Year 6 have had a busy start to the new school year and I have been proud of everyone who has put themselves forward to serve our school community through the many roles and responsibilities that Year 6 undertake.
It has also been great to celebrate the children’s learning through our classroom displays.
To start the year in RE, the children have been reading the story of the creation as told in Genesis. They have had great fun retelling the story in their own words and next week they will be writing the story in their own words. They are learning about nouns and adjectives, so retelling this wonderful story is a great way to put this new learning into practice and also show just how great they are at using full stops and capital letters in their super writing.
As part of their learning about the sacrament of baptism, the children are also beginning to design their own baptism candle using religious symbols that are important to them. We are looking forward to seeing lots more designs as they come into school.
What a wild week we’ve had…. someone walked in our classroom and left some footprints on the floor, black fur and a ripped piece of paper…
The intruder also left a sack labelled ‘Sam’s stuff’. Inside the sack we found different things beginning with ‘S’, like sandwiches and strawberries, and also a book…
The book was super mysterious too. Especially when we read only half of it… The children were thinking about what could happen next, who might be Sam and why he left his sack in Reception.
We will continue reading the story next week and hopefully will find out!
Little Wandle Thank you so much for supporting your children. I am impressed by how well they are writing their letters and remembering all of them. Great job Reception! The first writing certificates are now ready and will be given on a Monday. This week we’ve learned 4 new sounds:
We also played lots of blending and sound talking games. Maybe you can have a go at home too.
What’s that noise? Think about the different sounds the animals make While playing the game instead of saying ‘What noise does the cat make?‘ you can say ‘What noise does the C-A-T make?‘ Then your child will have to blend the phonemes in their head and make the sound. Have fun!
Maths In Maths this week, the children were encouraged to quantify sets of objects by subitising, rather than counting. When subitising, children can say how many there are in a small group of objects by ‘just seeing’ and knowing straightaway without needing to count.
Subitising can be categorised as ‘perceptual’ or ‘conceptual’. Perceptual subitising is used for very small sets of objects (initially up to about 3) and conceptual subitising is used when sub-groups can be perceived within a larger set and the whole is recognised, e.g. if 6 dots are arranged in a dice pattern, children may recognise this as ‘two 3s’ and know this is 6.
The focus for this week was perceptual subitising and the children were subitising up to 3 objects. We met number 1,2 and 3.
Have a fantastic weekend! Looking forward seeing you all on Monday! Mrs Solakova
It’s been another busy week for Year 1 as we get settled into our new classrooms and routines. We have really enjoyed seeing some of the home learning that has been sent in with the children. Please bare with us as we continue to work with Herts for Learning to resolve the issue with log in details for the Goggle Classroom. We hope to have log ins out to you all next week.
Please see a copy of the Show and Tell rota below. Show and Tell is a great way to develop turn taking, plus speaking and listening skills. We will have time every Friday so please make sure your child is prepared with something to either show or tell.
Year 3 went back in time to the Stone Age. We discovered what life was like during this time by taking part in some exciting activities such as; building dens, hunting for Stone Age food, flint knapping and many more activities.
It has been such a pleasure to meet all the new Reception children. We had a fantastic start to the term and the children are settling in very well. In the past 2 weeks we have been learning about the areas of the classroom, how to safely use equipment, how to tidy, where to find resources and so much more. Our role play corners have been particularly busy. We prepared lot’s of delicious meals in the home corner and camped under the stars, reading stories and melting marshmallows by the fire. What a treat!!!
Lunch time was also a success and the children are becoming more familiar with the routine and where to go. I am really impressed by how polite they are saying ‘please’ and ‘thank you’ to the dinner ladies. They are showing super skills while walk and balance their trays. Well done Reception!
We are very good following the timetable, knowing what we are doing at the moment and what is coming next.
Our first PE session went really well too. This term we will be doing gymnastics and think about the different ways we can move changing speed and direction. We are also going to learn how to listen and respond appropriately to instructions.
This week we began our Little Wandle journey and the children learned four new phonemes
If you are able to, please support your child practising the new sounds. Pronunciation of these sounds is really important, rather than ‘s-uh’ we teach ‘ssssss.’ Avoid adding ‘uh’ or ‘er’ to the end of sounds. Practising how to form these letters is also crucial – why not practising forming them with chalk, paint, tracing the letter on your back and guessing what sound it is.
Today the children chose their first sharing book, so look out for reading and writing folder and reading record book.
Lots of children came into school today sharing their feelings about Her Majesty the Queen’s death. Here at St. Adrians we encourage children to discuss how they think and how they feel. At home it is just as important. Maybe you and your child might want to watch the video and talk about it with you.
The children prepared a little something for our Friday assembly, reflection on what we have learned about the Queen.
‘I miss her and I am going to make her a card and send it to Heaven.’ ‘I am going to give her a card and flowers out the window and it will fly up to Heaven’ ‘The Queen died and would make her a picture and give her flowers to put on the floor like the others.’
Have a lovely weekend! Looking forward seeing you all on Tuesday! Mrs Solakova
Welcome back, Year 6 – in both senses. It has been lovely to welcome our Year 6 children back to school for the start of a new school year and it has also been really lovely to see how the children have grown since I taught them in Year 4.
It was also great to see lots of parents in school again for our ‘Meet the teacher’ meeting. You can see a copy of my slides below. In this meeting, I shared some of the expectations and ‘house keeping’ for the year, along with information about our curriculum and home learning. You can download a copy of the information leaflet for parents using the link below. A further copy, along with our Home learning Grid is available for the children in the Google Classroom.
It has been a momentous start to the term: a new year, a new classroom (and new carpet!) along with more significant changes for our country, with a new Prime Minister and then a new King. As we prepare for the bank holiday to mark the day of the funeral, the children have worked together to write a prayer for the late Queen.
Prayer for Her Majesty the Queen
King of Kings, Thank you for the life of Her Majesty the Queen. Thank you for the Queen’s commitment to our country and the service she has given us. We thank you for being by the Queen’s side and guiding her during her long reign. We ask you to guide King Charles III in following his mother’s footsteps and to help the Royal family at this difficult time. Help us to be like the Queen in her example of service to each another. Grant to the Queen eternal rest. We make our prayer through Jesus, your Son, Amen
What a great first week back to school and a big welcome to our new Year 1 class. It’s been a fabulous start to the year, with lots of getting to know you activities and finding our new seats and pegs.
We have been enjoying reading our new class book in English, Cave Baby by Julia Donaldson. In groups, we even rearranged some sentences that were muddled up, making sure we had a capital letter at the start and full stop at the end of our sentences.
We have also enjoyed starting our new topic in RE, Families. We have been reading and creating our own psalms about how God loves and cares for us, like our families. We used some actions and signs to learn a psalm about God’s love.
Google Classroom log ins are on their way, in the meantime, please see the information pack your child was given today with further details about the new home learning. Reading books have now also been assigned on the e-library too.