Year 1’s Week

The children have had another great week in Year 1. They have started their split classes for English and maths and myself and Mr King are very impressed with the way that they have shown a great deal of maturity with this.

Yesterday, we started looking at creating a map of our classroom which developed today into creating a ‘Messy Map’ using the resources around the classroom. The children pretended that they were birds and decided what shapes they would see if they were in the sky. This was in order to develop the idea of an aerial view.

There is not necessarily any ‘formal’ homework this week as the children are still in transition but I would ask that they continue to read their books at home as part of ongoing homework.

Have a lovely weekend!

Mrs Teixeira 🙂 

Year 1 Meet the Teacher Presentation

Thank you for all who were able to attend today’s meeting. For those of you who were unable to make it, or for those of you who would like to refresh your memories of everything spoken about, I have attached the PowerPoint.

Any questions, please do not hesitate to ask!

First Week in Year 1!

What a wonderful start to the school year! The children have settled in brilliantly by coming in enthusiastically in the morning and getting straight on with their ‘Busy Fingers’ activities and listening really well when it is carpet and learning time. I can tell that we will have a very successful year ahead of us!

Starting from next week, the children will benefit from the split classes for both English and Maths in which they will either be taught by Mr King or myself. This will be discussed in more detail at our ‘meet the teacher’ morning on Monday 10th September from 9:00am-9:30am. This will be a great opportunity to hear about all of the exciting learning we will be doing in Year 1, plus the logistics of the split classes.

There will be no formal homework set for this week as the children are still settling in, but I have sent home the children’s new reading records today along with the last word strip that they were on. Can I please ask that these books are read, read and read again in order for the children to gain the confidence that they need to read aloud and to revise the key sounds that they know. I will look to change the books next week.

Have a lovely weekend!

Mrs Teixeira 🙂 

Y6 New prayers

In year 6, we have introduced new morning and afternoon prayers. You will need to learn them off by heart. 

Morning Prayer

The Guardian Angel Prayer

Angel of God, my guardian dear,

to whom His love entrusts me here,

ever this day be at my side,

to light and guard, to rule and guide.


End of Day Prayer

Lord, keep us safe this night,

and free from all our fears.

May angels guard us while we sleep,

until morning light appears.

As a school we are taking part in the Angelus, daily at 12pm. Please learn the words off by heart. 

Y6 – Old and New

Class of 2018 

I wanted to wish you all the best of luck for starting your new schools next week! I know you will all be brilliant and make your parents proud.

I also wanted to say a big, big thank you for your kind cards, gifts and words received at the end of last term – it meant a lot!

Good luck and God bless. 

Class of 2019

Welcome to Y6!

I hope that you all enjoy the last few days of your holidays and are ready to start the new year refreshed and raring to go! A quick reminder about bags – we only have small lockers in Y6 which have to fit in your school and PE bags along with any extra-curricular sports bags you may have so I would encourage you to use a school book bag rather than a large backpack. 

For our first topic ‘Evolution and Inheritance’ I ask that all children bring in some photos for part of an investigation. I am looking for one photo of a parent when they were young and a photo of them now – children are welcome to bring in photos of both parents. If you do not have access to these, photos of grandparents are also fine. I would ask that the photos are of individuals rather than groups shots as they will be looking closely at facial features. The children will not be bringing these photos home as they will be analysed in their class books so can you please either send in photos that you don’t mind the children keeping, or photocopy/scanning photos (in colour if possible). 

Children will need to have these in school by Monday 10th September.  

See you all next week. 

Y6 Toy shop

Today, the children got to show off the toys that they have been making as part of the their DT topic. Along with the Reception children, we gathered in the hall for a morning of games. The aim of the children’s project was to make a gender neutral toy, appropriate for a reception child and made from as many recyclable materials as possible.

Some comments from the Reception children:

“I liked seeing the racing cars.”

“I liked all of the colourful toys.”

“I liked that they are all different.”

“I liked the learning bus as it teaches us whilst having fun.”

“They made them with lots of different materials.”

“I liked seeing what they do in Y6.”



Y6 Production

I just wanted to say congratulations to the Y6 children on their outstanding performance last night. I thought they did themselves and the school proud. Thank you for working so hard to make the production such a succes s.

Congratulations Y6!

Mr Bedford and I would like to extend a huge WELL DONE to the year 6 children on their SATs results. They worked extremely hard and this effort paid off. They should be very proud of themselves, as we are.

Year 2 Making Tropical Fruits

We had fun on Wednesday making a shape for our tropical fruit as part of our St Lucia topic in geography. It involved getting very messy as we designed a papier mache shape of our fruit. We followed that on Thursday with a science experiment where we are testing the conditions needed for a seed to germinate. Good luck to everyone at Sports Day on Monday, don’t forget to come in your PE kit.