Dear children and parents,
This week we’ve been busy talking about the world around us and understanding the effects of changing seasons on the natural world. We were looking for signs of Spring and painted posters for each season. We talked about the different activities we can do in different times of year and the colours we see. The weather has been brilliant! Crazy changeable weather bringing much excitement and learning!
How snow and hail are different?
Where is the wind coming from?
What makes a rainbow?
This year’s British science week is ‘Change and adapt’ and that opened up lots and lots of discussions about what is means to adapt and how living creatures change in time. We made a giant caterpillar, painted animal boxes and planted some seeds.

We planted beautiful purple gladioli, talking about what the bulbs might need, how to look after them and how long it will take for them to grow. The children had to think about what comes first, second. They used their brilliant phonics skills to write about it 🙂

In our English lessons we continued to read the story ‘Pirates love underpants’ however we are retelling it with our own words. We also made pirate boats and tested if they will float or sink. Why it is floating? Why it is sinking?

In Little Wandle this term we are focusing on phase 4 phonics. That means that we will be learning how to read even longer words like swimming, fantastic and plurals like queens and boxes. We will not be introducing any new digraphs, trigraphs or tricky words. We are also busy mastering fluency even with super long sentences like:

In Maths we learned how to use simple strategies to discuss time and then progress to ordering and sequencing simple events. Next week we will be using calendars to mark off the days leading up to special events and that will help us understand the passing of time. In learning through play the children measured the time by counting how many times they can write their name in 1 min, 3 min and 5 min.
We also talked about length and height. We went out and found different length sticks, then we arranged them in order starting from the shortest and finishing with the longest.

In RE we read the bible story ‘The good Samaritan’.
We discussed questions like: Who is your neighbour? and Why it’s important to be kind? We helped the robbed person by giving him plasters and lots of kindness and care

And finally but not least, congratulations for all your hard work and motivation! You truly deserve the awards, red sash and golden rosette!!!

Have a wonderful weekend!
Mrs Solakova