Nursery – 26.01.24

Big Garden Birdwatch

This week we took part in the Big Garden Birdwatch. The children really enjoyed making their binoculars to use and were excited to take them out and use them. We went outside on Tuesday morning, Wednesday afternoon and again on Friday morning to see if we could see any birds in trees or on the field. We were also had a look to see if the birds have been eating the bird feeders we made.

The children will bring their binoculars home today – please ensure they are supervised while using because of the strings.

Other photos this week including the children playing ‘Bertha on the bus’, exploring the objects beginning with ‘g’ and a very long road track which the children have loved.

Important Dates

Monday 29th January – INSET Day

Friday 2nd February – NSPCC Number Day – Wear a math themed outfit

Half term – Monday 19th – Friday 23rd February


Please can children have a small keyring on their book bag handle so they can identify their book bag when getting ready for home time.

Jewellery such as bracelets, rings and necklaces are not part of the school uniform – please can children keep them for after school, weekends and holidays. Children are allowed to wear stud earrings if they have their ears pierced.

Have a lovely long weekend

Miss Taylor

Nursery 19.01.23

This week we have continued to explore the story ‘We’re Going on a Bear Hunt’, the children are confident with joining in the repeated refrains and the actions.

We also watched a fantastic video of Michael Rosen performing and acting out the story which the children joined in with.

We went up to the Library again this week. Just a reminder – the previous books needs to be returned in order to take out a new one.

In PE this week we worked on our ball skills. We held our balls on different parts of our bodies and tried very carefully not to drop them.

In RSE this week we talked about our bodies and all the wonderful things we can do, the children helped match the picture to the correct part of the body.

Other photos this week:

Bird Garden Birdwatch

Thank you so much for all the toilet roll tubes, we would love a few more if you could save them for us over the weekend.

Book Bags

Please could all book bags have a small key ring on the handle so children can identify their own book bag at home time.

Important Dates

Join us every Friday 8:45 – 09:00 AM for reading morning in the Nursery classroom.

INSET Day – Monday 29th January.

February Half Term – Monday 19th – Friday 23rd February

Have a lovely weekend

Miss Taylor

Nursery – 08.01.2024

Happy New Year!

Welcome back! It has been so nice to see the children this week. I hope you all had a lovely Christmas break and managed to have some well earned rest. Thank you so much for the Christmas cards, well wishes and gifts Miss Rowson and I received before Christmas.

This week we have looked at the story ‘We’re going on a bear hunt’ and the children have enjoyed a range of activities around this including small world tray, puzzles and yoga.

This week we went up to the Library for the first time. We will go to the library every Wednesday to take out a new book. The previous book needs to be returned to school in order to take a new one out.

In phonics this week we looked at the phoneme ‘m’. We found lots of things in our classroom beginning with this sound including magnet, milk and mirror.

Other photos this week:

Reading Morning

Thank you to everyone who came to Reading morning today. Reading morning will be every Friday 8:45 – 9:00 unless we are going to an assembly – I will let you know in advance.

Big Garden Birdwatch

I have signed up for Nursery to take part in the Big Garden Birdwatch happening at the end of January. We will take part in some of the activities including making binoculars, going on a bird hunt in the school grounds and making bird feeders.

Please could all children bring in 2 toilet roll tubes so that they are able to make a pair of binoculars in Nursery.

We will complete these activities week commencing 22nd January.

Book bags

It would be helpful if a small key ring was attached to the handle so the children can identify their own book bag at home time.

Important Dates:

Monday 15th January 2024 – Deadline for online Reception applications.

INSET day – Monday 29th January 2024.

February Half term – 19th – 23rd February.

Have a lovely weekend.

Miss Taylor

Nursery – 15.12.2023

This week the children performed their Christmas Nativity ‘A Miracle in Town’. The children have worked really hard over the past months to learn the songs and the actions. The children sat beautifully during the performance and were delighted to see their families in the audience. Thank you so much for all your support.

This week we continued our work on our book The Snowman. We listened to the music Walking in the Air by Howard Blake. We danced and created movements in response to the music we heard using pieces of tinsel.

We have also been making our own snowmen using playdough..

