What a week everyone!!! So many things are growing in our classroom, so many things to care for… It’s all helping us to grow in love and care and be a little bit more like Jesus!
Our beans and cress seeds are getting taller every day. We make sure that the soil is moist all the time and that they get plenty of sunshine. Some of them are still sprouting as others formed roots and leaves. Soon they will be planted in the garden!!!

We learnt lots of interesting facts about how seeds grow and created a beautiful display of a plant:

We also watched a timelapse video of a growing seed. The children were absolutely mesmerized!!!
Our new role play is also ready to be explored. If you need some fresh fruit or veggies, please come to our brand new market. You will find potatoes, cabbage and cucumbers. Also milk, eggs and honey! The children did the labels all by themselves and helped set up the stalls. Well done everyone!

In Little Wandle we read our first super long words like fantastic and swimming. We are continuing learning that if the word is too long and hard to read then it can be ‘chunked’. Some words even need to be chunked into 3… fan-tas-tic!!!
In Maths we are continuing to think about numbers to 10. The children used conceptual subitising to identify a whole quantity within 10 by subitising the smaller groups that make up that number. This skill will support children to develop mental images for addition and subtraction, which helps children to move away from counting on and counting back.

We also made number books, thinking about what’s 1 more and what’s 1 less than a given number.

And finally but not least, congratulations for all your hard work and motivation! You truly deserve the awards, red sash and golden rosette!!!

Dates to remember:
Friday 28th March at 9:00 am – Mother’s day assembly (There will be no reading morning on that day)
Monday 31st March – Deadline for Easter bonnets
Wednesday 2nd April at 9:00 am – Stations of the Cross Assembly (all are welcome)
Thursday 3rd April at 9:00 am – Easter parade (all are welcome)
Thursday 3rd April – Non uniform day (£1 or more for the Catholic Children Society)
Friday 4th April/9:30 – 10:30 – Hot cross bun gathering and Easter craft day (all children are invited to wear purple)
Friday 4th April – School finishes at 1:30pm
Have a lovely weekend!
Looking forward seeing you next week!!!
Mrs Solakova