Year 2 get fit!

We are all very pleased that the wonderful PTA fundraising events have raised enough money for the amazing trim trail that we have had great fun climbing on this week. Here are some photos of us in action!

Storytelling in Year 2

This week, we have been learning about the baptism of Jesus. We started off the week by comparing the stories in the gospels of Luke and Matthew and then took part in lots of different activities , such as hot-seating characters from the story, creating story maps and performing our own dramas so that we could really get to know the story. At the end of the week, we wrote the story in our own words and we are very proud of our storytelling!

Take a look at our photos to find out more.

Year 2

The Year 2 class wish you all a wonderful 2025.

The children have started the new year with lots of enthusiasm. They have been reflecting upon the Epiphany story and thinking about the special gift that they can bring to 2025. To mark the Feast of St Adrian, the children also learned about how St Adrian was a teacher for over forty years and so, in the spirit of great learning, they committed themselves to a personal learning challenge for the new year.

Year 2 are ready for Christmas

We have had a lovely December and enjoyed many events while journeying through Advent in preparation for the celebration of Jesus’s birth on Christmas Day!

The Year 5 children led the class brilliantly in a celebration of the Word that focussed on Advent and the meaning of this important season.

A creative group called Electric Umbrella came to school to lead us in song and it was a great way to celebrate diversity and have fun together.

Rock Steady performed their Christmas concert and we all thoroughly enjoyed joining in with the Christmas tunes.

Finally, Father Christmas found out that we had all been nice, not naughty this year and so deserved a visit from him during our Christmas party day. What a smashing way to get ready for Christmas. Merry Christmas everyone and we wish you a very Happy New Year!

Year 2 love to perform

The children performed brilliantly in their Christmas play this week and they should be very proud of their enthusiastic singing and wonderful acting. Every single line was delivered clearly as the children reflected on the true meaning of Christmas and had great fun too!

Advent in Year 2

We are enjoying journeying through Advent with lots of different ways to show that we are preparing for the birth of Jesus on Christmas Day,

Year 2 learn about the Hindu faith

As part of an exciting workshop on Hinduism, we listened to a story about Ganesha and learned about puja (worship) in the home. We learned how to dance with a partner using sticks and loved dressing in saris, prayer shawls and turbans. It was a great day for everyone.

Year 2 commemorate

This week, the children were very respectful as they marked Armistice Day during their class Celebration of the Word. They reflected upon the sacrifice that soldiers and their families had made during times of war and watched Kier Starmer as he laid a huge wreath with President Macron. After sharing the two minute silence with people all over the world, the children said their own prayers as they placed their poppies onto our prayer focus.

As part of our learning about Other Faiths, we explored Hindu prayer at home. We found out that Hindu prayer is called puja and were fascinated by all the different statues and flowers that are part of the Hindu shrines.

Year 2 support charity

We had great fun on Children in Need day, wearing our spotty or Pudsey themed outfits. We looked wonderful and were proud to support this worthwhile charity as part of our Catholic Social Teaching unit of learning about the Preferential Option for the Poor.

Year 2 remember

This week, we have been learning about Walter Tull. Born in 1888 he was one of the first black professional footballers (playing for Tottenham Hotspur) and the first black army officer in the British Army. We had great fun in our role of historians when we explored an old suitcase and imagined what objects he might have packed when he went to the front during the war. Walter Tull experienced racism as a footballer and we were very angry about this as we believe that everyone has the right to be the person that they want to be. Sadly, Walter Tull died in World War One and we will commemorate his sacrifice as part of our class Remembrance Celebration of the Word on 11th November.