Hello children and parents.
I am very excited to share with you some of the lovely things we’ve been doing this week. We began the week by thinking about our class saint and saying a little prayer. We all learnt that Saint Adrian is known as the patron saint of teachers, scholars, and students and that his life and teachings continue to inspire Christians around the world to seek knowledge and promote education, just as he did during his lifetime. We thanked Saint Adrian for helping us learn how to write, sing, dance, make friends, look after God’s world, read and do maths. The children were very helpful in creating a lovely class door!
We are very excited to let you know that we have started our Little Wandle journey and we’ve learnt our first 4 phonemes.
I am impressed by how well the children are learning and engaging in different activities. We are also practising writing the new graphemes, using the phrases that go with each one of them. In your child’s book bag this week you will find a pink folder with some letter formation practice sheets. Please take some time and practise writing them at home. They need to be returned by Thursday for a special home learning class celebration! In the folder you will also find the Autumn 1 list of graphemes.
In RE we talked about God’s love and how we are all precious to him. We also discussed the role of the family in our life and how we are all very special. As part of our topic I would like to ask you to send a photo into school showing your child with their family. We will be talking about how children feel safe and snug when they are with their family and relating this to God’s love for us all.
God says:
You are precious to me. I love you.
I know you.
I know your name. You are my child
And finally congratulations for all your hard work and motivation! You truly deserve the awards, red sash and golden rosette!!!
Have a lovely weekend! Looking forward seeing you all next week.
Mrs Solakova