School Council 2023-2024

Welcome to the new members of the School Council for this academic year.

We are lucky to have the Head Boy, Henry Madders, Head Girl, Lily Christie, and Deputy Head Boy, Archie Beghani Phillips and Deputy Head Girl, Ailbhe Hanbury on the School Council this year so we certainly have a strong team.

We had our first School Council meeting on 3rd October where we discussed two fund raising events.

Show Racism the Red Card:   On Friday 20th October, children across the school can bring £1 to wear red for the day to go towards Show Racism the Red Card. This will culminate in our whole school focus on Black History Month.

Children in Need: On Friday 17th November, children across the school can wear spotty clothes and bring £1 for this. In addition, we will have a Bake Off competition. Children who enter will pay £1, and will bring in cakes (large or small) they have made and decorated. The School Council will judge the cakes from each class.

The cakes will then go on sale after school and all proceeds will go to the Children In Need charity.

In preparation for the these events, the School Council will write letters to the parents informing them about the events, they will design posters to advertise the events and they will be involved in the running of the events too. It is very much a hands on team effort we have here at St Adrian’s.

Fun learning at The Fitzwilliam

Year 4 had a great day of looking, listening and learning in Cambridge today. The museum teacher was so impressed by the class’s behaviour and reflective comments, that she stayed with us past her allotted hour and took us to the magnificent gallery in the lobby. The Fitzwilliam is one of those places where the building is as stunning as the contents.She even let us walk out through the turnstile door, which is usually not permitted for large school groups. Like the other amazing university-owned buildings in Cambridge, it is free and not as large or as busy as the London museums so well worth a visit. There are lots of – reasonably-priced – places to eat and other things to see and your children could start thinking about whether they would like to study there when they are older.

In the afternoon, the children made Greek-influenced pinch pots and again the staff were very impressed with the children’s confidence and proficiency. The children were building on their skills from last year which is excellent progress. Here are some of the moments from the day.

Unfortunately, we were late returning. We’d factored in extra journey time for getting back, but it wasn’t enough for today’s Friday traffic so I hope that didn’t spoil any after-school plans. Your children may like to tell you more about the day using the images on the museum’s website. A massive thank you for the fantastic parent helpers who worked very hard today and helped make the trip possible. I hope you all have a lovely weekend.

Year 3 Class Assembly

This week in Year 3, we’ve been busy preparing for our class assembly. As the assembly unfolded, we eagerly shared our recent, fantastic trip experiences and proudly showcased the incredible things we’ve been learning in class.

Nursery – 29.09.2023

We have had a busy week in nursery and we have tried lots of things for the first time….

On Monday afternoon we did our first RHE lesson where we talked about God and how he created our wonderful world. We learnt that on Day 1 of Creation God said ‘Let there be light’ and there was. The children each had a piece of card to represent the dark and then stuck on yellow pieces to represent the light.

We had a go at ‘Dough Disco’ this week, the children have each got their own pot of playdough and they copy the movements on the screen, a great way to get those fingers moving ready for writing. The children are having a go at opening the pot themselves and getting the dough out.

We also did some Yoga for the first time…

In maths this week we have been exploring different colours, we helped monster on the screen to identify the correct colours and then we had a go at sorting some colours in class….

On Friday we went on a colour hunt around the school, we found colour in lots of places both inside and outside and ticked them off on our sheet…

Other photos from this week…

Next week we have Little City visiting us for a morning of fun in the hall.

Thank you again for all the lovely family photos and baby photos, the baby photos are up in the baby clinic role play and I can hear the children talking to their friends about the pictures.

Have a good weekend

Miss Taylor

Year Two scientists

This week, the children have started exploring the school gardens to see what plants they can find. They carefully drew and labelled the main parts of a plant and then collected seed pods to see what seeds they could find inside. We found sunflower, honesty and ash seeds and were surprised to discover that the local squirrels had collected many of the sunflower heads over the summer holiday. At least this is one way to look after God’s creatures!

Why not go for a walk over the next few weeks and see what seeds you could find? Maybe you could seek out some acorn, horse chestnut (conkers) or sycamore seeds. Enjoy yourselves!

Stone Age time travellers

Our school trip to Celtic Harmony was a journey back in time to the Stone Age period, where we immersed ourselves in the daily life of Stone Age people. Our adventure began with den making where we worked collaboratively and built a shelter with sticks and branches. We then delved into the ancient art of Stone Age fire making.

As the day progressed, we explored the Stone Age diet, which consisted of nettle and herb soup. It was a day filled with hands-on learning and unforgettable experiences.

Nursery – 22.09.2023

Hello Parents/Carers, welcome to the first Nursery blog this year.

What a great start to the term – thank you parents and carers for all your patience and support in helping get the children in. The settling in period is really important and the children are already getting use to the routines and all of the rules that come with being in Nursery. A good routine can really help the children settle in and feel relaxed and happy while here, the nursery routine stays the same the whole year and there is always a visual timetable in the classroom so the children can see what’s happening throughout the day.

The children have started to explore the nursery and use the resources which are available:

Next week the children are going to be bringing home a library book. To begin with the children are going to be borrowing a book from the selection of books we have in the nursery. Our library day will be a Wednesday each week. Please can books be returned each Wednesday so they can choose a new one.

Children need a coat as the weather starts to get colder, please encourage independence by getting the children to have a go at putting it on/taking it off themselves and doing up zips and buttons.

Children need a pair of welly boots we can keep at school – this is for playing with our new water activity as well as jumping/splashing in puddles and playing on the hill that will start to get very muddy.

We need your junk modelling. We would love donations of boxes e.g. cereal boxes/pringles tubes/kitchen towel tubes so the children can use their imagination to create wonderful models.

There will be parent consultations for Nursery in Autumn term – you will be able to book a 10 minute slot on Arbor from 7pm tonight.

Hope you have a lovely weekend.

See you on Monday.

Miss Taylor

It’s electric in year 4

This week the children have written their own “Guide To Living on Earth”, including draw a front cover; and these will be displayed in the classroom. They used expanded noun phrases with abstract nouns to describe what it’s like living here and we’ve focused on using the apostrophe for contraction correctly, as practised in last week’s spellings.

The children are loving the practical aspect of learning about electricity and built circuits with very little instruction, but by using their initiative and being safe with their partner.

The children were put into groups for swimming today. They are so fast and efficient at getting changed that we’re going to leave school later!

Thank you for sending in painting shirts which will be put to very good use.

Have a lovely weekend.

September 22nd

In PE we have been learning how to make shapes with our bodies and to move in different ways.

In Maths we have been learning how to find one more and one less.

Year 2 displays

The Year 2 children have settled very well into their new classroom and have been thinking about how they can show their love for one another and also care for God’s beautiful world. Four of the classroom boards are already filled with the children’s wonderful learning and they are very proud to share photos of the displays with you here.