Reception Home Learning – 21.01.21

Good morning children and parents,

I hope you enjoy today’s home learning.  

Communication and Language/Literacy

Tell the story from the Gingerbread Man’s point of view

This is quite a sophisticated skill and more difficult than a basic retelling with additions and changes.  Your child will have to see the story from another angle so I recommend you do this one together.  Plenty of acting out the story and lots of modelling will help your child.  However, the basic technique is something that your child will encounter many times throughout their school life so some exposure at this stage will be very beneficial.

Another way you could do this is something we call “hot seating”.  Pretend to be the Gingerbread Man and encourage your child to ask you some questions.  Or you could change roles and your child could ask the Gingerbread Man some questions.  Of course, you can play this game pretending to be any of the other characters eg. the little old woman, the cow, the horse or the fox.

Try the technique with another story – perhaps when reading one of your child’s favourite story books.

Letters and Sounds

What’s the Sound Mr Wolf game?

This is a fun game we’ve played often in class.

You will need:

  • Your child’s word bag.
  • Lots of space – outside is best.

What to do:

Take out tricky words (star shapes) from the word bag. 

You will only need high frequency words for the game (words that can be sounded out)

  • Stand your child several large paces away from ‘The Wolf’ (parent).
  • Pull from the word bag a word and ask your child to sound it out.
  • Your child will then say the sounds loudly as they take strides forward.
  • Make sure your child takes just one stride per sound.
  • Choose another word and repeat.
  • Once your child is close enough to The Wolf, turn round and shout ‘dinner time!’
  • The wolf chases your child who runs back ‘home’ and start again.  Agree where ‘home’ will be prior to beginning the game.

I normally stand with my back to the children and turn round each time I say a word.

Perhaps swap places with your child who becomes the wolf and reads the words out to you.

For support

  • Check the sounds with your child by clapping them first as you say them together.
  • Show your child how to take one step per sound for each word before he or she begins taking their paces.

For challenge

Try these words which focus on our new sounds.

ai – wait, pain, sail, rain, main, tail

ee – see, weep, meet, week, feet, deep, keep

igh – light, fight, might, sight, bright, fright

This would also be a good opportunity to discuss word meanings and encourage your child to say a sentence to include the word.


The box game

Children often enjoy visualising how many toys are hidden in a box.  This game helps with adding, subtracting and solving problems.

You will need:

A box, number cards (or individual numbers written on pieces of paper) and some toys eg. teddies, small action figures

What to do:

  • Put the toys into the box one at a time, counting the toys with your child as you hide them in the box.  The amount of toys may depend on your child’s understanding.  Perhaps start with 5 toys and increase the number as you play.
  • Ask “Can you show me using your fingers how many toys are hidden?”
  • Ask your child to find the number.
  • Add one to the box, without showing the toys inside, and again ask your child to show you using their fingers “How many are there now?” “Show me the number”.
  • Check your child’s answer by counting the toys in the box.

Extend this game by using larger amounts of toys and numbers.  Instead of adding toys to the box, take a given amount of toys out of the box.  “What if we add two more?” “What if we take two out?” 

Questions to ask your child:

  • How many were there at the start?
  • How many are there now?
  • How do you know?
  • How did you work it out?

Tricky words

Here’s a reminder of our new tricky words.

I’d like to share with you a great idea from one of the children.  Create your own words to add to your child’s word bag.  Perhaps your child could cut the star shapes out themselves to keep learning those scissor skills. 

Revisit the words on a daily basis and play ‘spot the word’ in story books.  Replay the ‘tricky word’ videos posted on Tuesday, 19.01.21.

Expressive Arts

Gingerbread Man ‘See How He Runs’ song

Attached to the Memo section of Tapestry is another song to learn with your child. 

Enjoy your day.

Nicola Palmer

Reception Home Learning – 20.01.21

Good morning parents and children,

Welcome to today’s Reception home learning.

Communication and Language/Literacy

Making alterations to the story of The Gingerbread Man

In some way, we have already thought about making alterations through substitution and addition.  However, now we are going to try to make changes that have a consequence. By ‘alteration’ I mean a change that is significant and changes the direction of the story – alterations have a knock on effect!

