Nursery – 29.11.2024

This week in RE we thought about what a birthday is. Our birthday is the day we were born and will be the same day each year. We celebrated Kipper’s birthday in class. We had a party for him, wrote out invitations and made birthday cards.

This week we had a visit from Richard, the postman for this area. He told us all about being a postman and the jobs he has to do. He showed us some of the letters and parcels he had in his bag as well as a special machine he uses for scanning barcodes.

Other photos this week:

Have a good weekend

Miss Taylor

Getting ready for Advent with Year Six

This week, in RE, we have learnt about Advent as the Church’s season of expectation of the coming of Christ. We read in Matthew’s Gospel, “Keep awake therefore, for you do not know on what day your Lord is coming.”

We made our own Advent promises as we reflect on our lives and how we can move closer to God through the season. We displayed out promises as candles, reflecting out learning about the Advent wreath.

Reception – Prayer week!


Welcome to our blog this week.
The week started off with a very nice surprise…. snow on the playground! Well there was no other way but going out for snowball fight and building a snowman. The children were absolutely buzzing!

On Wednesday we all enjoyed a very interesting Hindu workshop. We learnt lots about Hindu religion and culture and also we were able to dress up, dance and play with different artefacts. Have a look yourself.

In Little Wandle this week we’ve learned 1 new grapheme and 2 new digraphs. We are talking more and more about digraphs (2 letters, but 1 sound) and the children are doing so well remembering them.

We also began reading words ending with -s, like cats, hits, maps. Please make sure you check your children’s orange books for new tricky words. This week we’ve learned to, go, into and no.

In Maths the children were introduced to the idea that all numbers are made up of smaller numbers, and these are referred to as the parts of the number.

I can see that 3 is made up of 2 and 1.
I can see that 2 is made up of 1 and 1.
How can you show 3 in two different ways?

Prayer week
This week we dedicated on writing a special class prayer:

Dear God,
Thank you for my family and my friends,
Thank you for helping me learn.
Please help everyone who needs your help
and make all children in the world be happy.
Please Jesus, stay in my heart and guide me.


And finally but not least, congratulations for all your hard work and motivation! You truly deserve the awards, red sash and golden rosette!!!

Dates to remember:
Friday 29.11.24 – No reading morning
Friday 29.11.24 – Dressing of the Christmas tree – Parents welcome

Have a lovely weekend!
Looking forward seeing you all next week!
Mrs Solakova

Year 2 learn about the Hindu faith

As part of an exciting workshop on Hinduism, we listened to a story about Ganesha and learned about puja (worship) in the home. We learned how to dance with a partner using sticks and loved dressing in saris, prayer shawls and turbans. It was a great day for everyone.

w/c 19th November in year 4

It’s been a very varied week!

The children have learnt about Hindu books and stories and this week they experienced aspects of Hinduism and Indian culture. The children loved dressing in saris, prayer shawls and turbans – some of us helpers had our folding skills pushed to the limit! The children picked up the “stick dancing” patterns brilliantly.

The highlight of the week was the year 4 assembly and I will be proud all year for the children’s achievements. I was impressed when, by the day after handing people’s words, the majority of the lines were already learnt. The children’s commitment was total and their teamwork outstanding.

The children and Mrs Newman have all worked together brilliantly well with the ukelele playing. She pointed out that they have only had eight lessons to learn the instrument from scratch. On Thursday they performed the pieces very well with no music to hand (because of space constraints due to the stage being up already)

Thank you for coming and supporting your children in this and also the cake sale. I shall ask the children what they would like to improve their classroom, once we know how much we have to spend.

I hope you all have a lovely weekend in spite of the miserable weather which is forecast.

Year 3: Hinduism Workshop

We had a wonderful time participating in the Hinduism workshop, where we explored the diverse forms of Hindu Gods. Here are some photos of us embracing the experience by dressing in traditional clothing!

Nursery – 22.11.2024

In maths this week we looked at subitising the number 2, this means being able to instantly see 2 objects without having to count. We did several around this activities including using a number fan to show the number 2, putting 2 objects on a 5s frame and helped teddy get across the path to see his friend but he was only allowed to step on stepping stones with 2 objects on.

We went into the hall on Wednesday to take part in a Hinduism workshop. We listened to the stories, joined in with the dancing, and explored the artefacts that we were on display.

Other photos this week:

Important Dates

Dressing the tree assembly – Friday 29th November 09:00 Parents Welcome

Wednesday 11th December – EYFS Nativity 10:00

Last day of term – Friday 20th December – 13:30.

EYFS Nativity – All the children have been practising singing the songs and learning the actions to our Christmas Nativity and now know which parts they will be playing. Please send costumes in by Wednesday 4th December.

Have a lovely weekend

Miss Taylor

Year Six’s Hinduism workshop

As part of our learning about other major world religions, we have learnt about the concept of karma and belief in the cycle of reincarnation in Hinduism. On Wednesday, we enjoyed a workshop about some aspect of Hinduism led by Christine.

22nd November 2024

This week we have been learning about Number Bonds to ten and finding all the possibilities.

Show Racism the Red Card

The School Council organised a charity event to support and promote Show Racism the Red Card. All children could come to school wearing their red clothes for £1 donation and for a further 50p they could support a poster which they had made themselves which show how important it is for diveristy and difference to be celebrated and not slandered. We raised over £150!

After much deliberation, the School Council chose the following winners. Well done to them all!