Nursery – 12.07.2024

On Thursday morning Nursery went next door to spend time with their new teacher in their new classroom! The children decorated a box which has a special message inside! The children said they had a great time playing in their new room and exploring the new resources.

Earlier in the week we had a go at drawing a minion! We watched and copied the drawing on the screen!

In RE this week we thought about how we could look after the world we live in. We talked about recycling, not leaving taps running and reusing plastic as much as we can. We went around the school on a litter pick and we found a lot of straw wrappers, paper, tissues, bottle tops, a magnifying glass, pens, pencils and lots of food wrappers. Well done Nursery.

On Wednesday we went to the library for the last time as Nursery. Next Wednesday the library books will be collected back in.

Important Dates

Wednesday 17th – Teddy Bears Picnic. Please bring in your favourite teddy to school. We will eat lunch out on the field if the weather is dry, if not we will have a classroom picnic with our teddies.

Friday 19th – Reading Morning (Slightly shorter due to Year 6 Leavers Assembly).

Friday 19th – Last day of term – school finishes 11:45/13:30.

Have a lovely weekend

Miss Taylor

Reception – Sports Day!


Hello children and parents,

Without any doubt this weeks’ favourite was EYFS Sports day! All children showed excellent sportsmanship, playing fairly and respecting each other. The carousel activities went well, but the races were definitely everyone’s best part of the day!

Thank you to all grown ups too, for taking part in the races. It was wonderful seeing your little ones so excited watching you compete 🙂

Well done children. You all deserved your medals and certificates!!!

Dates to remember:
Thursday 13th July – Transition morning (all children will spend the morning with Mrs Thompson in year 1 classroom)
Friday 14th July – Reading morning

Wishing you all a wonderful weekend!
Mrs Solakova

Year Two get sporty

This week, we had a wonderful time preparing for our sports day on Thursday. We learned how to do a relay race and were also guided by the Year Five children as they taught us how to compete in the obstacle race as well as develop our javelin throwing skills, among other things! Sports Day was tremendous fun; we all showed great sportsmanship and supported one another to do our very best. The morning finished with a delicious lolly, provided by the PTA, so we say a great big THANK YOU to them.

Nursery – 05.07.2024

This week the children took part in Sports day and it was brilliant, the children were fantastic in the team games around the field and running on the track! Well done everyone!

Important Dates

Thursday 11th – Transition Morning. The nursery children will spend the morning in their new classroom with Mrs Solakova.

Friday 12th – Reading Morning

Wednesday 17th – Teddy Bears Picnic. Bring your favourite teddy to school. We will have a picnic out on the field.

Friday 19th – Last day of term – school finishes 11:45/13:30.

Have a lovely weekend

Miss Taylor

Year 2 reflect with Father Francis

We love to spend time in worship and prayer and we were very pleased to celebrate the Feast of Saints Peter and Paul with Father Francis. We all had our own lines to say in this liturgy which reminded us of the important role that these saints played in the early church. Reading from the letter of Paul to the Colossians reminded us that we must try to show our love for one another in our actions and words and we filled the room with our beautiful singing when we joined in with our favourite hymns, A New Commandment, Follow Me and Magic Penny. Father Francis reflected on the lives of Saints Peter and Paul and led us in prayer.

The flowers on display describe how Jesus is alive in each and every one of us in the way that we treat one another, read the bible, go to church and say our prayers.

Reception – Summer is finally here!


Hello children and parents,

It has been a very sunny week and the children enjoyed spending more time outside playing with water and sand, drawing with crayons and making muddy pies! We were also busy getting ready for the sports day next week. We can’t wait to put our PE kits and show you what we’ve learnt.

In Little Wandle we read new words with -ed endings and discussed that sometimes we read the -ed end like ‘-id’ and sometimes like ‘-t’. Some of the new words this week are cloaked, scooped, croaked. The children are also very busy writing even longer sentences using their phonics knowledge. They are getting more confident in writing for different purposes and a very recent example is fathers day:

In Maths we were busy making simple maps of familiar places. We even used some scenarios or stories to enhance their map making, such as ‘Train ride’. To describe the maps the children used keywords and sentences like ‘First, I need to pass the bridge, then I go straight and after I turn around the park.’ Thank you very much for your lovely maps. They look lovely on our home learning board.

Dates to remember:
Tuesday 2nd July at 10am – EYFS sports day (Children to come to school in their PE kits and school cap.)
Friday 5th July – Reading morning

Wishing you a wonderful weekend!
Mrs Solakova

Celebrating the learning in year 6

It was lovely to see so many parents and children on Wednesday after school, to enjoy the work done by your wonderful children, in a relaxed way. We shall starting sending things home now.

Thursday is sports day. Please send your child in with a T-shirt in their house colour and, of course, a full water bottle, school hat and wearing sun tan cream.

Year 3: History/ Open Evening

We spent an incredible day exploring life in the 16th century, focusing on the catastrophic event of the Great Fire of London. We learnt how the fire spread, examined maps to track its path, and used our archaeological skills to dig up and analyse artefacts, which provided us with valuable insights into what happened.

Throughout the day, we participated in a variety of engaging activities, such as candle making, sewing, creating our own ink, making perfume, and experimenting with herbs to craft medicine, among many others. A huge thank you to all the volunteers, your assistance was invaluable, and the day would not have been possible without you!

On Wednesday, we also hosted an open day to celebrate our achievements over the past year. Thank you to everyone who joined us and supported our work.

Baking, biking and celebrations in Y6

The term is racing by now and we are busy rehearsing for end of school production – the children have worked hard to learn lines, songs and dances and now we have taken our practices to the stage to try our hand at acting!

Despite all of this, we have still found time to complete the Bikeability course and bake biscuits in maths and set up our class to show off lots of our learning from the year so far. It was great to be able to welcome so many families to our class on Wednesday evening. If you weren’t able to make it, here are a couple of photographs of our class.

Nursery – 28.06.2024

This week in maths we explored ‘what comes next’. We helped bunny work out what number comes next by using a dice and a number track. On Tuesday we played a game of missing number – the children had to work out which number was missing and find the missing number on their number fan. On Thursday we were given a number and had to work out which number came next to make a number line.

In RE this week we talked and thought about God’s Wonderful world. We remembered our RHE learning from autumn term and talked about the things God made during the 7 days of Creation. We listened to Louis Armstrong’s very lovely song ‘What a wonderful world’.

Important Dates

Tuesday 2nd July – EYFS Sports Day – 10:00AM. Please enter school via the KS2 gate. Nursery children will need to wear white polo shirt, blue/black shorts or leggings and trainers. Children will need to wear their school cap.

Friday 5th July – Reading Morning


Children need a blue school hat.

Water bottles need to have fresh water every day.

Have a lovely weekend

Miss Taylor