During the last week of the Christmas term, the children had a lovely time, filled with anticipation and excitement. The children started their week with a panto, then enjoyed a visit from Father Christmas (in response to the letters that they sent him at the beginning of December!), ate a delicious Christmas lunch together, attended a mass presided over by Father Francis and shared an advent celebration during which kriskringle gifts were exchanged. The children have certainly responded to Father Francis’s message to share the gift of Jesus by living with hope, joy and love in their relationships with others.
Please note that if you click on any photo, you will be able to watch a slide show of all the photos.
Thank you very much for your generous Christmas gifts. Teaching your children is a privilege, which we enjoy every day. May you have a holy Christmas and a new year that is filled with peace, happiness and good health.
Emma Hayes, Kim Heffernan, Robin King and Sally McCarthy