can take turns”, “You help tidy up”, “Look after someone who is sad”.  I made a suggestion that you can give someone a smile.

You may wish to share the following class prayer at home:

Dear Jesus,
Thank you for being my perfect role model.
Thank you for loving me.
Help me to share that love with others.

Wishing you all a wonderful weekend in God’s amazing world.

Nicola Palmer

Reception – The Three Billy Goats Gruff

We have had a successful start to the Summer term with the children all refreshed and eager to learn.

Our focus story for the next few weeks is a traditional tale, The Three Billy Goats Gruff.

The children have been learning to retell the story as part of our ‘talk for writing’ teaching.  They are learning the words superbly and I hope your child will be able to tell you the story at home.

We talked about key words and phrases within the story.  The children asked some very interesting questions: ‘Why did the troll want to eat the billy goats gruff?’, ‘Why did the billy goats gruff want to eat the grass on the other side?’, ‘Why were they hungry?’, ‘Why wouldn’t the troll let them go across the river?’ ‘Why did the troll live under the bridge?’.

The children have also enjoyed listening to different versions of the story kindly brought into school by their friends.  If you child has a copy of The Three Billy Goats Gruff at home we would love to read it in class.

Wishing you all a wonderful weekend.

Nicola Palmer

Reception – Happy Easter

Dear parents,

A big thank you on behalf of Mrs Solakova, Mrs O’Connor, Mrs Reid, Mrs McConnell and myself for the generous Easter gifts we received at the end of term. We are blessed to have such a kind and thoughtful school community.

I hope you are all enjoying the break and looking forward to celebrating Easter over the coming days.

Good Friday is nearly upon us and I thought I would share some ideas to help your child understand the meaning of Good Friday and Easter Sunday.

Now is a chance for you to reflect on your child’s Lenten Promise.  You may wish to encourage your child to make a special effort for the last few days.  It is a time to grow more like Jesus; in goodness, kindness, helpfulness and loving.

Explain to your child that Good Friday is a special day; when Jesus dies on the cross.   This is a sad day but part of God’s plan; he came into our lives and showed us the path to follow.  Without Good Friday we wouldn’t have Easter Sunday, a happy day.

You may wish to challenge your child to make a cross.  In my experience, children come up with some very creative ideas, I am often presented with crosses made from Lego, sticks, boxes etc. 

Enjoy hot cross buns and explain to your child about the cross on the bun. We held our own hot cross bun party just before the end of term.

If you haven’t already done this, look at your child’s Bible and read the Easter story.  Here is a video version which may help:

As we all know, Easter Sunday is the resurrection day when Jesus comes alive. The Holy Week thus ends with the celebration of Easter Sunday. The children made ‘He has Risen’ Easter cards to share with you on this special day. Have a look in your child’s book bag if your child has forgotten to give the card to you.

Below are some ideas for Easter activities:

Easter Activities

  • I am sure you will all be enjoying delicious chocolate eggs!  We explain the symbolism of the egg and new life to the children by telling them it’s like the egg is the tomb; break open the egg just like Jesus when he breaks out the tomb. 
  • Make a paper mache egg. 
  1. Mix up a proportion of flour and water to a gluey consistency.  If you have PVA glue this is good to add too.
  2. Blow up a balloon or use some other egg shape object.
  3. Dip strips of newspaper into your mixture and cover the egg.
  4. Leave to dry and decorate.
  • Find stories of the people who saw Jesus in those first few days.
  • Make an Easter garden.  Again, go with your child’s creative ideas.  It could be made out of Lego, recycled materials, grass cuttings, leaves, twigs etc. This will also be useful to support your child when we start learning about Pentecost upon our return to school. As you will see in the second photo, we made our own Easter garden in school to help the children learn the Easter story.
  • I am sure you will all be thinking about fashioning some form of an Easter Egg Hunt.  This could be either in your home or outside.  Possible clues your child could read using their knowledge of phonics (tricky words to learn by sight are in bold):
    • Under the mat.
    • Next look on top of a bed.
    • Go to the peg box.
    • Look in the pots and pans.
    • On top of a hat.
    • In a mug.
    • Look in your coat.
    • Meet Dad by the shed.
  • Perhaps you could number the eggs.  Tell your child how many eggs they need to find.  A great problem solving activity eg. ‘So we’ve found numbers 2, 6 and 9.  What other numbers do we need to find?’

Lastly, I hope you have been able to access Church services online  If you are able to watch an Easter Service talk to your child about the Church colours.  In class we talked about purple being is the colour of Lent, preparing for Easter.  Now it’s white and gold! 

Wishing your all a wonderful Easter celebration. 

Nicola Palmer

Reception – we’re super learners

Dear parents,

We’ve had a fantastic week at school and the children have now settled into a good routine.

Our first mystery guests joined us this week via Zoom.  The children were so excited!  They learnt all about St. Patrick’s Day and listened to a hilarious story about a hippo.  Both of these ‘parent visits’ stimulated lots of discussions and investigations about snakes and hippos.

Please do let me know if you would like to join us.  Perhaps you could talk about your job or hobby to help us widen the children’s experiences.  However, a little story time is just as much fun.

We’ve also been focusing on learning behaviours and developing the language of ‘how I am learning’.  The three main characteristics of learning taught in early years are:

  • Playing and exploring – children investigate and experience things and “have a go”.
  • Active learning – children concentrate and keep on trying if they encounter difficulties and enjoy their achievements.
  • Creativity and thinking critically – children have and develop their own ideas and make links between ideas.

