Nursery – 25.10.24

In RE this week we moved onto our new topic Baptism. We discussed how the children have been welcomed into the St Adrian’s community and the children were excited to talk about the school badge on their jumpers. We made welcome cards and a welcome poster to put up in nursery

After half term we will continue our work on Baptism, it would be lovely to see photos or any other special items from the Nursery children’s own Baptism. This can be a candle, special card, photo, blanket or gown. They will be shared with the class and then safely returned home.

This week we started our Foundation for Phonics lessons, each week we will look at a different initial sound, our initial sound this week was ‘s‘ . In the box there was a snake, scissors, strawberry, sellotape, soup, a scorpion and many many more things. If you find something at home beginning with the ‘s’ sound let us know, upload what you find to Tapestry!

We went back out into the school grounds this week to collect leaves so we could make crowns for today’s assembly. The children have worked really hard for the past two weeks learning the words and actions to ‘Crunching through the leaves’. Well done Nursery for a fantastic performance this morning in front of the entire school, all the staff and lots of lots of grown ups! Thank you again for all the donations.

Other photos this week:

Half Term Activities

Please upload any half term activities to Tapestry so we can share in class.

Reception Applications

Applications open next Friday, 1st November, you can You will also need to complete a supplementary form.

Important Dates

Individual/Sibling photos – Thursday 14th November

Children in Need Day – Friday 15th November

EYFS Nativity Performance – Wednesday 11th December – 10:00AM

Have a lovely half term

MIss Taylor