Welcome back Year 3!

What an interesting week we have all had! Back to school has looked a little different in 2021. Ms McCarthy and I would like to say a big ‘well done’ and ‘thank you’ to year 3 and your parents for working so hard remotely.

We know it’s not been easy, but we have seen some fabulous learning being produced, particularly in English. We have really enjoyed reading your stories based on the book ‘Jack and the Dreamsack’. Plus, your guided reading learning about Alice and Wonderland has been great to see.

We also really enjoyed seeing most you on our class Google meet on Thursday morning. It was great to see most of the class and your fabulous presents you received for Christmas. Ms McCarthy and I would like to hold a weekly class meet in the future so please keep your eyes peeled on your Google classrooms.

Just a reminder that you will now have Maths, English, guided reading and topic subject set at least four times a week and RE set at least three times a week with (hopefully) some collective worship each week. 

Don’t forget to hand in your assignments on time but please let us know if you are finding anything tricky.

Miss Battams and Ms McCarthy 🙂

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year to you all! I hope you had a lovely and peaceful Christmas. Mrs Ruffell and I would like to say a huge thank you for your extremely generous End of Term Gifts. Autumn Term was a fabulous term, jam packed with lots of learning opportunities. Here is some of the fun we got up to during the last week.

Year 1 Home Learning shall be uploaded onto Google Classroom www.classroom.google.com . I shall be emailing you all today with the log in details for this and other platforms we may use during Remote Learning.

The classroom that we shall be using is titled ‘Year 1 20-21’

You can find a helpful guide here:

For today’s learning, can your child/ren complete the following:

Write a thank you letter to Father Christmas. Remember to include the correct punctuation, capital letters, full stops and finger spaces. Try to use adjectives in your writing to give more detail.

Draw a portrait of someone who is special to you and write why.

Write 3 sentences to describe the weather.

News from Year 3

What a wonderful week we have had! From Christmas lunch to carol concerts, it has been a busy week in the run up to the Christmas holidays.

In RE, we concluded our learning of Advent focusing on the different visitors Jesus received at the time of his birth, and why these particular people.

We also enjoyed making party hats with Ms McCarthy for our Christmas lunch, which we also relished in our classrooms. Most of us donned our Christmas jumpers for the occasion too!

A big well done to the children who participated in today’s mass with father Francis. It was thoroughly enjoyed by all across the school. Another well done to children’s performances in the KS2 Christmas production, we are so proud of you all!

Also, a big and final thank you for the very generous gifts and cards, we couldn’t thank you all enough for your continued support and gratitude. Have a very merry Christmas and a happy New Year,

Miss Battams and Ms McCarthy 🙂

This week in Year 1

What beautiful Advent wreaths the children have created. Thank you for putting so much time and effort into them.

The children worked so hard finishing our English text Mr Big. The sequence finished by writing a letter from the perspective of Mr Big, focusing on joining two single clause sentences with ‘and’. I have noticed a huge improvement in everyone’s handwriting and the pride they are taking in their work.

We have been focusing again on Adding Numbers to 20 following Maths No Problem. We have been using the method of grouping 10 then adding the remainder. To support their understanding I demonstrated how to show Dienes to show Tens and Ones.

My phonics group have started to learn the five split digraphs. This week we have been learning ‘a_e’ and ‘e_e’. We have been noticing which spelling patterns we can use to support our spellings.

Mrs Ruffell’s group have been practising, ‘oo'(book), ‘oo'(moon) ‘ai’. The emphasis has been on writing words using these sounds.

Next weeks challenges are:

After Christmas, I shall be adding another challenge to support the children’s learning further.

Have a relaxing weekend.

Miss Perry

News from Year 3

It has been another busy week in Year 3! At the end of last week, we made sedimentary sandwiches in Science. To help learn about the formation of sedimentary rocks, we made sandwiches with lots of different fillings to represent the different layers that form these rocks. This week, we will be focusing on the formation of igneous rocks using ice, chocolate sauce and sprinkles!

We have really enjoyed practising and filming our parts for the school Christmas play and carol concert. Well done to all the children for putting in such a tremendous effort, I’m sure the final ‘virtual’ product will look smashing!

In Maths, we have moved onto division. We have found it a little tricky but our times table knowledge as helped to support our learning. Don’t forget that there are new times table challenges available on Sum Dog every three to four days, please have a go. This will really help support our division learning!

Have a happy and restful weekend,

Miss Battams 🙂

News from Year 3

In English this week, we have been getting stuck into our new book ‘Mini Rabbit Not Lost’. We have enjoyed reading a little more of the book each day and writing out versions of the story alongside it. We have also started to focus on using inverted commas (speech marks) to introduce dialogue to our stories.

