Wrapping up spring 1 in year 4

The children have concluded this half-term with some fantastic writing, particularly their diary entries based on “Cinnamon”. This book really sparked their imaginations and the children still managed to find new things in the book which I hadn’t noticed. ~They have all really enjoyed the netball sessions with some fantastic, fast passing. The Roman topic has been great fun I’ve reminded the children there is still more Roman learning to do in St Albans – for example, visiting the theatre, which I just found out today is the only one now in Britain!

Below are the children with the learning resources we have bought with the very generous cake sale money. Fortunately, the children have positioned all the components of the digestive system correctly! It’s very good to revisit learning from previous topics, to check that the knowledge and understanding have been embedded.

The children also have this model of the ear to help with their understanding of hearing.

The child-friendly map of the Roman Empire has helped the children understand its size and the countries it ruled over.

I have also ordered some more Thesauruses so there is one between two for whenever the children choose to refer to them.

Altogether, these selection of learning resources will help the children learn independently and are things they enjoy using.