Important Dates

Monday 18th December – Grandparents Christmas Carols and Tea – 09:30 – 10:30 AM

Term finishes 13:30 on Thursday 21st December

Spring term starts on Monday 8th January 2024.

Reading morning begins Friday 12th January. Please come into Nursery to read a book with your child 8:40 – 09:00AM.

Have a lovely weekend

Miss Taylor

Nursery – 08.12.2023

This week the role play was changed into ‘Santa’s’ Workshop’. The children were very excited to get in there and to help Santa wrap presents ready for Christmas.

This week in RE we talked about the word Advent and what it means. We looked at the wreath that we have in class as well as the candles and when we light each one. We lit the first candle and said a prayer.

On Wednesday we had a very special visitor…..

An individual photos is on Tapestry.

On Thursday we came back in from being outside to find something very odd; a puddle of water, an orange and some black pebbles. What could have happened? The children concluded that a Snowman had been into Nursery but because it was too hot he started to melt. We went on a Snowman hunt around the school to see if we could find anything else.

Other photos from this week:

Reception Applications

Please click the link below to apply for a reception place at St.Adrians.

Once you have applied online you will need to fill out a Supplementary Information Form. I have got copies of these in Nursery, please ask if you would like one.

The deadline for reception applications is 15th January 2024.

Important Dates:

Wednesday 13th December – EYFS Christmas Performance 10:00AM

Friday 15th December – Christmas Jumper Day

Monday 18th December – Grandparents Christmas Carols and Tea – 09:30AM

Term finishes at 13:30 on Thursday 21st December

Spring Term starts on Monday 8th January 2024

Have a lovely weekend

Miss Taylor

Nursery 01.12.2023

Our highlight of the week was writing our letters to Santa! The children did a wonderful job of talking to the grown up about what they would like and then drawing a picture. On Wednesday morning we took a short walk to the post box. We hope we get a reply from Santa soon!

More photos can be found on Tapestry.

In RE this week we talked about Birthdays and how we celebrate them. We read Kipper’s Birthday and decided to have a birthday party for Kipper in class.

In maths this week we continued looking at the number 2. We helped matched digits to objects, collected objects and on Friday we went on a ‘2 objects’ hunt in the hall which the children really enjoyed.

Today the children went to their first Dressing of the Tree assembly, they sat really well and enjoyed watching as the tree was decorated.

Other photos from this week:

This week the children took home their Rudolph Christmas card sample, the children completed these a couple of weeks ago and really enjoyed having their hand painted, creating a nose, eyes and lots of green and red dots to make it really Christmassy.

If the children would like to write their friends Christmas cards there is a post box in class for them to post them in to which we will empty regularly.

The children have chosen their KrisKringles (Christmas Friend) today. I look forward to seeing the gifts come in and we will pop them under the tree in the last week of term and give out on the last day. Please could they all be in school by Friday 15th.

Important Dates:

Saturday 2nd December – Christmas Fayre 12:30-15:30

Wednesday 13th December – EYFS Christmas Performance 10:00AM

Friday 15th December – Christmas Jumper Day

Monday 18th December – Grandparents Christmas Carols and Tea – 09:30AM

Term finishes at 13:30 on Thursday 21st December

Have a lovely weekend

Miss Taylor

Nursery – 24.11.2023

On Wednesday morning Mrs Ruffell visited our classroom to talk to us about her religion, Judaism. Mrs Ruffell told us about how she celebrates Shabbat. Mrs Ruffell kindly bought in some different artefacts for us to look at including a cup, candles and Hebrew Bible. Mrs Ruffell told us what a Kippah is and the children were able to wear one if they wanted to.

In RSE this week we looked in mirrors and talked about what we could see, we also thought about how we are the same and different from our friends. We used the mirrors to draw self portraits.

The children have been enjoying puzzles this week and the shopping game has been rather popular

We met with Jamie this week to go on a cosmic yoga adventure, this week we met Pedro the Penguin which linked nicely to our phonics this week – initial sound ‘p’.

In maths this week we have been looking at subitising the number 2, subitising means knowing there is an amount of something without having to count. We played games including find 2 pom poms and help teddy cross the path by only landing on 2.

