Half-term already?

The past few weeks have sped by and year 4 has made good use of every minute.

The children finished painting their clay pots in an Ancient Greek style.

In the “Called” topic in RE, the children reflected on the power of the Holy Spirit. They thought of a great collection of adjectives to describe living without the Holy Spirit (slow, sluggish, mean, isolated etc) and acted these out; and they also thought of how to describe life with the Holy Spirit (joyous, helpful, energetic etc) and acted these out.

We have been reading “Jabberwocky” and (most of) the children have loved exploring the “portmanteau” words and reading about the exploits of the characters in the poem. On returning from the week’s break they will continue with writing their own nonsense poems.

Column subtraction is a challenging concept! Everyone has made great progress with it, finishing off a good half-term’s learning about 4-digit numbers.

The children’s understanding of programming, in particular the need for absolute accuracy, is developing well. They have very much enjoyed learning how to use a repeat function and how to use “procedures” to program efficiently.

The class assembly will take place on Thursday 21st November (not Friday 22nd as published in the bulletin).

I hope you all have a relaxing half-term break and look forward to seeing you all on 4th November