It is worth beginning by just making changes within the story – so that your child will still have the overall comfort of the original.  This acts as a large writing frame and provides structure within which they can manoeuvre.  You could try altering:

  • the nature of one of the characters eg. the fox is kind and helpful.
  • setting eg. on the moon.
  • the end of the story eg. The Gingerbread Man and the fox go on an adventure.
  • a key event within the story eg. The Gingerbread Man didn’t run away.

I hope your child enjoys making changes to the story – I find this normally generates quite a lot of amusement.  Again, if you could act it out with your child and make the changes as you play, your child will probably be more inventive.  Perhaps at a key point, stop and say ‘Hey we could change that bit’.

Letters and Sounds

Crocodile in the river (or is it a fox in the river?)

You will need:

Large piece of blue fabric
Pieces of paper with sounds written on – see below

What to do:

  • Lay the fabric on the floor like a river (you can play this game outside and use chalk to draw the river instead)
  • Tell your child he/she has to cross the river, but a crocodile lives in it.
  • Assume the role of the crocodile and stand in the river.
  • The only way for your child to cross safely is for he/she to make a bridge.
  • Ask your child to lay down sounds to create a given word as the bridge eg. ‘pet’ as in the picture.

Suggested words (you don’t have to do them all!):

qu – quick, quit, quack, queen   (sounds: qu, i, ck, t, a, ee, n)

ch – chop, chin, such, chip    (sounds:  ch, o, p, i, n, s, u, p)

sh – shop, ship, fish, rush, cash, shell   (sounds: sh, o, p, i, p, f, r, u, c, a)

th – this, that, with, moth   (sounds:  th, i, s, a, t, w, m, o)

For support – try the following words:

mat, pen, pig, cat, dog, mum, dad   (sounds:  m, a, t, p, e, n, I, g, c, d, o, g, m, u, m, d)

For further support, just tell your child the word and ask them to sound out the word before crossing the river eg. ‘mat’ – your child tells you ‘m-a-t’.


Positional Language

Go on a hunt to find the Gingerbread Man!  Of course, you could use any toy for this hunt or draw a simple picture of the Gingerbread Man.

The gingerbread man has run away but left directions of where he has gone.  Your child has to follow the directions around your home or outside to find him. Use prepositions such as ‘under the table’, ‘on top of the cupboard’, ‘behind the laundry bin’ etc.

Swap roles and ask your child to hide the Gingerbread Man or toy and give you directions of where to find it.

Gingerbread Man Puppets

I have posted on the Memo section of Tapestry characters from the Gingerbread Man story.  Encourage your child to develop their scissor skills cutting out the shapes, sellotape them onto a stick.  You will have your very own puppets to retell the story.

Celebrating our Learning

Word webs

Story maps

Gingerbread Man cooking

Retelling the story to an audience

Reading The Gingerbread Story in my own language

Story scribing



Writing like a Jedi/writing in flour

Strong fingers

Thank you so much for all your Tapestry posts! You are an amazing Reception class.

Mrs Palmer

Reception Home Learning – 19.01.21

Good morning parents,

Many thanks for all your observations on Tapestry.  I’ve already had some wonderful ideas about how we can change The Gingerbread Man story.  Today, we’re going to make some more changes.

Communication and Language/Literacy

Additions to The Gingerbread Man story

In some ways making additions comes quite naturally.  Children retelling a story will often start adding extra bits.  Similar to the way your child may add extra things when in conversation about something that has happened.

The simplest way to move into addition is by adding in more description eg.

Once upon a time there was a little old woman who lived in a cottage.  She decided to make a gingerbread man.

You could build on this by:

•          adding in more dialogue eg. the cow said “I want to eat you”.

•          adding in a new character eg. the Gingerbread Man met a pig.

Perhaps The Gingerbread Man decided to look for a boat and managed to cross the river.

Keep demonstrating to your child how to add and embellish the story.  

A good way to do this would be to act out the story together and add as you play.


