Welcome back Year 1 after the half term break. It has been great to be back as a whole class once again 🙂
This week, we have continued our learning about the story Naughty Bus. We have started to plan our stories using our own toys and will be writing up our stories next week. Thank you for fulfilling my last minute plea for brining in favourite toys!
Just a reminder, we have PE on Mondays and Wednesdays, kits should have been returned and on pegs ready to go.
Thank you for the great efforts with Travelling Ted, it has been great to see Ted travelling around our local area. He made it to the park and to church and even to Sainsbury’s! Well done everyone.
Next week, we look forward to starting our History learning about Guy Fawkes and the gunpowder plot.
What a half term it has been! Well done to all the children for settling so well into Year 1. We have really enjoyed reading about the naughty adventures of the Naughty Bus and the mischievous Cave Baby in English.
In Maths, we have become pros at number bonds to five and look forward to learning more about our numbers bonds to 10. We have really enjoyed using counters, cubes and numicon to help us.
In RE we have looked at families and how we can love and care for others in our church families and in our families at home. We look forward to continuing our learning about belonging and baptism after half term.
Looking forward to next half term, have a look at our curriculum overview to see what we are learning about, including the Gunpowder Plot. I’ll leave you with some pictures of our Halloween mufti day, spooky!
To help us with our learning about our local area in Geography, the children will get an opportunity to take Travelling Ted on a journey of your local area for two days.
Whether you’re off to a swimming lesson or playing in your local park, take Ted along and get a picture of him. Even if you’re walking to school or going to Rainbows, show us Ted’s journey of your local area. Don’t forget to fill in his journal so we can see where Ted has travelled to locally.
Ted will start his travels today, working in alphabetical order through the children’s names in the register. Please make sure Ted is returned after two days, with his journal and a completed entry. Feel free to send photographs in the Google classroom or via the office.
It’s been another busy week for Year 1. We have really enjoyed starting our new book in English, the Naughty Bus by Jan Oke. We have been using our new found knowledge of buses to write sentences with full stops and capital letters.
We have also enjoyed using apparatus in PE this week. We experimented with travelling across the benches using different parts of our bodies, at a variety of heights. Here are some pictures of us in action:
In our RE topic Belonging, will be focusing on the first Sacrament, Baptism. It would be great if the children could bring in their baptismal candles, photos from their baptism or even their gowns to share with the class. Thank you to the children that have already brought in their baptismal candles.
Our RE topic for the next four weeks is based around the theme of Signs and Symbols.
We will be considering the big question Are signs and symbols important? Why? Please talk about this question with your child, looking for the signs and symbols that the children encounter on the way to and from school.
The children will learn to describe and sequence the baptism service and we will explore the different parts of the sacrament and their significance. We will focus on important symbols associated with baptism, such as the sign of the cross, white garment, font, candle, chrism and Easter candle.
Key words for the topic are: white garment, Easter candle, font, chrism, Good News
Please talk to your child about their own baptism artefacts and how they were used within their baptism.
For their RE home learning, the children are asked to design a baptism candle. Encourage your child to think about what signs and symbols they would like to include on their candle. It would be great if your child could write a key to go with their candle, that explains what each of their chosen symbols mean. Please ensure that your child takes pride in their candle as it would be lovely to make a display of them. These baptism candles should be sent into school by Wednesday 3rd November.
The Year Two children have settled very well into their new class. They are great role models to the Year 1 children and they listen to one another, have fun and are very caring. We are all enjoying learning about structures in Design and Technology, continents and oceans in Geography, the sacrament of baptism in RE and Materials All Around Us in Science. More information on the curriculum that we are covering this year can be found in the post below.
If your child needs to change their tricky words in their reading folders, please have a look at the below list of tricky words for Year 1. Please tick off the words your child is confident with and practice the words they are finding tricky.
This should be completed in addition with reading the colour banded books in your child’s reading folder too.
Our RE topic for the next four weeks is based around the theme of Waiting.
We will be considering the big questions:
How do you feel when you are waiting for something you like?
What do you find difficult about waiting?
What can you do to make waiting easier?
How can we best prepare for Christmas?
Advent is a time when we appreciate the love in our lives and prepare to celebrate love becoming a reality in the person of Jesus. Christians at Christmas celebrate the gift of Jesus, given by God as a sign and expression of God’s love. Giving and receiving reflects the truth that all life is given by God and life is given meaning through the gift of Jesus.
Word of God
“This is what love is: it is not that we have loved God, but that he loved us and sent his Son to be the means by which our sins are forgiven. Dear friends, if this is how God loved us, then we should love one another. No one has ever seen God, but if we love one another, God lives in union with us, and his love is made perfect in us.” (1 John 4: 10-12)
Prayer and reflection:
Today a Saviour is born! In the stillness of the night God enters human history through the birth of his only Son. He is our peace and hope. In him we praise God for his goodness to us in giving us so great a gift. Amen.
We shall be focuses on the following scriptures:
Luke 1: 26-31, 38 – God’s Story 2 page 55 Luke 1: 39-45 – God’s Story 2 page 56 Luke 2: 1-7 – God’s Story 2 page 58 Luke 2: 8-20 – God’s Story 2 page 59
Play ‘hide and seek’ inside or out – discuss how it feels to be the person who is waiting. You could write these feelings down, accompanied by a picture.
Another busy week for Year 1 this week. We took part in National Fitness Day this week. We used our PE lesson to complete as many minute long activities to help improve our fitness as possible. We completed hopscotch, circle leg in the air, hula, flap your arms like a bird, crab walk, dance, sit down and stand up all for a minute each. We had a lot fun!
Please don’t forget that the orange spelling book and blue homework folder are due in every Wednesday. This then gives us time to stick in the new homework for the next week.
We’ve also created a borrow box for books the children can take home and read with their adult as an extra reading challenge. There is also a handy prompt bookmark with each book with questions you can ask your child before, during and after reading the story. Please don’t forget to sign the books in and out using the log, found in the basket.
I hope that you all had a happy Christmas and are looking forward to the year ahead.
Thank you so much for the kind Christmas wishes and lovely gifts.
This term, we learn what it is to be part of a community in RE. Check out the RE Learning post from the menu for more information.
In science, we learn about the changing states of materials and about the work of significant scientists and inventors.
We learn about the features of the earth in geography, whilst our history learning focuses on the Roman empire and its impact on Britain.
In DT, we will be designing our own book covers and in art, we will be learning about printmaking and the work of William Morris. Our learning in music will help us to understand how music improves our world and helps to teach us about our community.
I am looking forward to seeing you all again and welcoming you back for the start of the new term.