Reception – Welcome back!


Hello and welcome back to the last half term of Reception! Hard to believe, isn’t it?
This term is going to be a very busy one! There are lots of exciting things to look forward to: St Albans Cathedral trip, Class assembly, Sports day, Teddy bears picnic and transition morning!
In the next 7 weeks we will continue to observe changes we notice from Spring to Summer and will discuss how to stay safe in the heat. In PE we will mainly be practicing for our sports day. The games we’ve prepared are super fun 🙂

Our Little Wandle journey will continue with phase 4 sounds – longer words, plurals and -ing and -ed ends. The children are getting more and more familiar with how to blend, chunk and read those not so easy words. We will really focus on writing sentences, as the children now have the needed skills to develop that love for writing. Please make sure you practice all tricky words regularly. They will help us build fluency when reading more complicated books.

In Maths we talked about grouping and sharing, made doubles using our doubling machine and discussed odd and even numbers. The children used the fair and unfair sharing skills to identify whether a number is odd or even by sharing into two groups. Using language such as ‘odd’, ‘even’, ‘equal’ and ‘unequal’ prompted the children to make the links to the number of objects they are sharing.

The two groups are equal – that number is even.
The two groups are not equal – the number is odd.

Dates to remember:
Thursday 13th June – Trip to St Albans Cathedral
Friday 14th June – No reading morning
Friday 14th June – Fathers day assembly – Parents welcome

Have a wonderful week!
Mrs Solakova