Advent in Year 2

We are enjoying journeying through Advent with lots of different ways to show that we are preparing for the birth of Jesus on Christmas Day,

Year 2 learn about the Hindu faith

As part of an exciting workshop on Hinduism, we listened to a story about Ganesha and learned about puja (worship) in the home. We learned how to dance with a partner using sticks and loved dressing in saris, prayer shawls and turbans. It was a great day for everyone.

Year 2 commemorate

This week, the children were very respectful as they marked Armistice Day during their class Celebration of the Word. They reflected upon the sacrifice that soldiers and their families had made during times of war and watched Kier Starmer as he laid a huge wreath with President Macron. After sharing the two minute silence with people all over the world, the children said their own prayers as they placed their poppies onto our prayer focus.

As part of our learning about Other Faiths, we explored Hindu prayer at home. We found out that Hindu prayer is called puja and were fascinated by all the different statues and flowers that are part of the Hindu shrines.

Year 2 support charity

We had great fun on Children in Need day, wearing our spotty or Pudsey themed outfits. We looked wonderful and were proud to support this worthwhile charity as part of our Catholic Social Teaching unit of learning about the Preferential Option for the Poor.

Year 2 remember

This week, we have been learning about Walter Tull. Born in 1888 he was one of the first black professional footballers (playing for Tottenham Hotspur) and the first black army officer in the British Army. We had great fun in our role of historians when we explored an old suitcase and imagined what objects he might have packed when he went to the front during the war. Walter Tull experienced racism as a footballer and we were very angry about this as we believe that everyone has the right to be the person that they want to be. Sadly, Walter Tull died in World War One and we will commemorate his sacrifice as part of our class Remembrance Celebration of the Word on 11th November.

Year 2 celebrate God’s harvest

Thank you so much for the huge number of items that were contributed to the Feed Foodbank as part of our Harvest Festival Celebration of the Word this week. The Year 2 children sang brilliantly and they joined in with the actions very enthusiastically, showing that they really can sing ‘All things bright and beautiful’.

October is the month of the Rosary

This week, two Caritas Ambassadors visited the Year 2 classroom to teach the children about the rosary and how it can be used for prayer. The children reflected on their use of a rosary and the Year 6 children helped them to pray a decade of the rosary.

Parents and carers are warmly invited to our Harvest assembly next week at 9am on 25th October, when we will be performing our harvest song. We would be very grateful for donations to our collection of items for the Feed food bank in St Albans which can be brought in at any time over the next week. Details of items that Feed would love to receive can be found below:

Out and about with Year Two

We all love to spend time outside and there are lots of things to do in the playground to boost our wellbeing. Here are some of the ways that we have fun out and about during lesson times and at playtimes!

Our Year 2 Saint

We have all been enjoying learning about our class saint, Saint Teresa of Calcutta. We learned about the significant parts in her life and created a timeline that sequences these events. We enjoyed carefully drawing portraits of Mother Teresa and have decorated our classroom door to celebrate her achievements and caring nature. She has inspired us to do small acts of kindness whenever we can.

Year 2 rise to the challenge

We are all enjoying being the oldest children in the infants and rising to the challenge of being wonderful role models to the younger children.

Inspired by a story all about Greta Thunberg, we have been thinking about what we can do to be great stewards of creation. We came up with some wonderful energy saving ideas to help to save the planet and our promises grew a beautiful tree to decorate our classroom.

If you would like to watch Greta and the Giants, you will find it below:

Year Two enjoy a visit to the library

Over the holiday, we wrote and posted some amazing postcards that have been used as part of our learning in geography and we also kept up with our reading by doing the library reading challenge. All of this shows that we are really ready for the amazing learning we can look forward to now that we are in Year 2.