Reception – World book day!


What a week we’ve had!
Went on a trip, dressed up for book day and learnt all about Ash Wednesday!!!

Well, the trip was definitely the highlight of the week! The bus journey went very smoothly and the children were very sensible and kind. They all said ‘Thank you’ to the bus driver and ‘hello and goodbye’ to all passengers! Well done!

The performance was absolutely smashing!!! We danced, we sang and did all actions!

After the performance we enjoyed a delicious lunch in the park!

Next week we will continue with the story ‘Pirates love underpants’ and start creating different settings and characters. Ahoy pirates!!!

On Thursday we had a wonderful day celebrating love for books and reading. The children looked absolutely stunning in their outfits and they were very excited to talk about their favourite stories in class!
We were thinking about all of the places we can read a book and came out with several ideas:

You can read alone or with a friend….

You can read sitting on a tire or bike…..

You can read on a bench or climbing frame…. The options are endless 🙂

There can be few things as powerful as regularly reading to a young child. It has astonishing benefits for children: comfort and reassurance, confidence and security, relaxation, happiness and fun. Giving a child time and full attention when reading them a story tells them they matter. It builds self-esteem, vocabulary, feeds imagination and even improves their sleeping patterns.

To celebrate their birthdays, children are encouraged to donate a book to our class library. The reward for doing this is to come to school in a favourite outfit.  You can view our class wish-list on Amazon.  
Reception wish-list

Ash Wednesday was a very special day for us too. We discussed that Ash Wednesday marks the beginning of Lent and that the ashes are made of palm trees. The children started to think about their Lent promises and how to be a bit more like Jesus. Mrs Porter brought back ashes from the service and made a cross on everyone’s forehead!

And finally but not least, congratulations for all your hard work and motivation! You truly deserve the awards, red sash and golden rosette!!!

Have a wonderful weekend!
Mrs Solakova