Other photos from this week

Important Dates:

Friday 1st December – Dressing of the tree advent assembly – 09:05 AM parents welcome

Saturday 2nd December – Christmas Fayre – 12:30 – 15:30

Wednesday 13th December – EYFS Christmas Performance 10:00AM

Friday 15th December – Christmas Jumper Day

Monday 18th December – Grandparents Christmas Carols and Tea – 09:30AM

Term finishes at 13:30 on Thursday 21st December.

Have a lovely weeked

Miss Taylor

Nursery – 17.11.2023

We started our week by wearing odd socks as part of Anti Bullying week, here we all are in our odd socks.

This week we looked at the initial sound ‘t’. We looked at objects beginning with this sound such as tiger, tomato, tractor, timer, train and toast and a tyrannosaurus rex. Can you find anything in your house beginning with ‘t’?

In maths this week we have been looking at the number 1 and tried to make number 1 happy by giving him just one thing, number 1 is not happy if he has more than 1. The children have got a ‘happy number one’ and a ‘sad number ‘ in their bag to play with and explore at home.

In RE we are continuing to talk about Baptism. This week we had a go at Baptising a baby in class, the children were very good at it and had a go at saying ‘I Baptise you in the name of the Father, of the Son and the Holy Spirit’.

The children also shared their Baptism items with us

Other photos from this week:

Important Dates:

Friday 24th November – Non Uniform day in exchange for a bottle of alcohol per family for the Christmas Fayre

Friday 1st November – Dressing the tree assembly Advent Assembly 09:05AM – parents welcome

Saturday 2nd December – Christmas Fayre 12 – 3PM

Wednesday 13th December – EYFS Christmas Performance

Friday 15th December – Christmas Jumper Day

Monday 18th December – Grandparents Christmas Carols and Tea – 09:30AM

Term finishes at 1:30PM on Thursday 21st December

Have a lovely weekend

Miss Taylor

Nursery – 10.11.2023

This week we had a visit from Richard, the postman for this area who told us all about his job. The children listened really well to what he had to say and we asked him questions like ‘What time do you have to get up?’ and ‘what happens if it snows?’ He told us he drives a postvan that has lots of letters and parcels and told us what he does if he cannot deliver a parcel that cannot fit into a letterbox.

In RE this week we read a lovely story called ‘Welcome to the World’ and talked about what a very exciting time it is when a family welcomes a new baby. We reenacted welcoming a baby in class.

We also created a lovely post to welcome anyone into nursery and to the St Adrians community.

We read the book ‘Ava’s Poppy’ this week and talked about why we wear a poppy at this time of year. The children created their own poppy artwork.

Other photos from this week:

Next week is Anti Bullying week so children are invited to wear odd socks on Monday 13th November.

Friday 17th November is Children in Need – children can wear spots and stripes to school.

Have a lovely weekend and see you next week.

Miss Taylor

Nursery – 03.11.2023

Hello Parents/Carers,

This week we started our Little Wandle Sessions and looked at the initial sound ‘s’. In the classroom we looked at things beginning with this sound such as sock, scissors, sellotape, star, stickers and sandwich.

The children were able to explore these objects during the week and discuss them with their friends. Can you find anything in your house beginning with ‘s’?

New Role Play

This week our new role play was open for business, the children can now write their letters and work in the Post Office. It has been a huge hit with the children and they have enjoyed playing in there this week. Next week we have a visit from the Post Man who will tell us all about his job and what he has to do. The children have watched the video below – Journey of a Letter.

In RSE this week the children created some stars to add to our picture of Creation.

Other photos from this week:

In RE we talked about welcoming someone into our family. We talked about how we can welcome Miss Rowson into nursery and into the St Adrian’s Community. The children made welcome cards.

Thank you so much for returning the Autumn Bags, they discussed what they had found with their friends and then made collages.

Important Dates:

Monday 6th November – Individual and Siblings photos

Tuesday 7th November – Post Man visit

Monday 13th November – Wear Odd socks for Anti Bullying Week.

Reception Applications

Reception applications are now open, link below:

Have a lovely weekend

Miss Taylor