Nursery – 24.05.2024

This week in maths we did some activities and used the words ‘more’ and ‘fewer’. We had our own teddy bears and had to give them cubes, one bear with more and one with fewer. We also played a game with our friends where we had to close our eyes and take bears from a bag, we then talked about who had more and who had fewer.

In RE we talked about the word ‘friend’ and made a list of how to be a good friend, the children came up with the following suggestions ‘share our toys’, ‘give our friends a cuddle if they are sad’ and ‘ask a friend to play’.

We also designed our own ‘teddy paperchain of friendship’.

Other photos this week

Friday 7th June – Reading Morning

Have a lovely half term and see you on Monday 3rd June.

Miss Taylor

Nursery 17.05.2024

This week we watched with excitement as the butterflies emerged from their cocoons. By Wednesday we had all 5 so it was time to say goodbye to them, we took them round to the prayer garden to release them.

In PE this week we played some team games.

Today we had our Pentecost Party which everyone really enjoyed, thank you for all the food donations. Yesterday afternoon the children made jam sandwiches for us to share.

Other photos this week

Please remember to apply sunccream before school and children need a hat for outside. Incase we have a shower please can all the children have a raincoat/jacket.

Reading Morning – 24th May

Half term – Monday 27th – Friday 31st May.

Have a lovely weekend

Miss Taylor

Nursery – 10.05.2024

We have had a very busy week in Nursery. On Tuesday when we arrived at school we were excited to see all the caterpillars had transformed into cocoons so we moved them very carefully into the net. We will have to wait for about 2 weeks before they emerge as butterflies and we cannot wait!

We were able to get outside this week to fly our kites which the children really enjoyed.

In RHE we thought about being safe and unsafe. We looked at places to play that were safe e.g. the park and places that are not safe e.g a busy road. We also thought about things that are safe and unsafe in our houses. We each had a picture and had to decide if it was a ‘safe’ or ‘unsafe’ object or place to play.

Other pictures this week


For safety, please can you ensure grapes are cut in half lengthways.

Suncream needs to be applied before school and all children need a sun hut – we will be spending a lot of time outside.

During the summer term please could children bring in a raincoat/jacket each day just in case we have a shower.

Thank you so much for donating and buying cakes for our EYFS Cake sale, we are going to use the money to buy resources for our playground. If you are having a spring clean at home we would welcome any donations for our mud kitchen – baking trays, cake tins, sauce pans etc.

Important Dates

Friday 17th May – No Reading Morning

Friday 17th May – Pentecost Party 09:15 – 10:15AM – Wear Red

Friday 24th May – Reading Morning

Friday 7th June – PTA Disco

Friday 14th June – No reading morning

Friday 14th June – Fathers Day Assembly 09:00 – Parents Invited

Wednesday 26th June – St Adrians Open Evening

Wednesday 26th June – New Parents Evening for EYFS – 18:00 – 19:00

Saturday 29th June – PTA Summer Fair

Tuesday 2nd July – EYFS Sports Day

Thursday 11th July – Transition Day

Have a lovely weekend.

Miss Taylor

Nursery – 03.05.2024

The caterpillars have grown over the course of the week and this morning when the children came in, they were excited to see that one caterpillar is now in full cocoon stage so we just need to wait for the others to do the same. Hopefully by the time we come back after the Bank Holiday we will have 5 cocoons and we can move them into the net.

In maths this week we have been looking at capacity and using the words such as ‘full’. ’empty’, ‘nearly full’ and ‘nearly empty’.

At the beginning of the week enjoyed playing outside in the sunshine.

On Wednesday in RE we continued to think about how Jesus sent his new friend, the Holy Spirit who is our friend who helps and guides us. We cannot see the wind but we can feel it, in the same way we cannot see the Holy spirit. We made our own flags to and talked about how the wind will lift the kite and will help it to fly. We will try and get outside next week to fly them when we have a windy day.

Other photos this week

Important Dates

Monday 6th May – Bank Holiday, School closed.

Wednesday 8th May – Class Photos

Friday 17th May – no reading morning

Friday 17th May – Pentecost Party 9:15 – 10:15

Half term – Monday 27th May – Friday 31st May

Friday 14th June – No reading morning

Friday 14th June – Fathers Day Assembly 09:00 – Parents invited

Friday 21st June – No reading morning

Friday 21st June – Reception Class Assembly

Saturday 29th June – PTA Summer Fair

Tuesday 2nd July – EYFS Sports Day

Thursday 11th July – Transition Day

Have a lovely long weekend

Miss Taylor

Nursery – 26.04.2024

As part of Geography week this week we looked at and talked about what happens when plastic (and of course all rubbish) ends up in the rivers, lakes and oceans and what can happen to the sea life that live there. We took part in an activity where we had to remove all the plastic from the water tray.

