It’s electric in year 4!

The children showed fantastic partner-working, initiative and perseverance this week as they were presented with boxes of components and wires and asked to “make a circuit”. The delight when they made the lightbulb come on, or the buzzer vibrate was genuine and wonderful to see.

They role-played what Panther and Cheetah could say to each other and really got into character.

Next Wednesday we will walk to the cathedral. We’ll be back in time for school lunches, so no packed lunch will be needed. Let’s hope the weather is as glorious as it’s been this week! Regardless of what it is like, I think we’ll have a very interesting and inspirational time learning about the saint which gave our home city its name.

As part of our learning about “The Midnight Panther”, some children made this wonderful collage of Panther trying to be as regal as Lion.

I hope you all have a wonderful, relaxing weekend.

Nursery 20.09.2024

Welcome to the first Nursery blog children, parents and carers. Each week you will be able to see what we have been up to in Nursery as well as important reminders and updates.

I have been really impressed at how the children have started in Nursery, separating from their parents, changing into their plimsolls and getting to know the morning routine of finding their animal group!

I have uploaded some photos to each tapestry account, I can only upload once parents/carers have activated so if you haven’t done so already please have a look. Please let me know if you haven’t been able to activate your account.

Here are pictures from the first few weeks….

On Thursday morning we had a fire drill. The children listened for the sound and lined up with the grown ups. We walked sensibly out into the big play playground and lined up with the rest of the school! Well Done Nursery! Mrs Porter said how fantastic they were and came to Nursery with her special stickers!


Children need a coat/jacket every day.

Children need a water bottle.

If children are having lunch, grapes need to be cut in half lengthways.

Book bags available from the office (£5.10).

Important Dates

Saturday 28th September – PTA BBQ – 1 – 4pm.

October half term – Monday 28th October – Friday 1st November.

Have a lovely weekend

Miss Taylor

Year 2 rise to the challenge

We are all enjoying being the oldest children in the infants and rising to the challenge of being wonderful role models to the younger children.

Inspired by a story all about Greta Thunberg, we have been thinking about what we can do to be great stewards of creation. We came up with some wonderful energy saving ideas to help to save the planet and our promises grew a beautiful tree to decorate our classroom.

If you would like to watch Greta and the Giants, you will find it below:

Year Two enjoy a visit to the library

Over the holiday, we wrote and posted some amazing postcards that have been used as part of our learning in geography and we also kept up with our reading by doing the library reading challenge. All of this shows that we are really ready for the amazing learning we can look forward to now that we are in Year 2.

Reception – Welcome to Reception!


Hello and Welcome to St. Adrian’s Reception Class! It has been lovely to get to know your children and hear all about the wonderful experiences they’ve had over the summer holiday. I feel very lucky to be able to spend this academic year with all of them!

This 2 weeks we purely enjoyed each other company, exploring the classroom, finding out where things are and how to put them all away at the end of the day.
The children were very good lining up, waiting for their lunch and then clearing their trays. They were superstars listening to the rules and trying their best!
I am already very proud!

In the classroom we explored the different areas. We were camping with our friends, played with the sand, read books in our Autumn reading corner and sang songs. Every morning the children had different busy fingers activities.

In the garden the children were very helpful and everything now looks absolutely amazing. Plants have been looked after, grass has been cut and playground was cleaned. Well done children! We also picked some carrots, beans and tomatoes 🙂

On Friday we had our very first PE lesson and everyone enjoyed playing parachute games!

Please make sure that your child has a full, named PE uniform, placed in a named school PE bag. It would be great to spend some time teaching your children how to be independent dressing and undressing. Of course, myself and Mrs Reid will always be ready to help if needed.

I hope you have an amazing weekend!
looking forward seeing you all next week!
Mrs Solakova

Welcome to Year 3!

We began the week by focusing on Catholic Social teaching, with a particular emphasis on the  care of the creation. We explored many ways to care for the remarkable world we have been given. Then we wrote prayers expressing our gratitude for the Earth, and sought guidance on how to preserve it. 

In Religious Education, we studied our class saint, St Peter. We researched his life and gained a deeper understanding of his significance.

Welcome to Year Six!

It’s the end of our first full week and the children are settling in to their new classroom and their new role as Year Six.

It was good to meet with many parents at the ‘Meet the teacher’ morning. If you weren’t able to make it, I am always pleased to meet with parents after school (excepting Tuesdays). You can find a copy of my presentation on the Google Classroom – but I am a visual person, so my prompts may not make complete sense without my narration!

The children have worked together, this week, to learn about our class saint, St Paul. One of the outcomes of this has been a new sign for our classroom door.

Although we have only been back at school for ten days, the children are rising to the challenge of their new topics across the curriculum.

Year 4 is going swimmingly….

Thank you for the hats for swimming! And for all your support in sending your children to school with what they need every day. The class is responding really well to the new routines in their new year and settling down to calm, reflective work while showing great independence.

We’ve started the new topics in science, history and art and visited the library for the first time. We’ve made great inroads into place value, using resources to represent numbers to their thousands and also to remember the significance of the all-important place value holder.

We’ve introduced some friendly competition in the class, as the children chose names for their tables. They chose the theme of “gemstones” and debated amongst themselves, on their tables, which name they would like for their table. The classroom door is now beautifully decorated with images associated with St Alban, the year 4 class saint. (Any illustrations which could not fit on the door are in a book to be displayed in the classroom.)

Mrs Newman delivered her first ukelele session and the children can already strum some notes in time.

It was lovely to see so many of you at “meet the teacher”. I’ve put a link to the slides on Google Classroom.

This week’s spellings and Maths activities will be on Google Classroom. Please let me know if you have any queries. Have a great weekend!

Welcome Year 4!

The new year got off to a great start for year 4. They have used handwriting pens in their RE and English books, started listening to the brilliant book “The Iron Man”, begun their Maths learning with place value and were excellent representatives for St Adrians when they went swimming on Thursday. I wished that I had worn my sunglasses, when faced with the dazzling display of brightly-coloured summer costumes on display! All the children have been put in groups and next week the lessons will start in earnest in both the smaller and large pools.

It’s been a great three days and the children are really ready for all aspects of learning and life in year 4.

The first lots of home learning are on Google Classroom – spellings for Tuesday and Maths for Thursday, please. Times- table is a major focus for home learning. It’s really essential that the children learn these facts off by heart. Thank you for your support in doing this.

I look forward to seeing you all at meet the teacher on Wednesday 11th September. In the meantime, I hope you all have a lovely weekend.

Year 1

Welcome to my new Year 1 class. It has been a very positive start to the year and the children have enjoyed catching up with each other and making new friends.

Wonderful end to Year 3!

This week in Design and Technology, we enhanced our cooking skills by making delicious savoury tarts with seasonal vegetables. We carefully diced and chopped the vegetables, showcasing our cooking skills.

In PE, we concluded our final lesson by enjoying a variety of ball games.

What a wonderful end to another amazing school year! Thank you for your ongoing support and generous gifts. Have a fantastic summer!