Year 5 Parents Information Meeting Powerpoint

Dear Parents,

It was lovely to see so many of you at the meeting on Tuesday.  However, for those who were unable to attend, I have attached a copy of the powerpoint presentation that was used at the meeting which gives an outline of the key information .  Of course, should you seek further clarification on any aspect, please feel free to contact me via the school office.

Thank you for your support,


Mr Creaton

Y5-parent-information sep 2017

Year 5 Parents’ Meeting 12-09-2017

The Parents’ Meeting for Year 5 is scheduled for 9 O’Clock on Tuesday 12th September.

I look forward to seeing you to give you an outline of the curriculum and the expectations for Year 5.

Mr Creaton

Year One Welcome Meeting 11.09.17

The Year One children are settling into their new classroom very well and have responded enthusiastically to the learning.  This week, we have focussed on counting and measuring accurately, creating patterns  and writing independently.

The Year One meeting with parents is scheduled for this Monday morning at 9am – I look forward to meeting with you all in the Year One classroom.

Welcome to Year 2!

It’s been a great start to year 2 and all the children have settled in really well, especially our new boy Joseph. Here are a few of the activities we have been doing this week. We look forward to seeing you next Wednesday at the parents meeting.

Year 2: homework

Homework for this week is to read the books that have been sent home. Please aim to return them sometime during next week. We will explain how the reading book system works in year 2 at next week’s parents meeting. Remember to sign the reading records!

Y4 Learning@Home

Week ending: 8th September 2017

It’s great to see all of year 4 back at school and full of enthusiasm.

Our learning this year is built on the solid foundation of what has gone before. For maths, it is particularly important that children can count in multiples and recall and use multiplication and division facts.

Children at the start of year 4 should be able to count in steps of 2, 3, 4, 5, 8, 10, 50 and 100. They should also be able to  recall and use multiplication and division facts for the following multiplication tables : 2, 3, 4, 5, 8 and 10.

Please support your child to check that they have secured these.

Through year 3 and 4, children work to secure the spellings of the statutory word list. There is a copy of this list in the back of their spelling journal. I have asked the children to choose 5 or 6 spellings  to learn during the week ahead. We have also revised different spelling strategies. This week we have concentrated on Trace – Copy – Write strategy.

It is important that the spelling journal comes back to school each day as this is a tool that supports all of our learning.

The final piece of homework focused on punctuating direct speech. Please complete this homework in your English homework book. Take care to get the punctuation right.

Our PE day is Monday. Please make sure that you have a labelled PE kit in school for our lesson.

Our swimming lessons start on Tuesday.

Mrs Goldsmith will be starting guitar and recorder lessons next week. The children will need to bring their instruments to school  on the following days:

Guitars A
Guitars B




Guitars C









Jack M



















I hope you all have a lovely weekend!

Y6 Mr Bedford’s and Mrs May’s English homework

English homework 8th September 2017. Due 13th September.

We have revised word classes and some grammatical terms this week. For your homework I would like you to create and complete a table like the one below.

Word class/ grammatical term


An example sentence

Fronted adverbial


I have included a link to our Year 6 Grammar Glossary. You should look through this and see how many of the terms, which are marked as Year 1 -5, you understand. Come to class on Wednesday with questions for us  to use as a base for revising.



Yr 6 Maths Homework Mr Bedford’s and Mrs May’s Groups

Maths homework 8th September 2017. Due 13th September.

This week you have completed some tasks from Youcubed Week of Inspirational maths

We began by looking at unusual ways we could shade half a square. Here are some examples. Remember half the area is shaded and the red and white parts occupy an equal area. Halves can be do not need to be symmetrical.

In your homework books create a series of squares. Make them large enough to shade; say 10 x10. Then design your own representations of unusual halves. Write a brief explanation underneath to convince me that the shaded area is one half. Try three or four designs. Remember it is more challenging to do the unusual rather than the simple representation of a half.

For an extension you might like to get some other coloured pencils and show quarters.

As Youcubed give all their resources free they would like us to feed back on the week. Take the survey at:

For those of you who enjoyed the straight line cut investigation here is a link to more fold and cut ideas.

I would love to see some of your efforts.

Welcome back Year One!

Image result for welcome back to school image

I hope that you have all had a wonderful summer break and are looking forward to Year One.  Thank you very much for all of the postcards that were sent to me over the holiday.  They have been wonderful to read and don’t worry, it’s not too late to send them if they haven’t reached the post box yet!

Please ensure that your child returns to school with all their belongings clearly named, including a book bag, full drinks bottle, coat and St. Adrian’s PE bag.  If you have any messages, I will be available for you to talk to once all the children have come into school in the morning or after school once all the children have been handed over to their adults.  Alternatively, feel free to write your message down in the form of a note.

There will be a meeting for Year One parents/carers soon so that you can find out a little bit more about Year 1 life.  I look forward to meeting you all once again.