Reception – Our first week!


Hello and Welcome to St. Adrian’s Reception Class! It has been such a lovely week getting to know your children. I feel very lucky to be able to spend this academic year with all of them!

Our week
This week we purely enjoyed each others company, exploring the classroom, finding out where things are and how to put them all away at the end of the day.
The children were very good lining up, waiting for their lunch and then clearing their trays. They were superstars listening to the rules and trying their best!
I am already very proud!

In the classroom we explored the different areas. We were camping with our friends, playing board games and drawing treasure maps. Have a look yourself:

We also did a dinosaur land and cooked yummy cakes:

Outside we enjoyed the lovely weather by playing in the water tray and riding the tuc tuc. What a treat 🙂

Please make sure that your child has a full, named PE uniform, placed in a named school PE bag, as our PE lessons will commence on Tuesday. It would be great to spend some time teaching your children how to be independent dressing and undressing. Of course, myself and Mrs Reid will always be ready to help if needed.

I hope you have an amazing weekend!
looking forward seeing you all next week!
Mrs Solakova