Our class learning super heroes help us talk about how we are learning:

Encouraging and praising your child at home will really support their attitude to learning in the future.  Here are some of the children’s ideas:  ‘I kept on trying to balance on the wobbly board’, ‘I thought of an idea’, ‘I decided to try another way’, ‘I changed my mind and did it a different way’. 

You may also be interested in this lovely book we have been reading in class “It’s Okay to Make Mistakes” by Todd Parr.

Todd Parr embraces life’s happy accidents and has a passion for making readers feel good about themselves, encouraging them to try new things, experiment, and dare to explore new paths.

Finally, in Letters and Sounds the children are revisiting digraphs (two letters/one sound) introduced over lockdown home learning. I’ve collected Letters and Sounds books to update.  These will be returned next.

Wishing you all a wonderful weekend and looking forward to another fun week with your children next week.

Nicola Palmer

Reception – welcome back to school

Good afternoon Reception parents,

Thank you for preparing your children so well for their return to school.  They have settled back into school life amazingly well.  Indeed, it was difficult to choose the Head Teacher’s Award today and I, therefore, decided to present it to the whole class for being enthusiastic learners.

Our main focus has been reminding the children of the class routine in terms of organising their own belongings, preparing for lunch time, tidying up and getting ready to go home at the end of the day.  We have also concentrated on learning through play to allow the children time to rekindle friendships and use of the learning environment.

The happy boxes have been a great success, allowing the children to develop their language skills whilst reconnecting with home.  To quote one of the children “If you feel a bit sad, you can have a look at them”.

On Tuesday the children enjoyed participating in PE and learnt how to collaborate together playing parachute games.   Getting ready for PE required a lot of concentration and perseverance.  Supporting your child to dress and undress independently will really help increase your child’s confidence.

We continued our learning about the season of Lent and the children listened to Luke’s story (based on Luke 2: 51, 52.):

The children have been sharing their Lenten promises.  Thank you to all those parents who sent their child’s Lenten promise to me via Tapestry.  If your child has not yet shared their Lenten promise with me, perhaps your child could bring into school a picture to help them talk about their Lenten promise.

Wishing all the mums a very happy Mother’s Day.  The children made cards which you will find in their book bags – they decided upon their own decorations and they are very much from their hearts. 

Nicola Palmer

Reception back to school video

Dear parents,

As promised, I have posted a video on Tapestry to show children the classroom and prepare them for Monday.

Wishing you all a wonderful weekend.

Nicola Palmer

Reception Home Learning – 05.03.21

Good morning parents and children,

It’s a strange feeling to be posting the last home learning blog before we’re all together again at school.  You have all been amazing and I shall miss hearing about the children’s antics at home.  However, I will certainly continue to post blogs on the class page and I hope we can still work together to create a history of your children’s achievements through their Learning Journals on Tapestry.  We always enjoy sharing home learning activities with everyone in class.

Personal, social and emotional development

Managing emotions

I know a lot of the children are excited to be returning to school, as indeed I am!  This week we have focused on the children’s well-being to make sure everyone is ready.  I hope the strategies suggested will help those that may need a little extra boost.  However, please feel reassured that we will start our week at an easy pace, playing together and getting used to being at school again.

As well as the top ten comforts mentioned yesterday, having a toolbox of weapons against those times when anxieties feel overwhelming is extremely helpful.

If your child is super-creative, encourage them to use that. The positivity of their creativity is by no means limited merely to situations when they need to manage their worries about school and the new normal. With their creativity often comes a wonderful sense of humour, there’s nothing more therapeutic than laughter. Let their imagination run wild, as long as the focus is positive; really encourage their magical thinking, it will go such a long way in helping them through.

Suggest going to different lands, visiting imaginary friends, being any animal they like.  Your child could write, draw, daydream, whatever they want. If your child is feeling at all worried, use their stories to create fantastical imaginative solutions. Perhaps your child is superhero who saves the day and everyone is safe and together again.

We would love to see any pictures created by the children at home. If you haven’t had a chance to create a ‘happy box’ with your child yet, a picture to bring into school and share with their friends will be just as good.

Plan activities to do in the evenings and at weekends for the first few weeks, to give them
something to look forward to and remind them they will have time to spend with you.

Establish a routine ‘family feedback’ time which makes it normal for everyone to air and
share worries from their day, as well as the fun things. This could happen over dinner time
and involve questions like, ‘What was the silliest moment of your day? What was the most
interesting thing you did today? Did anyone say anything kind or mean?” This also
encourages your child to talk about their feelings.

Story books are also a good way to support children with a range of emotional issues.
Stories can give a child a framework so they know what to do when confronted with certain

You can search on Book Trust for story books about worries or anxiety.

Classroom video

I will post a video later today for the children to see our classroom.  Hopefully this will help children feel excited and confident, knowing what to expect on the first day.  It should also provide an opportunity to talk about any specific worries.

Religious Education

The joy of gathering to listen to God’s word

We will be exploring this story at school. I thought it may be nice to introduce it to your child to give a little head start and help your child feel confident to join in with our discussions.

The picture below shows a story from the Bible, Mark 10: 13,14-16. 

Jesus loved everyone, he was kind and gentle.  Parents and carers brought their children to Jesus for him to bless. Some people thought the children should not be bothering Jesus. But Jesus loved all the children and said ‘Let the children come to me.’  So the children gathered round Jesus and loved being with him. Jesus loved the children.

Questions to ask your child:

Why did the children want to be near Jesus?
Would you like to be there too, why?
What did some people think?
What do you think Jesus said to the children?
What does the story tell you about Jesus?

Enjoy your weekend and see you soon!

Nicola Palmer