Welcome back, Year 4

Year 4 was a credit to the school and their families at St Bart’s on Wednesday. They are also representing the school very well on the weekly swimming trips, when they are making very good progress with their skills.

We have moved onto Addition and Subtraction with 4-digit numbers in Maths and are writing our first story, with the children creating interesting sentences using expanded noun phrases, prepositions for detail and personification. The inspiration is a book called “Varmints”, which the children have really enjoyed exploring.

They are also enjoying the ukelele lessons and the strumming sounds very tuneful!

Luckily, the rain has not been falling at breaktimes so the children can still get outside at play. Long may this continue!

Monday is photograph day , so the children should come to school super-smart like they usually do.

Apologies for the lack of photos this week. I will endeavour to post some next week.

Wishing you all a relaxing weekend.

“Reddy” for half-term….

It was wonderful to see many adults at Harvest Festival and we hope you enjoyed the year 4 enthusiastic song about healthy eating.

We started our new book “Varmints” this week and the children have done some very thoughtful writing using adverbial phrases of place, personification and expanded noun phrases. Ater half-term they will write an alternative version of the story.

In our Reading sessions, we are reading an amazing book together, called “The Wild Robot” which covers themes such as being an outsider and what it means to be human. The children love choosing books in the beautiful library and relaxing when we go there on Fridays.

The children all love their trips to the library, both getting new books and enjoying the books and library with their friends. We have very efficient librarians who carry out their duties very well.

The children continued to learn about electricity by investigating which materials are conductors and which are insulators.

I hope you all have a very enjoyable week during the half-term break and look forward to seeing you the week after.

Singing and strumming in year 4

Today year 4 used the ukeleles for the first time. I’m looking forward to finding out how they enjoyed it on Monday. The class has a wonderfully sunny upbeat song to share with you next Friday and we’re looking forward to seeing lots of you at Harvest Festival. Thank you for all the Harvest contributions and please keep bringing them.

It was great to share how well the children are doing in year 4, at parent consultations; and I hope you all enjoyed looking at the books.

The children are making good progress with programming – currently using word algorithms to write letters, using different ways if possible – and work collaboratively very well, which is the best way to work with programming.

Those children who have been writing “500 words” stories are able to access it via the Google Suite and can work on them over the weekend, if they would like to.

I hope that you’re all enjoying the new way of doing Maths home learning. These activities match the learning at school exactly, so should really help embed understanding. Nearly everyone in the class was fascinated with Roman numerals and really enjoyed the Maths relating to this this week! There are some of these included in the home learning. I will also allocate some My Maths activities some weeks, to allow for variety.

I hope you all have a lovely relaxing weekend and look forward to seeing everyone on Monday, which will start the last week before half-term holiday.

w/c 2nd October in year 4

The children have practising the skills needed to write a report, or chronological recount; and writing plans for their report on last Friday’s trip. We’ve talked about including lots of detail, using technical language, a variety of time adverbials and including their feelings and next questions about what they saw and learnt. We also revised the rules on spelling past tense verbs. Next week we’ll start writing the full report.

Today the children used acrylic paints for figures in the style of Julian Opie; and the result is some very colourful and striking pictures of people.

The class is enjoying using the library with the librarians carrying out their duties very well.

We’ve continued learning about electrical circuits, with the children building both complete and incomplete ones. In Maths, we’re coming to the end of our first unit about place value and will move onto addition and subtraction soon. In computing, the children are writing programs with increasing complexity to write capital letters.

I look forward to seeing you all at some point next week to talk about your child’s progress. In the meantime, I hope you enjoy the sun this weekend.

Fun learning at The Fitzwilliam

Year 4 had a great day of looking, listening and learning in Cambridge today. The museum teacher was so impressed by the class’s behaviour and reflective comments, that she stayed with us past her allotted hour and took us to the magnificent gallery in the lobby. The Fitzwilliam is one of those places where the building is as stunning as the contents.She even let us walk out through the turnstile door, which is usually not permitted for large school groups. Like the other amazing university-owned buildings in Cambridge, it is free and not as large or as busy as the London museums so well worth a visit. There are lots of – reasonably-priced – places to eat and other things to see and your children could start thinking about whether they would like to study there when they are older.

In the afternoon, the children made Greek-influenced pinch pots and again the staff were very impressed with the children’s confidence and proficiency. The children were building on their skills from last year which is excellent progress. Here are some of the moments from the day.