Cookie Challenge

Here is a problem solving activity involving sharing.  The game can always be adapted and explored at snack time.

What to do:

  • Place 12 biscuits on a plate.  You can cut out circle shapes for this activity rather than actual biscuits or perhaps pieces of fruit.
  • 2 soft toys.
  • Provide a plate for each soft toy.
  • Talk to your child about parties and the biscuits; count them together.
  • Ask ‘Let’s share the biscuits, how can we make it fair?’
  • If your child hesitates, guide towards taking 1 biscuit at a time and giving to each toy in turn.
  • Ask ‘How many biscuits each?’
  • Put the biscuits back on the original plate.
  • Ask ‘What happens if 3 toys each have a plate?’
  • ‘What about 5 toys, can the biscuits be shared equally?’

Talk about how you can change or extend the problem, for example, by changing the number of biscuits to 10 or inviting some more toys to join the group.

Sharing and acting out The Door Bell Rang story can extend your child further:

Adapting the game

Ask questions involving addition or subtraction eg. ‘If we put 2 more cookies on the plate, how many would there be?’ or ‘If three get eaten, how many would be left?’

Letters and Sounds

Tricky words

What are tricky words?   Words that contain letters that do not correspond to the sounds children know (e.g. in go, the last letter does not represent the same sound as the children know in dog).  They are words that cannot be sounded out and blended together.  Children learn to read these words by sight.

This video revisits tricky words learnt so far.  All these words will be in your child’s word bag.

This video introduces new tricky words.  Learning to read these words by sight is the first step. 

Top Tips:

  • Tricky words are the star shape words in your child’s word bag.
  • Play a game spotting tricky words in story books and read the words together.
  • For support, concentrate on reading words in your child’s word bag.
  • For challenge, learn to spell all the tricky words in the word bag and new words listed above.
  • For extra challenge (only if your child can happily read the words), write a sentence that includes tricky words (and draw a picture).  For example,

Big and Under Writing

Making writing fun will always inspire and motivate your child to write.  I have attached to the Activities Section of Tapestry some ideas about writing ‘under the table’ or on ‘big paper’.  I’d like to share with you a photo I received of a very passionate writer producing some fantastic writing and a story map all about pirates.

Religious Education

The Presentation Story ‘Mary and Joseph take Jesus to the Temple’

This is a story from the Bible Luke 2:25–35.  Explain to your child that it can be found in the New Testament because it is about Jesus. 

Together look in either your own Bible or your child’s Bible to find the story and talk about the story.

To reinforce the story, role-play indoors or outside the story of Mary and Joseph taking Jesus to the Temple.

I hope you all have a great day.

Nicola Palmer

Reception Home Learning – 18.01.21

Good morning parents and children,

I hope you all had a fantastic weekend and are ready for another fun week learning at home.

Here is my timetable for the week.  This week, I’ve decided to consolidate our Letters and Sounds learning so far and play games.

Communication and Language/Literacy

The Gingerbread Man

Once your child knows the story of The Gingerbread Man really well, try some substitutions.  I find this game usually brings new life the children’s enthusiasm.  The purpose is to guide your child towards being able to make up their own stories when writing.

The easiest substitutions to make are places, characters or names.  Don’t be tempted to substitute too much at this stage.  It may be worth limiting or staging the substitutions to avoid the story falling apart.  So, a simple substitution for The Gingerbread Man might start like this:

Once upon a time there was a boy/girl called (your child’s name) ………

Then continue the story but use your child’s name throughout instead of the little old woman.

Once your child gets the idea, here are some other suggestions:

  • Change the name of The Gingerbread Man
  • Change the animals
  • Change the river, maybe he couldn’t climb a mountain

Perhaps your child could draw a new story map for their new story.

Letters and Sounds

Writing like a Jedi

(adapt the theme depending on your child’s interest
eg. pretend to write like a fairy with a wand)

This activity will help your child learn the pre cursive letter formation ‘whoosh writing’.  It’s a fun way to embed the letter pattern and can be played outside.   Use the same technique to learn numeral formation.

