Y2 wish you a Happy Easter :-)

Have a lovely, relaxing holiday. Thanks again to Mrs McAndrew, Mr Pearman, Mrs Alexander,  Mrs Vazquez, Mrs Brennan and Mrs Cox for helping us make such amazing habitats to finish off our science topic.

Y2 Reading books

Please note Wednesday will be the last day for changing reading  books for the holiday. The children can have up to 5 books but must bring in any current books with a signed reading record.

Y2 Homework update

Further to the homework email earlier, we forgot to give out the homework folders today which of course have the MyMaths login details inside. I’m very sorry for this, the children will have to collect their folders on Monday. The homework is designed for the holidays so there is nothing that has to be completed for next week, we were just trying to get a head start on it but best laid plans…

Year 5 spring week 10

Year 5 spring week 10


The children had been very excited at the prospect of appearing on stage at the Alban Arena.  When the time came for them to share their talents, I’m sure that those of you who were fortunate enough to get tickets  will agree that they were a credit to the school, their parents and of course themselves. I could feel my eyes prick with pride as I watched from the wings!

Well done everyone who was able to join in the pre-school golden mile.

We continued with our embroidery this week and here are some photos of the children experimenting with different types of stitch.


Have a great weekend,


Mr Creaton

Y2 Easter Home Learning

The children have received their MyMaths instructions today, you should find a letter in their homework folder. I have set them up with a Year 2 booster pack, which includes over 40 different activities. You are not expected to do them all, but just to choose those ones where you feel you need to practise the most. In particular it would be good to look at 2D and 3D shape and fractions as we will be covering these after the holiday and it would give a head start.

I will also set a holiday reading task next week.

Next Wednesday will be the last time for changing books before the holiday, the children can choose up to 5 books and need to also have their reading record with them.

Finally, thank you to those parents who have volunteered to help with our ‘habitats’ day next Wednesday afternoon. We still need more helpers so if you can spare the afternoon please let the office know. It’s a fun afternoon where you can work closely with the children on a project they really enjoy doing.

Thanks to all those who attended the SATs meeting last night, I  hope you found it useful. Confirmation of the ‘maths methods’ evening will be sent out shortly.

Year One historians

On Friday, the children joined up with Year Two for History Day.  They enjoyed four different activities, which encouraged them to find out about the past through exploring the clues that real artefacts held.  The children had some wonderful ideas and developed their skills in historical enquiry.

Year 5 Spring week 9

Dear parents,

just a few notes to let you know what your child has been up to.

We hope the week started with a wonderful Mothers’ Day and the children spent time producing cards to mark the occasion ( we did this last week but it would have spoiled the surprise  to publish the photos before the cards were given).




We have been studying a new book for English and debating whether an origami Yoda finger puppet can have mystical powers.


And of course, we had to see if we could actually follow instructions and make our own …


As usual, the class were exemplary in their behaviour when visiting Mandeville School  for their Alban Arena singing practice.

Many of the pupils have been representing the school this week at football, and cross-country. We wish  every success to those swimming  in  the Gala on Saturday.


Today was history day, and it was lovely to see the pupils enter into the spirit of the proceedings with their costumes.


Have a great weekend,


Mr Creaton



History Day

Some fantastic costumes today!