Hello and welcome to another week.
There is lots to share, as we are always busy learning, creating and playing. This week began by exploring a new equipment. It was so much fun doing the obstacle course and playing ‘hot lava’ game. The children did great balancing and maneuvering, making sure they hold on tight. Well done Reception!

Last week in Little Wandle we’ve learnt 4 new digraphs.

The children were reading words with the new digraph and even learning how to spell and write some of them.
We also learnt 3 new tricky words. They are already in your child’s blue book, ready for you to practice at home. The new tricky words are ‘was’, ‘they’ and ‘you’.
This week we learnt 3 new digraph and a trigraph. We played lots of games with the new sounds, so the children can get more and more familiar with them.

The new tricky words for this week are by, my and all.
In Maths we introduced the idea that all numbers are made up of small numbers and that these are referred to as parts. Learning to see a whole number and its parts at the same time is a key development in children’s number sense. We were partitioning a whole number 5 into 2 parts and by using practical activities the children understood that 5 can be 4 and 1, but also 2 and 3.
Understanding of the World
We started to think about how the seasons are slowly beginning to change when we spotted that some of the spring bulbs planted in September are starting to come out. We were very excited and very much looking forward seeing their beautiful blooms!

And finally but not least, congratulations for all your hard work and motivation! You truly deserve the awards, red sash and golden rosette!!!

Have a lovely weekend.
Looking forward seeing you all on Tuesday.
Mrs Solakova