Year 5 Week 14

Dear Parents,

This has been a very busy time in school, no doubt mirroring your own preparations for Christmas at home.


Christmas dinner at school was a wonderful occasion with the children all sporting their hand-crafted hats to add glitz and glamour.


I have not set any formal homework for the children as such, but would like them to read as much as possible ( school scheme books as well as any books of their own choosing) and keep their reading logs up to date.

Additionally, my maths group (no pun intended) have been given a list of questions which were similar to those in a recent assessment. I have indicated the questions which they found difficult. At your own discretion, you may choose to work with your child on some of these areas during the course of the holiday.

Finally, Mrs Finnie, Mrs Binks, Mrs Wastell and I would like to thank you all so much for all the very generous gifts and cards – they are very much appreciated.


Wishing you all a happy and holy Christmas,


Mr Creaton


Year 5 week 11

This week has been dominated by our assembly with much work to be done to complete all the props and in fine-tuning the delivery. Having seen the  actual performance, I think it was time well invested: the children did themselves proud and had a good time to boot.



Year 5 Netball

The  netball team won this week and, no doubt , the inclusion of some of our class in the team helped secure the victory.


Have a great weekend,


Mr Creaton


Year 5 week 10

Dear Parents and Carers,

This week we have been busy trying to prepare for our assembly next Friday morning ( 24th November 2017). We hope that you will be able to come and join us.  As well as learning lines, we have had to refine our dance moves, learn songs and of course, make props.  The photos show us engaged in making  helmets and flowers .


I have added the latest version of the script in the home learning. It is mainly unaltered but where I have made changes, I have used a red font.

I had mentioned to the class that I was considering altering some of the prayers.  As it happens, all the prayers remain unaltered but  I have also added another prayer  – 59 A-  and have spoken with the person who will be reading it.

I have put a copy of the script on the home learning blog.

Also, I have added a powerpoint for the children to learn the songs for the Christmas Carol Concert .

Have a great weekend,

Mr Creaton

Year 5 Week 9

Dear Parents and Carers,

Much has happened this week in Year 5 and I will endeavour to give you a flavour of it.

In English, we have been using  role play to make our written work on speech more realistic. Also, we have been wrapping our heads around how to explain just why  our alkaseltzer  rocket manages to leave the ground.

In computing, we have been using codes to send encrypted messages for each other to try and  decode.

In DT, we are looking at musical  instruments with the view to making our own versions.  Of course, we had to practise using the real things, just to immerse ourselves in the task.

Who would have thought that 30 children randomly playing assorted instruments at the same time could sound so melodic and easy on the ear?


Judaism Week:

We were fortunate to have a visit from Ruth, a member of the Jewish community, who worked with the children to give them a greater understanding of Judaism.  Year 5 learnt about Pesach and the significance of the meal at Passover.  It involved eating and drinking  some of the foods and looking at other Jewish artefacts.



This week we played Colney Heath in a friendly football match. Although we didn’t quite manage to score as many goals as they did,  I was very proud of my team’s  positive spirit in the face of adversity.


Golden Mile

Has your child been asking to go to bed early lately?  Perhaps it’s because they have been worn out jogging the daily ‘Golden Mile’.


Have a great weekend,

Mr Creaton