In Maths, we have focused on the 3, 4 and 8 times tables. We have looked closely at the relationship between the 4 and 8 times tables and mental strategies we can use to find the answers quickly. We will also be focusing on division soon so a secure times table knowledge is a must!

In RE, we have started to learn our carols for the Christmas school production and will start practicing our scene next week. We have also started our learning about visitors and why they are important at this time of year. Don’t forget to check our class RE blog for more details about our RE learning this half term.

Don’t forget to check the Google classrooms for this week’s homework.

Have a restful weekend,

Miss Battams 🙂

News from Year 3

What a busy week it has been in Year 3 this week! We started the week with creating a key worker from recycled materials (thank you very much for your donations!). Our policeman looked instantly recognisable with his high-vis vest but keeping the sculpture standing was the tricky part. With a lot of patience, team work and tape, we were able to create a free standing sculpture of a policeman!

It was also Anti-Bullying Week this week but we focused on being kind and spreading kindness. We started by creating a kindness jar, writing anonymous acts of kindness we had seen in the class. We also wrote something kind about a member of the class. When sharing these reasons for kindness, it made us feel warm and fuzzy, we decided it was best to always be as kind as possible. We also wrote kind notes to ourselves and shared them as a class too.

It was also Faith Week this week, focusing on Sikhism. We started by concentrating on the symbol for Sikhism, a khanda. We then created our own symbols to represent our beliefs and who we are as people. Next, we looked at the inside of a gurdwara and focused on the importance of the Gura Granth Sahib, the Sikh holy book. Our final lesson involved focusing on langar, the free vegetarian meal served at gurdwaras. We learnt everyone sits on the floor for langar as everyone is equal. This was based on a story of Guru Nanak’s, which we acted out in groups using role play.

It has been such a busy week but we look forward to starting our learning about Advent next week.

Have a restful weekend,

Miss Battams 🙂

News from Year 3

In English this week, we have been creating our own information texts about aliens. We used our learning of Dr Xargle’s Book of Earth Hounds to help structure and organise our writing. Next week, we will be moving on to a new book called Mini Rabbit Not Lost by John Bond.

In Maths, we have been concluding our addition and subtraction unit by focusing on word problems. To help us solve these word problems, we also used bar modelling which we found tricky at first but mastered towards the end of the week.

In RE this week, it has been Prayer week. We have focused on collective worship and adding to our class prayer wall. We also had the opportunity to share some of our group’s prayers too, which provided the class with a great opportunity for reflection and worship.

Today is Children in Need and to raise money for such a wonderful cause, we donned our spots and stripes for a non-uniform day. The most colourful get up won a mystery prize! Well done to all the children that got involved and our runner up, Lara!

Stay safe and have a restful weekend,

Miss Battams 🙂

News from Year 3

What a great first week back for Year 3! We have really enjoyed being back in the classroom and starting our learning this half term.

In English, we have carried on looking at the book ‘Dr Xargle’s Book of Earth Hounds’. We have been focusing on different sentences openers and structures to help us write our own information texts about aliens next week.

In Maths, we have continued to focus on using the column method for subtraction. We have developed this method to include two lots of regrouping, which has been tricky. But the children have persevered and are a lot more confident with regrouping multiple times within a calculation.

In PE, we have started focusing on basketball. This week, we have practiced our passing skills, using bounce and chest passes to help pass the ball efficiently and effectively.

Don’t forget we have PE every Tuesday and Thursday afternoons so kits will be needed on those days. We also have individual school photographs on Wednesday 11th November.

Stay safe and have a lovely weekend,

Miss Battams 🙂

News from Year 3

This week, we have started a new text in English. We have been focusing on the story ‘Dr Xargle’s Book of Earth Hounds’, an alien’s guide to dogs. Even though we thought the book was a little strange to start with, we look forward to returning to the story after half term.

In Maths, we have started looking at using the column method for subtraction. We have just started to focus on using regrouping within the written method, which has been a little tricky. Yet, with some hard work and patience, we will soon be experts at it!

To round off our PE learning this half term, we staged a small five a side tournament to put all the skills we had learnt into practice. We really enjoyed the matches and were very competitive! Yet, it’s the taking part that counts.

In History, we used the Chromebooks to research Skara Brae. Skara Brae, on Scotland’s Orkney Islands, is one of the best kept examples of a Stone Age village. It was only discovered by a big storm hitting the coast and revealing the homes underneath mounds of sand. We really enjoyed having the opportunity to use technology to research this special Stone Age monument.

We have had a brilliant half term and look forward to concluding the rest of the term after the half term break. Have a very happy and peaceful break.

Miss Battams 🙂