To engage your child’s enthusiasm, pretend that you have met Luke Skywalker!  You learnt how to become a ’Jedi Writer’.  Jedi writing is different to the way that ‘we’ all write.  It is amazing because you get to do it with a light sabre!

Use as many props as you have available eg. dressing up, something to represent the light sabre eg. a stick.

What to do:

  • Ask your child to stand up.
  • Choose a letter and talk about it. Where does this shape/letter start? Then where do we go?
  • Introduce the rhyme related to the letter (these can be found in your Letters and Sounds book)
  • Look at the letter in your child’s Letters and Sounds book.  Ask your child to trace it with their finger.
  • Demonstration with your light sabre, talking about all of the ‘essentials’ for effective Jedi writing:  straight back, legs shoulder width apart, big strong movements, no wobbling!  Write the letter in the air.
  • Ask your child to write the letter in the air with their light sabre.

This initiative was inspired by Alistair Bryce-Clegg (ABC Does) for more information: 

You can also ask your child to write with their finger in either flour, shaving foam or sand.

Further challenge

  • Revisit the new sounds learn so far in our home learning:  qu, ch, sh, th, ng, ai, ee, igh. Maybe use chalk outside and write on paving. It’s always fun to use a brush and water to make the letters disappear.
  • Use your child’s word bag and learn the spellings of the words.


On the Memo section of Tapestry, you will find a Gingerbread Man dice game.  The game involves rolling a dice and, depending upon the number rolled, draw different features onto a template of the Gingerbread Man.  If you do not have a printer, simply draw outlines of the Gingerbread Man for each player.

If your child can accurately count the dots on the dice, encourage your child to recognise the amount of dots on the dice without counting.

Challenge your child further by changing the numbers required.  Perhaps decide it’s the number rolled on the dice and add 1 more or use two dice.

Physical Development

Tweezer challenge

What to do:

  • Find a selection of small items eg. pasta, buttons, beads, sweetcorn, jelly beans. 
  • Challenge your child to see how many ……. they can pick up using the tweezers in a given amount of time, say 30 seconds.
  • Use a timer eg. kitchen timer, phone, stop watch to set the time.
  • Challenge your child to pick up the items and sort them into categories in 30 seconds?  For example, if you have a selection of beads, sort them into colours.  Perhaps sort different items into categories eg. give your child three pots – pasta in one pot, beads in another, buttons in the third pot.

I am sure you will have spotted the maths learning in this game.  Your child will also be developing those small finger muscles necessary for holding a pen and writing beautifully.

Wishing you all a great day.

Nicola Palmer

Reception Home Learning – 15.01.21

Good morning parents and children,

I notice from your posts on Tapestry that many children are enjoying The Gingerbread Man story.  We’re going to do some more learning about the story for one more week.   So watch this space for more Gingerbread Man fun next week.

Communication and Language

 Understanding question words using stories

Asking questions about stories is a way of finding out what children know, understand and can remember.  It also encourages children to be reflective. 

We’ve already explored The Gingerbread Man story with lots of reflective questions.  I’ve compiled some more specific questions relating to our Gingerbread Man story which will deepen your child’s learning.

  • What did the Little Old Woman do to make the Gingerbread Man?
  • What happened when the Little Old Woman opened the oven?
  • Why did the Gingerbread Man run away?
  • Why did everyone chase him?
  • Why do you think everyone wanted to eat the Gingerbread Man?
  • Why did the Gingerbread Man stop when he reached the river?
  • Why didn’t the fox tell the Gingerbread Man he wanted to eat him?
  • How did the fox trick the Gingerbread Man?
  • Why did the Gingerbread Man trust the fox?  Would you?

Challenge your child to ask you a question.  Maybe take turns.  What about making it into ‘Quiz Time’ game – who can get the most points?  What will the winner’s prize be?  Perhaps choose your own story for this game.

Literacy/Letters and Sounds

Make a story chair/story area

Create a specially decorated chair or story area with your child. This then becomes a special place for your child to tell all sorts of stories.  All you need to do is choose a chair and drape different fabrics over it or your child may wish to make some decorations for the chair.  Maybe add dressing up clothes, fairy lights, some writing materials etc. 

