This week we thought about a special day that is coming up – Remembrance Day. We talked about why we wear poppies at this time of the year as we remember the soldiers who fought in the war.
The children had a go at creating their own poppy which are now on display in the foyer.

In RE this week we thought about welcoming a baby in to a family and the joy and happiness a new baby brings to a family. We role played welcoming a baby in to the world.

Other photos this week

As the weather starts to get colder, all children need a winter coat as well as hat/gloves/scarf which all need to be named.
Library books need to be returned each Tuesday so the children can borrow a new one.
You can now apply for a reception place at St Adrians. You will also need to fill out a supplementary form.
Important Dates
Tuesday 12th November – Wear odd socks
Thursday 14th November – Individual and sibling photos
Friday 15th November – Children In Need – Wear spotty clothes – £1 donation
Wednesday 11th December – EYFS Nativity Performance 10:00AM.
Have a lovely weekend
Miss Taylor