The children are enjoying the trim trail. They had their trial on Monday but I’m sorry that no photos were taken.
We have come to the end of “Escape from Pompeii” and I have really enjoyed reading the children’s writing. They are using adventurous and appropriate adjectives and verbs to make their writing detailed and interesting. Keep it up, year 4!
We already have some fantastic entries to the “animal drawing” competition, with the deadline on Wednesday.
In RHE, the children have been learning that we are all different and unique, made that that way by God. One bright, breezy day – without the help of Storm Eowyn – we used the space outside to play a variation of “fruit salad” where we celebrated our similarities and differences – no two children are the same and each is unique, and loved by God.

The RHE learning involves role-play and the children enjoy playing the parts of Sophie and Aidan as we unpick the religious, health and social learning in the topics.

The children love technology and here they are using “data loggers”. In these photos they are recording different levels of sound around the school, as part of the Science topic Sound.

Have a great weekend!