Today’s new sound – ‘igh’ (trigraph three letters but one sound)

Here is a video to introduce the sound.  It also has a little reading challenge at the end.

This video supports blending and reading words that include the ‘igh’ sound.

Below is the action for ‘igh’ :  

Show your child how to write ‘igh’ using the correct letter formation.

Letter formation for ‘i’, ‘g’ and ‘h’ can be found in your child’s letters and sounds book.

Encourage your child to ‘have a go’ at writing the ‘igh’ sound. 

If your child is ready for a challenge, ask your child to write the following words:

For extra challenge, maybe your child could write a sentence and draw a picture to accompany the sentence. 


Creating varied patterns and independently

This step should feel like a natural flow from the previous steps and many thanks to those children who have already shown me their independent patterns.

  • Provide materials (eg. bricks, stones, twigs, knives, forks, spoons, cars, beads, buttons) for your child to create their own pattern.
  • Again, ensure your child can talk about their pattern and identify where it repeats.
  • Parents, try creating your own pattern and present deliberate errors. Ask your child to ‘fix’ the problem.
  • Create patterns for a purpose – wrapping paper for a birthday or a design for a dinner place mat for example.

Baking a Gingerbread Man

I have posted on the Memo section of Tapestry a simple gingerbread recipe.  Your child could, of course, make any sort of biscuit depending upon the cutters available at home.

Here are some ideas to support your child’s learning:

  • Talk about the sequence of the recipe and involve your child in following the numbered steps.
  • Encourage your child to read the recipe with you eg. stop at a word, say ‘mix’, and pretend to struggle ‘Can you read that word for me?’
  • Talk about numbers throughout your cooking activities such as how many eggs or spoonfuls you might need.
  • Place all of the ingredients you need for the recipe on a tray and ask your child to pass them to you by asking specific questions such as ‘pass me the ingredient that is beside the flour, or behind the eggs’. The game can continue with your child naming the positions of ingredients to you.
  • Teach your child how to use the scales and how to read the dial or numerals. You can also encourage your child to guess which of two items is heavier or lighter by holding one in each hand, for example a bag of sugar in one hand and a bag of flour in the other. Check if your child’s estimate was correct.
  • Cooking together lends itself ideally to talking about time. How long will the gingerbread people take to cook?  Set timers together on your cooker, freestanding timer or phone.

Wishing you all a wonderful weekend.

Nicola Palmer

Reception Home Learning – 14.01.21

Good morning parents and children,

Welcome to today’s Reception home learning.

Communication and Language

Word webs

This activity will help your child build their vocabulary.

What to do:

  • Choose a word to start a discussion.   I often find when I am reading stories to children a word that we are unfamiliar with always pops up.  Below I have suggested some possible words from our Gingerbread Man story. 

decided, bellowed, neighed, river, scrambled, unfortunately, gulp

  • Write the word in the middle of a piece of paper eg. ‘river’
  • Ask your child what he/she knows about ‘river’
  • If your child can’t think of anything you could look at a book or Google together and start the discussion from there.
  • Encourage your child to lead the conversation and write down his or her ideas linking them together.  Perhaps your child could draw some pictures.
  • This is a nice activity for you to model writing ‘scribing’.  However, you could just sit and chat about your word.

Talking about new words in this way helps your child remember the new words.  This because they will be making links between new vocabulary and old vocabulary.

Literacy/Letters and Sounds

Retell the story of the Gingerbread Man

Now it’s time to start using our story map and encouraging your child to retell the story independently.  I have posted a transcript of the story on the Memo section of Tapestry to help you guide your child.

Begin by telling the story together.  Point to the story map as you retell the story.  Once your child seems confident, you can start to withdraw from saying the words.  Maybe you can just mouth the words or just keep prompting with the actions.  If your child falters in their telling, you can always leap in and keep the story going.  Tell your child ‘When I stop you carry on’.    The aim is to move from you being the dominant teller to becoming a listener.  Your child moves from being the listener to becoming the teller.