Unfortunately, we were late returning. We’d factored in extra journey time for getting back, but it wasn’t enough for today’s Friday traffic so I hope that didn’t spoil any after-school plans. Your children may like to tell you more about the day using the images on the museum’s website. A massive thank you for the fantastic parent helpers who worked very hard today and helped make the trip possible. I hope you all have a lovely weekend.

It’s electric in year 4

This week the children have written their own “Guide To Living on Earth”, including draw a front cover; and these will be displayed in the classroom. They used expanded noun phrases with abstract nouns to describe what it’s like living here and we’ve focused on using the apostrophe for contraction correctly, as practised in last week’s spellings.

The children are loving the practical aspect of learning about electricity and built circuits with very little instruction, but by using their initiative and being safe with their partner.

The children were put into groups for swimming today. They are so fast and efficient at getting changed that we’re going to leave school later!

Thank you for sending in painting shirts which will be put to very good use.

Have a lovely weekend.

First full week in year 4

This has gone very well, with the children following routines better all the time. They are really enjoying finding about the background and people featuring in “The Undefeated” and have thought of some creative language when writing their own “guide to living on planet earth”, in the style of Oliver Jeffers in “Here We Are”.

Miss Taylor, the ukelele teacher, came to class today to talk about what instrumental experience they have. She was impressed with the wide range of favourite songs they have!

It was lovely to see so many of you at meet the teacher on Thursday If you have any queries about the curriculum or school day, please do get in touch.

I hope to see some of you at the school fair. Have a lovely weekend.

Katharine Gibbons

Trying to keep cool in year 4 this week!!

To say it was “a hot one” this week in year 4 would be the understatement of the year. But we took it easy and completed lots of essential settling-in and assessment tasks. Thank you for sending in favourite books on Tuesday. The children have made the classroom much more “their own”, as you’ll see on Thursday, at “meet the teacher”. They are rising to the year 4 expectations very well, moving round the school responsibly and engaging in conversations about figurative language, for example, with interest.

Hopefully, Westminster Lodge will have sorted out the floor problem next week and swimming will resume on Thursday.

We are reading a powerful book, which is in the form of a poem, called “the Undefeated”. The children worked in groups to present the poem to the class, choosing their own techniques. Some photos of them should be below.

This week’s home learning has been posted. It focuses on key skills and providing opportunities for your child to get into good routines to master these.

Happy summer year 4!

I hope you’ve enjoyed seeing the learning your children have done in their books which they brought home this week. This week started with their final biscuits and continued with finishing off: they particularly enjoyed the science learning about habitats.

Today was a very relaxing day. The children chose to use various computing packages they’ve been learning and had fun doing this. After play they had ice-creams outside, actually in the sunshine which was lovely. It was a sticky, sweet mess which everyone enjoyed. It was great seeing the children playing and chatting with their friends.

Year 4 and I have been together for four full terms, including a day a week for a term and a half before that. This included the unusual transition from the remaining Covid restrictions back to normal school life. It has been a privilege and a pleasure to help your children learn and see them mature and enjoy the normal routine of the school year. Your bag of presents is really amazing – creative, thoughtful and with some delicious treats. You are very generous and I really appreciate the time and effort you all put into that. To say that I will miss the children is an understatement, but more than that I am very proud of their achievements and the fact that they are moving onto year 5 confident and eager for the learning there.

Wishing you all a very happy, safe summer, with very best wishes

Katharine Gibbons

Penultimate week in year 4

This has been another week with exciting changes to the timetable. Year 4 was an excellent audience for the year 6’s production of “Ali Baba and The Bongo Bandits”, when they loved the songs. Mr Creaton was very impressed with them on their “transition morning” to his classroom and thinks that they will make an excellent year 5.

The children are taking their fantastic learning home with them and I hope that you enjoying seeing the fruits of their labours. We are currently focusing on the Science topic of animals and habitats which contains lots of fascinating knowledge.

We are taking in all school books – library books, class books and reading books (so the next book will be ready for each child on the first day back at school). Please check under the bed, sofas, car seats for any school books which may be lurking there so we don’t need to issue any fines.

Please remember the library reading challenge to keep holiday reading up. https://summerreadingchallenge.org.uk/

Today, the children followed a recipe to make biscuits with various flavours. Next week they will decide, as a group, which combination of flavours to use and make their own biscuits.

There are just 3.5 days left with the lovely children of year 4 and then they can have a very well-deserved break.