Lent in Year 4

One of the ways the children in year 4 are becoming closer to God through praying is by leading a short reflection and prayer on each station of the cross every day. For example, today we reflected on Simon of Cyrene helping Jesus carrying the cross and this led to the reflection that there are things in life we don’t always choose or want to do. However, it’s important to accept that they need doing and remember that we can always turn to God for help in completing them.

The children have also explored stations number 10, 11 and 12 by sharing the relevant scripture, painting a watercolour illustrating one of them and them writing a description/explanation of it. The children put a lot of planning and effort into creating some beautiful paintings. They then wrote, at length, about their emotional responses to the scenes. The more we considered the story, the more the children made links and brought in other pieces of scripture which meant something to them, such as the centurion who said, “Surely this man was the son of God”. I am very proud of their creativity and thoughtfulness.