Find an audience for the story

The wonderful thing about learning to tell stories is becoming a storyteller and to communicate a story to someone else.  Maybe your child could tell their story to a collection of toys.  Perhaps even pretend each toy is one of their friends from class.  Other ideas are to ring or Zoom a family member or you could set up a theatre performance at home.  I’m sure your child would love to use your phone to record their story.  As usual, all use of technology with supervision.

Today’s new sound – ‘ee’ (digraph two letters but one sound)

Here’s a video to introduce the sound.

This video supports blending and reading words that include the ‘ee’ sound.

Below is the action for ‘ee’.

Show your child how to write ‘ee’ using the correct letter formation.

Letter formation for ‘e’ can be found in your child’s letters and sounds book.

Encourage your child to ‘have a go’ at writing the ‘ee’ sound. 

If your child is ready for a challenge, ask your child to write a couple of words from the following selection:

For extra challenge, maybe your child could write a sentence and draw a picture to accompany the sentence.   I expect this may result in some funny pictures!


Identifying the unit of repeat and describing

Build a tower as an example of a vertical pattern, for example, with coloured or different sized construction bricks. Stop part the way through a unit of repeat to see whether your child can continue it.  Ask your child to describe the repetition eg. ‘See if you can find where the pattern begins and ends’ or ‘Count the repeats and show them’.   Of course, you could always make your pattern using a different material available at home.

For extra challenge, you could also play a board game, such as Snakes and Ladders, and ask ‘Can you see any patterns here?’

Expressive Arts and Design

Gingerbread Man on the Run

I have posted on the Memo section of Tapestry this fun song.   Sing to the tune of ‘London Bridge is Falling Down’.


Finally, in the absence of your child being able to change their reading books at school, may I recommend the following website.

Click on Comics and start with the Phase 2 comics. 

A Nap
Rick the Duck
A Bug

If your child can read the Phase 2 comics fluently, with confidence and a good understanding, move onto the Phase 3.   Your child hasn’t learnt all of the Phase 3 sounds yet.  However, the following comics in the Phase 3 category are suitable if your child is ready.

Pet a Vet
I can Spot

Please do not hesitate to ask if you have any questions regarding your child’s reading or any other home activities.  Email the School Office or post an observation on Tapestry.

My thoughts are with you and hope everyone is well and keeping safe.

Nicola Palmer

Reception Home Learning – 13.01.21

Good morning parents and children,

Communication and Language

Making predictions

Making predictions can be quite complex for little ones because it involves analysing information and bringing ideas together.  It helps children think about problems to decide what they could do next.  Also, when your child is reading to you, being able to make predictions about the story supports comprehension.

  • Read a story together.  This could be a story book or maybe your child’s reading book.
  • Read a few pages to introduce the characters.
  • At key places, stop and before you turn the page ask ‘What do you think might happen next?’
  • When you read the next page ask ‘Was your prediction right?’

If your child needs a little support, ask more direct questions eg. Goldilocks and The Three Bears – ‘Whose house do you think she will find?’ or offer alternatives for your child to choose from.

Literacy/Letters and Sounds

Draw a story map – The Gingerbread Man

Once your child has listened to the story of The Gingerbread Man a couple of times then draw a story map in front of your child.  The maps need to be simple and very clear so that they capture the plot in one go – and can act as a visual reminder. 

Here is an example I created.   

Today’s new sound – ‘ai’ (digraph two letters but one sound)

For a change, I’ve found a different video to introduce the sound.  However, you can always google – Mr Thorne Does Phonics ai – to find out what Geraldine gets up to.

This video supports blending and reading words that include the ‘ai’ sound. 

Below is the action for ‘ai’   – cup one hand over ear, as if hard of hearing, and say ai?

Show your child how to write ‘ai’ using the correct letter formation.

Letter formation for ‘a’ and ‘i’ can be found in your child’s letters and sounds book.

Encourage your child to ‘have a go’ at writing the ‘ai’ sound. 

If your child is ready for a challenge, ask your child to write the following words:

For extra challenge, maybe your child could write a sentence and draw a picture to accompany the sentence. 


