This week we looked at the story ‘Mr Wolf’s Pancakes’. One day Mr Wolf decided he wanted to make some pancakes but was unsure how, he asked his neighbours to help him read the recipe book, write a shopping list but they all said no so Mr Wolf had a go at making them all by himself and the neighbours all thought they smelt yummy. Ask your child what happened at the end of the story.
This week we thought about pancakes and why we have them and discussed some of the things we are giving up for Lent. On Tuesday we had pancakes for snack and also had the chance to make a pancake at our pancake station.

This half term we will be reading a variety of fairy tales including Goldilocks and the 3 Bears. Our role play has changed into the 3 Bears cottage, the children have enjoyed playing in there, taking on a role and making porridge.

For snack today we made a sandwich! The children had a go at cutting their bread in half – well done.

Other photos from this week:

Thank you parents and carers for coming to parent consultations this week.
Don’t forget Fridays are reading mornings (expect Friday 17th March as we will be going to the Mothers Day assembly in the hall – parents welcome).
Please bring in your Lentern Promise by Friday 3rd March so we can talk about them and put them up on our tree.
Friday 3rd March is World Book Day, children can dress up as their favourite book character if they would like too.
Have a lovely weekend.
Miss Taylor