Happy New Year!

Before returning to school tomorrow, I wanted to say thank you very much to all Y6 children and parents for your kind gifts and Christmas wishes at the end of term. I hope you all had an enjoyable festive period.

Image result for happy new year"

All the best for 2020,

Mrs May

Y6 Prefect Training

On Tuesday, the Y6 Prefects were trained by St John Ambulance in First Aid. They learnt how to bandage grazes, use slings to support and all about the DRS ABC.

“It was really fun and will be very useful in the future, particularly for my Prefect duty”

Y6 Harvest Song

Below are the lyrics to our Harvest song for this year. Mrs Goldsmith will go over this with you tomorrow and I expect you to know the words off by heart by Monday.

Y6 – Last week of term

Key dates :

Tuesday 16th July: Children to come to school at 6.30 pm to get changed for the performance which will begin at 7.00 pm.

Wednesday 17th July: Leavers’ Mass 7.00 pm

Thursday 18th July : Leavers’ Assembly 9.00 am

Please could children bring a plastic bag to school on Monday to take their books home in.

Many thanks,

Mrs Butterworth


Please continue to read as much as possible and when responding ensure you are asking increasingly challenging questions. Many of you are now asking more challenging questions with the help of the question stems provided. This will really support your understanding when responding to the texts you read.

If you are looking for some great books to read, below are two lists that should have something for everyone.


You have been given the Y5/6 spelling list. Please ensure you are continuing to practice these words at home –  use the spelling pattern revision posters attached to help you. You could pick one to focus on each day, writing three sentences using words that fit that pattern in your spelling journals. 

Please find the year 5/6 National Curriculum spellings attached. You should continue to revise these over half term.

HWT English

Sharing Stories

On Friday, Year 1 and Year 5 paired up to share their favourite stories. It was lovely to hear the children reading aloud and enjoying each other’s books!


As part of our design and technology topic, linking to our animals topic in science and toys topic in history, the children have started to design their own hand puppets. The children will need to be able to sew two pieces of fabric together and so we practised this skill yesterday with a big, plastic needle. The children realised that it was trickier than it looked, but persevered with the result of some great running stitches!

Fluency Teaser

Thank you to everyone who had a go at our first fluency teaser. Lots of you came up with fantastic ways to give yourself a better chance of winning!

If you didn’t manage to have a go, follow the link below and enjoy!


Thank you to Katy in Year 5 for coming up with a strategy to better your chances of winning: leaving the bigger numbers to your opponent. Do you agree? Why not give it go!

Our second ‘Fluency Teaser’ is a wonderful activity called ‘Shape Times Shape’. See how good your working mathematically skills are by following the link and solving the problem.

Send any solutions to Mr Sallis.



Click the link to take you to the problem!

This week we got a range of solutions from across key stage 2.

Thank you Alice in year 3 for this solution.
And Natalie in Year 4 for this.
And some particularly good reasoning by Adam R in Year 5.