Continuing a pattern – repeating

If you completed yesterday’s maths activity, your child should be able to recognise the repeating aspect of a pattern.  Continue to explore the step explained yesterday if not (recognising patterns).

Now it’s time to continue a repeating pattern.  Begin by starting a pattern using any objects you have available at home (as suggested yesterday).  Ensure that more than two colours and several shapes are used in varied examples and provide examples of different lengths of units of repetition.  Many children will struggle beyond a repetition that involves four items so adjust the complexity of the pattern according to your child.  Continue to encourage your child to describe the features and repetition.

Another opportunity to continue a pattern can be found by printing (manmade stamps, vegetable printing etc.) and finish each other’s creations by finding and repeating the patterns.  This is how you can have a go at printing with vegetables.

Veggie Stamp!

  • Select any choice of vegetables to cut it in half (take the opportunity to talk about half).
  • Encourage your child to choose 3/4 different vegetables or colours.
  • Dip the flat side of each vegetable in paint and stamp onto some paper in a repeating pattern (depending, of course, if you have paint at home).

Thank you for all the observations posted on Tapestry.  I thought I’d celebrate some of our learning once a week, here goes for this week:

Epiphany and scissor skills

Letters and Sounds/Letter formation

Reading/special story of the day

Scribing a story with some child contributions

Writing for a purpose


Being physical


Congratulations children and parents, you’re doing a great job!

Nicola Palmer

Reception Home Learning – 12.01.21

Good morning Reception class,

Here are my activities for today.

Communication and Language

Memory Game – Shopping

This is a simple game that I’m sure some of you will be familiar with.  Learning to remember more and more information is a key skill.  As your child’s school life progresses, he or she will need to remember increasingly longer and more complicated information.  This game develops memory skills.

What to do:

  • You start the game by saying ‘I went to the shop and bought a banana’.
  • Your child repeats what you have said and then adds another item ‘I went to the shop and bought a banana and some biscuits’.
  • Now it could be a different family member or back to you.  Repeat the sentence and add another item – and so on until you think it is time to stop!

Variations of this game could be packing for a holiday, tidying up the toys, tv programmes to watch, going on a walk etc.

If your child needs a little support, try using objects to look at first and then move the objects as a reminder of things to recall.

To challenge your child further, try initial sounds (everything begins with a certain sound) or using the letters of the alphabet in order as children choose their items.  To help with this, use a letter chart (if you have one).

Literacy/Letters and Sounds

Listen to the story of The Gingerbread Man again (yesterday’s blog) and encourage your child to join in.   Talk about the story and ask questions to make sure your child fully understands the story.  Here are some example questions:

  • Did you notice any patterns (repetition) in the story eg. ‘Run, run as fast as you can, you can’t catch me I’m the Gingerbread Man’?
  • Was there anything in the story that you’re not sure about?
  • What would you have done if you were …. the little old woman, the fox etc?
  • How would you have felt if you were ….  the gingerbread man, the horse etc?
  • What do you like best about the story?
  • Was there anything you didn’t like about the story?
  • If you could change one thing in the story, what would it be?

If you have a different version of The Gingerbread Man, talk about the differences – which ending does your child prefer?

Today’s new sound – ‘ng’ (digraph two letters but one sound)

Here’s Geraldine again!!!  Watch the next video below for words your child may be able to read and write.

This video supports blending and reading words that include the ‘ng’ sound.

Below is the action for ‘ng’.

Show your child how to write ‘ng’ using the correct letter formation.

Letter formation for ‘n’ and ‘g’ can be found in your child’s letters and sounds book.

Encourage your child to ‘have a go’ at writing the ‘ng’ sound. 

If your child is ready for a challenge, ask your child to write the following words:

For extra challenge, maybe your child could write a sentence and draw a picture to accompany the sentence. 


We are now going to move onto another learning sequence, pattern recognition.

It’s important that your child explores and identifies the regularities, sequencing and repetition that characterise pattern in mathematics. By recognising pattern, your child is beginning to recognise mathematical relationships and algebraic structures that will deepen his or her mathematical understanding.

