Reception – Busy Week!


Hello children and parents,
This week in Reception was a full on one, with parents consultations, planting spring bulbs, learning 4 new sounds and our first digraph, talking about measure, mass and capacity and of course lots of play and fun games with friends 🙂

In Little Wandle this week we’ve learnt 3 new graphemes and a digraph. The children are getting better and better at remembering the terminology and they already know that a digraph means 2 letters, but one sound!

We also learnt a new tricky word, which you will find in your child’s blue book:

Thank you all so much for all the hard work you are doing with the children at home – We saw some fantastic learning outside of school!

In Maths we were comparing size, mass and capacity. We used lots of mathematical language and learnt how to describe and recognise differences.
Which string is longer? Which string is shorter?

Which object is heavier? How do you know?
Which object is lighter? How do you know?

Would the tall giraffe fit inside the box? Does this container hold more or less? How can you find out?

In RE we had a moment of quiet reflection and talked about what we’ve learnt so far. We all had a turn thinking about what makes us precious. Well, I think the children had great ideas and responded really well showing me how well they have been listening in the last couple of weeks. Here are some of the quotes. Enjoy 🙂

I am precious because I am kind!
I am precious because God loves me!
I am precious because of my family!

It was lovely seeing you all during parents consultations. As always I would like to say thank you for your support and kind words. Here is a copy of our Autumn term home learning grid.
You are welcome to bring any home learning to school or if you prefer you can upload it on Tapestry!

And finally congratulations for all your hard work and motivation! You truly deserve the awards, red sash and golden rosette!!!

Have a lovely weekend and looking forward seeing you all next week!
Mrs Solakova