We went back into the hall this week for PE and had a great time playing parachute games.

We continued our work on the hungry caterpillar this week and are keeping an eye on the caterpillars as they get bigger. We made some smoothies using the food from the book.

In RE we learnt that the word ‘Alleluia’ is the Church’s special Easter word meaning ‘Praise God!’ and we made a flag using the Pentecostal colours.

Other photos this week:

Important Dates

Friday 3rd May – No Reading Morning – Crowning of Mary Assembly at 09:05 – Parents Welcome

Bank Holiday, school closed – Monday 6th May

Friday 17th May – No Reading Morning

Pentecost Party – Friday 17th May 9:15 – 10:15

Half term – Monday 27th May – Friday 31st May

Have a lovely weekend

Miss Taylor

Nursery – 19.04.2024

Welcome back! I hope you all had a lovely Easter break.

Some of the children shared with us on Tapestry the lovely things they did in the Easter holidays and it would be lovely if all the children could share some photos with us. If you haven’t done so already, please pop some holiday snaps onto Tapestry so the children can talk to us about what the did in the holidays.

This week and next we will be looking at the story ‘The Very Hungry Caterpillar’. Lots of the children already know this story but it is a lovely way to start summer term and we have waited what seems like a very four long days but finally the caterpillars arrived in class yesterday. We will watch and observe them over this half term and hopefully before we break up for May half term we will have 5 butterflies.

This week we played in the hungry caterpillar tray and acted out the story during yoga.

Our new home corner opened this week – Pizza Parlour. The children can now make and serve yummy pizzas in the kitchen.

Our new role play also opened today which the children enjoyed spending time in.

The children have enjoyed being back together this week.


The children will continue to go to the Library on Wednesday each week, the previous book needs to be returned before a new one can be taken out. The children will be now carrying their own book bag to the library this term therefore it would be helpful if the book bags only had their orange reading diary in them.

Important Dates

Bank Holiday, School closed – Monday 6th May

Half term – Monday 27th May – Friday 31st May

Have a lovely weekend

Miss Taylor

Nursery – 22.04.2024 and 28.03.2024

Last week we continued looking at the story ‘The Gingerbread Man’ and had a go at making them, the children helped to sieve, mix, stir and roll!

We have also been keeping a close eye on the chicks in Reception. Last week we watched in excitement as they came out of their eggs and got use to their new surroundings. Yesterday we got to hold them before they go off to live with Miss Osman.

Summer term begins on Monday 15th April.

Have a lovely Easter break and a well deserved rest.

Miss Taylor

Nursery – 15.03.24

As part of RE this week we thought about Spring, a time for new things to grow. We wanted to watch something new grow quickly in the classroom so on Monday we helped put some cress seeds into large dishes and then watched them grow…

We also thought how we grow in love during the season of Lent and we went to look at the Lenten tree. The children were very good at remembering the promise that they had made and told me that they were keeping them.

In Maths this week we consolidated our learning by playing subitising, counting and matching games.

Other pictures this week

Friday 22nd March – EYFS cake sale after school. Donations of cakes can come in on the day via the office/classroom.

Have a lovely weekend.

Miss Tylor

Nursery – 08.03.24

In RHE this week we thought how how we could be more like Jesus – caring and sharing with our friends. We learnt that Jesus washed people’s feet so we role played this.

In Maths this week we looked at ways we could make 5, Sammy the Snail and Number 5 helped us how to do this.

Thank you for coming to the Mother’s Day Assembly today, the children enjoyed making their cards. They chose the colours they know you love the most. Have a wonderful Mother’s Day on Sunday.

Other photos this week:

Important Dates

Reading morning – Friday 15th and 22nd March, 8:45 – 9:00AM in the Nursery classroom.

Friday 22nd March – EYFS cake sale after school. Donations of cakes can come in on the day via the office/classroom.

Have a lovely weekend.

Miss Taylor

Nursery – 01.03.2024

This week the children have loved exploring the story ‘Goldilocks at the Three Bears’. We have read different versions of the story which the children have been joining in with. This is the video we have watched in class if the children would like to watch it again.

The new role play opened today so the children have been making porridge and spending time in The Three Bears Cottage.

We have also loved playing with the porridge oats; tipping, pouring and scooping.

We acted out the story during yoga.

The children have enjoyed being back together this week after the break.

Thank you for returning your Lenten Promises. Hopefully the weather will be drier next week so we can go out and pick a branch to hang them on.

There will be no reading morning on Friday 8th as we will be going to the Mothers Day assembly. We have been practising the song we will be singing so it would be lovely if you could join us.

Important Dates

Thursday 7th March – World Book Day – Children can come dressed up as their favourite book character.

Friday 22nd March – EYFS Cake sale after school. Donations of cakes can come in on the day via office/classroom.

Have a lovely weekend.

Miss Taylor