In this sequence, your child will begin to understand the elements of pattern that can be found in the world around them as a precursor to the exploration of numbers. This will build up your child’s vocabulary to explain and describe patterns as he or she is beginning to generalise, make predictions and draw conclusions from a breadth of experiences.

What to do:

  • You can use any resources available eg. natural materials (twigs, leaves etc), kitchen items (knives, forks, spoons) or toys (duplo bricks of different colours).
  • Create a pattern with the objects.
  • Ask your child “Tell me about the pattern I have made”.  You will probably need to model the language first.  You will be looking for your child to be able to say something like “After each stick there is one leaf”.
  • Emphasise the repeating aspect of the pattern.  You may need to explain what ‘repeat’ means. You will be looking for your child to be able to say “I can see one yellow brick, one blue and one red then they repeat”.

Draw your child’s attention to repeated events in the daily routine, the natural environment, in songs or stories.   What pattern can we hear in The Gingerbread Man story?

Go on a ‘pattern hunt’ around the house or when outside walking.

May I also recommend  Look under ‘Learning Games’ age 3-5.  In the category ‘Ordering and Sequencing’.  Here is a link:

There is an excellent shape game which draws children’s attention to patterns.  You will see three levels to this game so you can adapt according to your child’s needs.

Look out for the Gingerbread Man game on this website.  This game teaches counting, matching and ordering numbers.

Lastly, if you would like some extra activities, try BBC Bitesize for some fun activities aimed at younger children.

Wishing you all a fantastic day.

Nicola Palmer

Reception – The Gingerbread Man

Hello parents and children,

I understand that some of you have experienced difficulties accessing Tapestry today. Please see below a link to the Gingerbread Man story referred to in my blog earlier this morning.

Hope you enjoy it!

Mrs Palmer

Year 3 RE learning – Journeys

This half term’s learning in RE will be about journeys. The experience of community is an essential and enjoyable part of life for people of every age and faith. The cycle of a year and the span of a lifetime contain occasions for regular celebrations as well as unexpected surprises, when people want to celebrate with family, friends and communities.

The Church’s celebrations are community occasions. On Sundays, the parish family gathers together. It is a time to remember how much there is to celebrate; a time to say thank you; a time to know that God’s love is offered and made visible here and now in Jesus and in people.  Sacraments are more formal special moments: signs of ‘God-with-us’, who journeys with his people; signs of strength and blessing for life.

Word of God

“Now there was a man in Jerusalem whose name was Simeon; this man was righteous and devout, looking forward to the consolation of Israel, and the Holy Spirit rested on him. It had been revealed to him by the Holy Spirit that he would not see death before he had seen the Lord’s Messiah. Guided by the Spirit, Simeon came into the temple; and when the parents brought in the child Jesus, to do for him what was customary under the law, Simeon took him in his arms and praised God, saying, “Master, now you are dismissing your servant in peace, according to your word, for my eyes have seen the salvation which you have made ready in the sight of the nations; a light of revelation for the Gentiles and glory of your people Israel.” (Luke 2:25-32)

Catechism of the Catholic Church

The whole liturgical life of the Church revolves around the Eucharistic sacrifice and the Sacraments. There are seven Sacraments in the Church: Baptism, Confirmation (or Chrismation), Eucharist, Penance, Anointing of the Sick, Holy Orders and Matrimony. (CCC1210)

The feast of the Presentation of the Lord (2 February) marks a thanksgiving celebration for a first-born son.

All those concerned with education should work and plan together to ensure that the children, besides having some idea of God and the supernatural, should also, in proportion to their years and degree of maturity as persons, have some experience of those human values which are involved in Eucharistic celebration: for example, acting together as a community; exchanging greetings; the capacity to listen, to forgive and to ask for forgiveness; the expression of gratitude; the experience of symbolic actions, conviviality and festive celebration.

Prayer and Reflection

Lord, you fulfilled the hope of Simeon who did not die
until he had been privileged to 
welcome the Messiah.
In Sacramental Celebrations we meet the Risen Christ. 
May he continue to give us life.