Thank you for the hats for swimming! And for all your support in sending your children to school with what they need every day. The class is responding really well to the new routines in their new year and settling down to calm, reflective work while showing great independence.
We’ve started the new topics in science, history and art and visited the library for the first time. We’ve made great inroads into place value, using resources to represent numbers to their thousands and also to remember the significance of the all-important place value holder.
We’ve introduced some friendly competition in the class, as the children chose names for their tables. They chose the theme of “gemstones” and debated amongst themselves, on their tables, which name they would like for their table. The classroom door is now beautifully decorated with images associated with St Alban, the year 4 class saint. (Any illustrations which could not fit on the door are in a book to be displayed in the classroom.)
Mrs Newman delivered her first ukelele session and the children can already strum some notes in time.
It was lovely to see so many of you at “meet the teacher”. I’ve put a link to the slides on Google Classroom.
This week’s spellings and Maths activities will be on Google Classroom. Please let me know if you have any queries. Have a great weekend!