Nursery – 13.10.2023

Hello Parents/Carers

We are currently exploring the book ‘Elmer’ which the children are really enjoying. We read it every day so the children can become very familiar with the story, the characters and of course new vocabulary. This week the children created some wonderful Elmer pictures to put up on the wall using some very funny things called ‘dotty pens’.

The children have also watched the video below if you would like to take a look at home:

This week we went into the hall for our first PE lesson. The children listened really well and followed instructions and rules of the games we were playing. I know they all enjoyed playing the bean game – maybe you could do it at home.

This week we talked about what God made on day 2 and 3 of creation. The children each had a turn at painting the sea, the land and the sky. Over the next few weeks we will add to it.

In maths this week we have been looking at ‘matching’. What is matching? We played some games to support our understanding this.

Other photos from this week:

On Wednesday the Nursery children will go to their first assembly in the hall – they have been working really hard on learning the words to our Harvest song ‘Thank you for the Harvest’ – I am sure they have been singing it at home. The Harvest assembly is on Wednesday 18th at 2pm, parents welcome.


All children need welly boots that can stay here. The children will be able to go outside during rainy weather as they enjoy splashing in puddles but need their wellies to do this.

Library day is wednesday – please make sure books come in each Wednesday so that the children can pick a new book for the week. Please remember to write a comment to say you have read it.

Have a good weekend.

Miss Taylor